At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

551 Is there really a god in this world? 【Subscription】

Because the content presented in this fresco is exactly the same as what the old priest said, this proves that the old priest did not lie, and this is indeed a story that has been handed down by their tribe.

This made Professor Aowei and others a little unacceptable. They did not expect such an event to be recorded in a mural. It seems that, more than 2,000 years ago, the old priest and their ancestors really saw the gods. ??

"No, it's impossible, this mural may also be made up!"

"My God, is there really such a thing? Their ancestors really saw the gods more than 2,000 years ago?

"Look, these frescoes are a bit rough, but the content is very clear, which proves that if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, their ancestors couldn't have carved such paintings! 99

"It makes sense. After all, all the tribes we have explored, if there are paintings on the wall "May 63", the records are all true, which is a bit unbelievable!"

"Could there really be gods in this world? They appeared more than two thousand years ago?

Whether it was Professor Aowei or Yang Yuan, everyone in the scientific expedition team had more doubts about such a mysterious incident before them.

At this time, there are more questions that follow!

Did the ancestors of the old priest really see the gods?

If they haven't seen it, how can they portray it?

And do gods really exist?

In this way, when the previous questions have not been answered, there are still more questions.

This made Professor Aowei and others a little at a loss as to how to proceed!

If the records of these murals are true, it proves that the gods are real, such a shocking news will definitely cause an uproar in the world!

At this time, the countless viewers who had been watching the live TV broadcast clearly saw the contents of these murals, and they instantly burst into an uproar, which even caused a huge sensation throughout Europe.

"It's impossible to buy Karma's, these murals are absolutely fake!

"Is there really a mural recorded? Oh my God, it's not true, how is that possible?55

"Gods appeared more than 2,000 years ago? Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"Walter? Not only are there gods, but there are countless sleepers underground? Where did the sleepers come from? Appeared out of thin air? Does he think we'll believe it? These murals alone don't mean anything!"

"Those gods are actually exactly the same as the yellow people. Could it be true that there were yellow people who visited Feizhou more than 2,000 years ago? This is too shocking!! 35

Countless audience members were shocked and questioned, and it was basically difficult to believe the contents recorded on the murals.

Let's not talk about whether there are really any gods, let's just say one thing, that is, how could the yellow people appear on the Feizhou continent more than 2,000 years ago, and the yellow people at that time could never leave the Asian continent, no matter where This is true from every angle, so in the eyes of those European audiences, the content on the murals is not tenable at all, and it is very likely that they were fabricated, or the old priests and their ancestors imagined it out of thin air!

Such an idea appeared in almost every audience's mind.

And Professor Aowei and others in the cave slowly woke up from the shock!

"Kevin, Carter, hurry up, check the quality and age of these murals now and see how many years they have existed!"

"Booker, Reggie, record all the frescoes here at once, nothing can be missed!

"Alan, Andrew, Vika, look around and see if you find anything else!! 25

"Charlie, how about we study these murals together?"

Professor Aowei immediately began to arrange the work of the members of the scientific expedition team, and finally, together with the eldest Charlie, went to further study the murals.

After all, the content of the murals is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is necessary to determine how long these murals have existed!

If it was only portrayed in recent years, it would prove that everything the old priest said was false, or it was a rumor, which was infeasible!

At the same time, Professor Aowei also wants to see if there are other discoveries around, so as to make more arguments!

More than a dozen scientific expedition personnel immediately began to act under the arrangement of Professor Aowei.

Old Atta walked into the old priest and chief, and explained to them the actions of Professor Owe and others, so as not to cause misunderstanding.

Although the old priest and the chief looked a little worried, they didn't say much. They only asked not to damage the frescoes.

Professor Aowei and Professor Charlie started from the beginning together, and touched the murals with their hands from time to time. Obviously, they were also studying carefully..

However, the more they looked, the more shocked they became. As time went on, both Professor Oway and Professor Charlie saw more shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Aowei, this...

Professor Charlie looked at Professor Owei with a strange expression on his face, and wanted to say something in a low voice.

However, Professor Oway shook his head at him: "Charlie, let's see Kevin's test results first!"

Saying that, the two of them walked to Kevin and Carter who were using a machine to check the age of the mural.

"Kevin, Carter, how's it going? Any results?"

After walking over, Professor Aowei immediately inquired about the progress.

Kevin stood up and replied with a strange expression: "Professor, it has been tested. These murals have existed for more than 2,000 years, and they are not new!"



Kevin gave the exact answer.

In fact, when Professor Aowei and Professor Charlie studied carefully just now, they also discovered that these murals indeed have a history of more than 2,000 years, and they cannot be faked!

Such a result seems to prove that what the old priest said is true.

Thinking of this, Professor Aowei couldn't help but became silent with a strange expression on his face!

At this time, all the team members had gathered around, and the photographer's camera had been aimed at Professor Aowei.

When they all learned of the test results in 4.3, they also fell silent.

Now they can be sure that the murals are real, but the contents of the murals are not necessarily true. It is very likely that more than two thousand years ago, the old priests and their ancestors did see something, but it happened when they were recorded. Deviation, or the use of exaggerated forms to record, so these murals were left.

"Are we all wrong? Are there really gods in this world?

Professor Aowei was still a little unacceptable, and all kinds of thoughts kept flashing in his mind!

It's a pity that there is not enough evidence now, and he has denied it all!

If there is really evidence that there are gods in this world, Professor Aowei's three views are likely to be completely destroyed!

And this is what Professor Aowei doesn't want to see!

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