At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

554 What power can keep concrete from rot for hundreds of millions of years? 【Subscription】

Just when Professor Aowei pointed at the camera and stated their preliminary research results, all the experts and scholars who were concerned about the matter suddenly burst into an uproar, standing up in shock, and even the whole world started to make a sensation.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible, Aowei must be mistaken!"

"Concrete walls more than 100 million years ago? Professor Aowei is not making an international joke, right? 39

"I waited so long and you made such a joke to me? Do you think I would believe it?"

"Walter? Has it existed for hundreds of millions of years? Is there a mistake? Concrete can remain rotten for hundreds of millions of years?"

"Professor Aowei and the others must have made a mistake in their detection. Maybe it was the natives who confuse us, yes, it must be so!"

All experts and scholars questioned subconsciously after being shocked, and even refuted the results given by Professor Oway, thinking that it must be a mistake!

Such a result is simply challenging their cognition, impacting their three views, and even denying their long-term scientific research, so no one can accept such a result.

At this time, on a global scale, including China, due to the development of the Internet age, a large number of people, experts and scholars have begun to pay attention to this matter. They are all thinking that this is not a live broadcast of a scientific examination at all, but an entertainment program, otherwise such a ridiculous conclusion cannot be reached at all!

Just because of the results of the scientific expedition of Professor Aowei and his party, it caused an uproar around the world, and more people began to pay attention to this scientific expedition, hoping to see if Professor Aowei and others could dig out more I want to know whether the preliminary conclusions they gave can be verified!

At this time, in the depths of the cave, in front of the concrete wall, a strange silence enveloped the place, and everyone didn't know what to say.

After a while, Professor Aowei asked in a low voice, "Is it hard to believe? In fact, I can't believe it, but the results of the research and testing are like this, and there is no error. We have confirmed it countless times, so. .....what are your thoughts?

It's not that there is an error in the test results or instruments, as outside experts and scholars guessed. How could Professor Aowei make such a low-level mistake? He and Professor Charlie and others have repeatedly confirmed it for more than ten times, and finally came to this a result!

Therefore, although Professor Aowei couldn't believe it was true, the test results would not be deceitful, and they had no way to question them, but had to listen to the opinions of other members.

"Professor!" The middle-aged man named Andrew couldn't help but asked: "Let's not say whether this test result is true, just from a simple reality point of view, was there concrete more than 100 million years ago? More than 100 million It was the Jurassic period a few years ago, right? How could there be concrete when no man was born?"

"Yeah, this concrete only appeared in the 18th century, how could it have existed more than 100 million years ago?" Another expedition member named Allen also questioned.

"Yes, if concrete appeared more than 100 million years ago, how did this concrete come from? Who invented it and used it?

"Also, this concrete wall is three meters thick, and if it weren't for modern technology, I can't imagine anyone could have made it!

"Yeah, and concrete can't be stored for more than 100 million years, it's absolutely impossible!99

The rest of the expedition team members also raised doubts!

Of course, this is not to question Professor Orway, but to question the result.

Their work has always been based on the scientific attitude of facts, but now this result has broken their cognition and made them unacceptable at all.

However, Professor Aowei smiled bitterly: "Everyone, I believe that you have also seen our test results, and there is no problem with the instruments, then this proves that the results are true!

"As for why concrete appeared (bbed) more than 100 million years ago, and why there is such a manufacturing technology, I haven't figured it out yet, but I haven't understood it yet, but why did this concrete wall exist for more than 100 million years It hasn't decayed yet, and it's still so well preserved, I've found some clues!"5

"Oh? What's the clue?

Not only the scientific research personnel next to him, but even the experts and professors around the world were stunned, and then their eyes lit up in an instant, and they hurriedly looked at Professor Aowei.

If we can really find evidence or reasons to prove that this concrete wall has been stored for more than 100 million years, it will be of great significance. Everyone understands this, so they are very curious.

"Come and see!" Professor Aowei did not hesitate, and brought everyone to the concrete wall, pointing to some lines on the wall and saying, "Do you think these lines are strange? This is not a natural formation, It was painted by people! 35

"Look carefully, there are various lines on this wall, and all of them are connected.

"So I guess that these mysterious lines are the real reason to keep this concrete wall from decaying for hundreds of millions of years!

Professor Oway finally made such a conclusion!

At this time, Yang Yuan and others were completely attracted by the mysterious lines on the wall. They found that, as Professor Aowei said, these lines are very mysterious, they look very layered, and they are all connected. Only after the break in the wall did the disconnection follow.

Looking at it this way, it is indeed very likely that it is human-made, rather than naturally formed!

From this point of view, it may really be the reason why this concrete wall has not rotted for hundreds of millions of years.

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked!

They think differently, what kind of mysterious power does this mysterious pattern have, and it can keep concrete from rot for hundreds of millions of years!!

They could never have imagined that this was because Ji Han had depicted many circles on it, and even if the sleeping base was damaged, even if more than 100 million years had passed, the sleeping base could still be kept as it was!

However, to all who saw this scene, it seemed extremely mysterious.

At this moment, even though there are a lot of doubts and ideas in my heart, whether it is the scientific research personnel around Professor Aowei or experts and professors around the world, it seems that they can only be forced to accept the conclusions and conjectures given by Professor Aowei, because other than that Besides, they simply don't have a better assertion!

It was only at this moment that even though they were not on the scene, scientific research experts and various scholars all over the world began to desperately search for information and started various discussions and research!

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