At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

562 Undercurrent surging, all parties coveted! 【Subscription】

Heavenly Feather Realm.

Nanzhou, Xuanyue Mountain.

The Xuanyue Mountain Range is another branch of the Chijin Mountains tens of thousands of miles away from the Zijin Mountain. Like the Purple Mountain, the Xuanyue Mountains have more than ten tall peaks, and this is where the Nanzhou Xuanying Gate is located.

In Nanzhou, the Purple Phoenix Sect and the Xuanying Sect are both sects of similar strength, and because their strengths are almost the same, so they are usually quite restrained, with a valley that both sides acquiesce as the boundary, each other does not cross the boundary, and develop independently. their respective believers.

And within a radius of more than 100,000 miles, there are actually two such sects, one is called Baigumen, and the other is called Jinxiazong!

It can be said that within this radius of more than 100,000 miles, the four major sects that were originally the Xuanying Sect formed a four-legged situation.

It's just that now the Purple Phoenix Sect has been destroyed, and even the sect of Zijin Mountain has been swept away, so the four major sects have become the Xuanying Sect, the White Bone Sect and the Jinxia Sect.

At this time, on the top of the Xuanying Gate of the Xuanyue Mountains, a meeting related to the city of rain stepping on the sky is going on.

In the 11 discussion hall, more than a dozen high-level executives with decision-making positions in the Xuanying Gate are all concentrated here.

The head of the Xuanying Gate, Xiaoyue, was sitting in the middle of the seat with the golden sword, and the other dozen or so high-level executives were sitting on both sides.

The more than a dozen high-level practitioners in the Xuanying Sect had the lowest cultivation base, all of them were in the middle stage of God Transformation, while the sect master Xiaoyue was a master in the late stage of fusion, and in terms of high-level strength, it was even slightly stronger than the Purple Phoenix Sect.

At this time, Xiaoyue saw that everyone had arrived, and after slowly scanning the circle, she opened the mouth and said:

"Everyone, do you already know what happened in the Purple Phoenix Sect?"


"Hey, I heard that!"

"We all know it!

More than a dozen high-level executives nodded in response.

In the Xuanying Sect, although their more than ten high-level positions are very unusual, but in the face of the door owner Xiaoyue, no one dares to be contemptuous.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about Xiaoyue's strength in the late stage of the fusion is enough to overwhelm everyone!

Xiaoyue nodded, without showing any expression, just casually ordered: "Let's talk about it, what do you think, and what should we do next?"

Regarding the tragedy that happened in the Purple Phoenix Sect, in fact, the Xuanying Sect was not able to discover it immediately, but it took several days to hear what happened in the Purple Phoenix Sect.

When such a horrifying tragedy just spread, it caused a huge sensation within the radius of more than 100,000 miles.

Who would have thought that the Purple Phoenix Sect, one of the four major sects within a radius of more than 100,000 miles, was actually destroyed.

And this also caused a huge impact on the large and small sects around the Xuanying Sect. For a time, everyone was in danger. The Xuanying Sect and other sects also immediately recalled all the disciples and deacons and began to shrink the defense line.

After all, the forces or masters who can destroy the Purple Phoenix Sect will definitely be able to pose a huge threat to the Xuanying Sect. Therefore, without knowing the truth and knowing the murderer behind the scenes, the practices of the Xuanying Sect and other sects are understandable. It's out of prudence.

For a time, because of the tragedy of the Purple Phoenix Sect, even the other sects were greatly affected, and many people did not dare to leave the mountain gate.

However, more than a month has passed, and during this period of time, nothing unusual has happened, and the murderers imagined by the Xuanyingmen and other sects seem to have completely quieted down.

Faced with such a situation, Xuanyingmen, Baigumen and Jinxiazong naturally would not continue to be overly vigilant, but sent a large number of people to investigate the situation and see how the Purple Phoenix Sect was destroyed.

Then, they got a general message.

That is, there are masters who appeared, only a few people, and then broke the Purple Phoenix Sect's guardian formation in a few breaths, and then completely looted and plundered the Purple Phoenix Sect's station.

These three sects can get the most detailed information.

In addition, the three major sects have also figured out that it was an unknown force that destroyed the Purple Phoenix Sect, and the specific strength is unknown. At present, the forces of this force are stationed in the original Yuan City, which is now Tiantian City.

After receiving this news, the three major sects of Xuanying Sect immediately dispatched various spies to keep an eye on the movement of Stepping Sky City, lest their sects be poisoned.

However, after this period of exploration and surveillance, Xuanyingmen and other sects found that there seems to be no high mountains in Tiantian City. Instead, it is filled with a large number of Jindan stage personnel, which seem to be as many as one million. Among them, the highest cultivation base seems to be It's just the Yuan Ying period.

In addition, Xuanyingmen they did not detect the breath of any other masters.

As a result, although the information may not be really accurate, it also made Xuanyingmen and other sects breathe a sigh of relief.

If the master is not there, then they can rest assured!

However, it is precisely because of this that from the recent beginning, the area around Tiantian City has become surging.

Because Xuanyingmen and other sects have already investigated clearly, the forces that suddenly appeared in Tiantian City are composed of human races, but in their Tianyu Realm, the Tianyu tribe is the real overlord.

Therefore, when thinking that the Purple Phoenix Sect was wiped out by a human race, the senior members of the Xuanying Sect, the White Bone Sect, and the Jinxia Sect felt very unhappy, and even burned with anger!

They don't know how the forces in Stepping Sky City appeared, and they don't know what their true strength is!

However, no one can surpass their Tianyu clan!

Also 563 no one can take action against their Tianyu clan without paying any price!

This is the real idea of ​​Xuanyingmen and other sects!

How could their Heavenly Feather Clan allow those lowly human races to threaten them? Therefore, the three sects of Xuanyingmen began to have strange thoughts on Tiantiancheng.

The most important point is that after the sect of the Purple Phoenix Sect was annihilated, the believers originally controlled by the Purple Phoenix Sect, as well as the properties of the Purple Phoenix Sect, as well as the sites left by the Purple Phoenix Sect, etc., have all become things without owners!

It has also become the coveted fat meat!

No one, nor any power, does not want to increase believers and expand their territory.

And these things left by the Purple Phoenix Sect naturally turned into sweet pastries in an instant. They were strongly coveted by the three sects of Xuanying Sect, especially the countless believers within 100,000 miles. The sects of these sects are staring at them, and they can't wait to grab them all.

However, they were afraid of the forces in Tiantian City. Before they could figure out the true strength of the enemy, the forces of Xuanyingmen did not really start to do it.

Therefore, this is also the real reason why undercurrents have begun to surge near Tiantiancheng recently!

It can be said that, with a little carelessness, the undercurrent may instantly turn into a huge wave, and then completely submerge the city of treading the sky!

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