At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

553 Preliminary results, more doubts and shocks! 【Subscription】

As early as when Professor Aowei's scientific expedition team had not set off, their actions this time had already attracted the attention of the scientific expedition circle in Europe.

Not only the scientific research personnel in the circle, but also a lot of relevant experts and scientific research professors are concerned.

Of course, the time of their experts and research professors is very precious, and they have not been paying attention from the beginning, just know the news.

However, after Professor Aowei and the others really entered the virgin forest in Mali, those experts, professors and scholars in Europe slowly turned their attention to the actions of Professor Aowei and others and began to watch live TV.

When they saw the pattern on the wooden sign, it was the first shock of various experts and scholars.

They did not expect that such a strange priest pattern would exist in an ancient tribe that was isolated from the world.

However, the next thing that shocked these experts and scholars was one after another!

First, the natives changed their attitudes because they saw the face of Yang Yuan, then the story told by the old priest, and then the murals that appeared in the cave, all of which shocked the experts and scholars who were paying attention to this incident.

Because the development of things seems to be getting closer to the truth, it seems that what the old priest said is true, and what the old priest led Professor Aowei and others to see is slowly confirming this.

As a result, all kinds of experts and scholars were suddenly in an uproar.

They are all top scientific research scholars or experts in various fields, and they have always been atheists. However, the discovery of Professor Aowei and others seems to be slowly overturning their three views, which makes those experts and scholars accept it. ?

Therefore, after confirming the existence of the previous cave paintings, various experts and scholars began to discuss frantically, and began to turn over various materials for research, trying to find evidence to refute what they saw!

However, when they saw the concrete wall in the depths of the cave that seemed to be standing inside the mountain through live TV, all the experts and scholars widened their eyes and froze in place, as if they had seen a ghost, which made them feel difficult. Confidence, there is even a feeling that the worldview is collapsing.

"Impossible, how is this possible? Concrete walls ∼々?"

"Just kidding? A concrete wall with a thickness of more than three meters would appear in such a place?"

"My God, this concrete wall seems to have existed for thousands of years, if not more, this is definitely not something that the natives could build!

"Crazy, is the world crazy or am I crazy? What did I see? Concrete walls? How is this possible?"

"It seems that this ancient tribe is really hiding a great secret. If it can be discovered, it will surely shock the world. Hurry up, contact Professor Aowei for me, so that they must dig deeper!

Many experts and scholars were shocked when they saw the concrete wall that seemed to have existed for an unknown number of years, as if they had witnessed the unknown side of history, and all became excited. Many experts even immediately. Get people to contact Professor Orway and ask them to dig out more.

At this time, the introduction of reporter Kaelin continued to sound from the live TV broadcast.

"All kinds of audience friends, you must be surprised too? Please continue to pay attention to our scientific expedition this time. Our Professor Aowei and Professor Charlie are carefully studying this concrete wall. I believe that soon There will be results!!"

Reporter Kaelin explained with a smile, and then let the camera refocus on the concrete wall, as well as Professor Aowei and others who were studying.

This time, Professor Aowei and the others seemed to be addicted to it, and they slowly stopped after studying for more than an hour.

But the old priest and the chief were very patient, allowing them to study back and forth with Professor Owe.


Professor Aowei and Professor Charlie both took a long breath and stood up slowly, their faces filled with indescribable expressions.

Apparently, their research already has preliminary results!

The rest of the team members also approached, and the various experts and scholars outside the TV who had been paying attention to the situation on the ground held their breaths, waiting for Professor Aowei to speak.

"Audiences, team members, experts and friends who are watching the live broadcast!!" Professor Aowei first said to the camera, but then stopped suddenly, as if he was organizing the language, and his face was also incomprehensible. The strange look on his face, and then, while countless people waited anxiously, he said with difficulty: "After... After our careful research and testing, we already have a preliminary result!"

"This concrete wall exists because the historical time is not a thousand years, nor two thousand years, but...

"It's... 100 million years!!!

When it came to the end, Professor Aowei's voice seemed to be cut off, and it took a few seconds to say the real result.

Obviously, such an incredible result even made Professor Aowei feel a bit beyond his imagination, so he felt a little difficult when he expressed it, and even his voice was a little hoarse.

Because even Professor Aowei was frightened by such a result. If he hadn't researched the test himself, he wouldn't have believed anything he said!

Hiss...a hundred million years?"

"Impossible, how is this possible?"

"Professor, it's not a mistake, is it?

" this true?

Sure enough, just after Professor Aowei said the preliminary research results, the people around, whether they were security personnel or scientific expedition team members, were all frightened, and involuntarily raised doubts, because they simply could not accept this result. .

If this concrete wall has been around for hundreds of years they can barely accept it, but hundreds of millions of years...isn't that a joke? Concrete was there 100 million years ago?

Can concrete stay rotten for 100 million years?

(Li Wanghao) In any way, those scientific researchers could not really believe this result.

This is just ridiculous and nonsense to them!!

Even if it was a complete fantasy, it made everyone feel as if they were talking about a myth.

If not a myth, how could this concrete wall have existed for hundreds of millions of years?

More than 100 million years ago, let alone concrete, it is estimated that people have not yet appeared. It was the Jurassic era. Who would believe that a group of dinosaurs could make concrete?

Is it possible? Is it real?

Or did gods really exist more than 100 million years ago?

Did they create concrete?

And let the concrete walls exist today?

At this moment, including Professor Aowei, the brains of all the expedition personnel were completely confused!

Such a preliminary result not only failed to explain anything, but brought them even more confusion and shock!

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