At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

563 Bluffing, why not do it? 【Subscription】

However, the factions that coveted the cake left by the Purple Phoenix Sect were not only the Xuanying Sect, but also the White Bone Sect and the Jinxia Sect.

Therefore, under the mutual scruples of the three parties, they have not really started to do it, and they are all in the process of further exploration.

Therefore, Xiaoyue, the head of the Xuanying Sect, only asked this question. He wanted to hear the opinions and opinions of the high-level officials and see if there were any good suggestions.

Faced with the question of the door owner Xiaoyue, the first on the lower left, a tall, mighty man with a beard like a steel needle on his face stood up.

The man bowed his hands towards Xiaoyue, and then said:

"Sect Master, in my opinion, we should start as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night!"

"After all, the White Bone Gate and Jinxiazong are also eyeing the tigers. If we can't act first, then our harvest may be greatly reduced! 55

Obviously, this black strong man should belong to the radical group, and his ideas are relatively simple and rude!

When the man's voice just fell, a fair and clean man who looked tall and thin, and a little gentle said with a smile:

"No, no, sect master, I don't think Heihu's suggestion is appropriate! 99

"First of all, have you considered that a force that can easily destroy the Purple Phoenix Sect, if there is no master behind it, I will not believe anything!"

"In addition, although we have not found any signs of masters in Dingyuan City, this cannot be a reason for us to despise this human race!

"Therefore, I think, before we have figured out the true strength of this human race, we can't do it, at least we can't become a first-timer!

Bai Jing man talked freely and expressed his views from several aspects.

However, in the eyes of the black tiger on the opposite side, it was a kind of provocation.

"Bai Yuan, what do you mean?" Heihu roared aggressively.

For a long time, Heihu and Bai Yuan have been very incompatible with each other, and both sides are not used to each other. Therefore, this kind of situation is a normal situation, and everyone is not used to it!

Bai Yuan was as calm as always, he smiled and said: "It's not interesting, just express your own opinions~々!"

After speaking, Bai Yuan sat down without even looking at Heihu.

Heihu gritted his teeth in anger, but he couldn't do anything to Bai Yuan.

A man wearing a feather crown next to the black tiger hurriedly stood up, cupped his hands and said:

"Sect Master, I think we should take a compromise!

This man wearing a feather crown said this, not only to help Bai Yuan and Hei Hu, but also to have his own opinion.

"Oh? How to compromise?"

Xiaoyue leaned forward, obviously interested!

Naturally, the man wearing the feather crown did not dare to betray him, and he replied directly:

"Sect Master, in my opinion, the things left by the Purple Phoenix Sect, especially the countless believers, are too important, and it is a great opportunity for our Xuanying Sect to increase our power and expand our territory, so this is absolutely not to be missed!

"But there were unknown forces blocking it before, and after that, there were Baigumen and Jinxiazong who were eyeing the tigers. If you are a little careless, our Xuanyingmen may follow in the footsteps of the Purple Phoenix Sect!"

"Therefore, I suggest that it is better for our Xuanying Sect to unite with the White Bone Sect and the Jinxia Sect, and take action together, first destroy the human race, and then equally divide the territory and believers left by the Purple Phoenix Sect, what do you think?

When they heard the Yuguan man say that their Xuanying Sect might follow in the footsteps of the Purple Phoenix Sect with a little carelessness, many high-level officials changed their faces slightly, and even the sect master Xiaoyue became a little awe-inspiring.

After listening to the advice of the Yuguan man, the eyes of these high-level executives instantly lit up.

"Wonderful, sect master, Guandao's suggestion is really wonderful. In this way, we don't have to worry about the White Bone Gate and Jinxiazong glaring at the back, and we can also work with our three sects to test the details of the human race's power. , to see if the masters behind them are still in Dingyuan City!"5

"If there are really no masters in Dingyuan City, and the enemy is just bluffing, then we will kill them directly, and then divide the territory and believers, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Another fat man with a chubby figure couldn't help but stand up and express his support for Guan Dao!

"Yes, yes, Lao Guan's suggestion is good, and I agree with it! 35

"Wonderful, I can't think of a better suggestion!"5

"Sect Master, let's do it like this, White Bone Sect and Jinxia Sect can't be left to us alone, so we might as well join forces once!"

"Yeah, the sect master, this way you can reduce some unnecessary losses, why not do it?"

The rest of the senior management immediately followed suit!

In fact, this is also their true thoughts, because the suggestions given by Guan Dao are really good, and they can't think of better suggestions, so they all expressed their support.

Xiaoyue also nodded slightly satisfied at this time: "Well, it's good, since that's the case, let's do as Guandao said, I will contact Jinxiazong at the White Bone Gate, you are responsible for other matters, is it clear? ?"


"Is there any other suggestion then!" Xiaoyue asked as usual.

After asking, he actually wanted to get up, because he felt that there should be no more suggestions.

However, at this time, an ordinary-looking man at the end stood up and said, "Sect Master, I have a different opinion! 99

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the ordinary man in unison.

Xiaoyue paused, then put out the idea of ​​getting up, but looked at the man and asked:

"Oh? Wolf, what do you think?"

The ordinary-looking man's face was indifferent, and he cupped his hands and said:

"Sect Master, Guan Dao's suggestion is really good, but I think we can change the grave a little bit!"

"How to change?

"It's very simple, I also agree with the alliance of the White Bone Gate and the Jinxia Sect, but I think we should not deal with that (Li Wanghao) human race first, but should eat the territory left by the Purple Phoenix Sect first, especially It is those believers who must not be lost!

"We can contact Baigumen and Jinxiazong first, inform us of our plan, and after they agree, we can start action immediately, and take the surrounding territory and believers as quickly as possible!

"This is not only a tentative signal, we can see how the human forces in Dingyuan City will react, and it is also the beginning of action. After all, we can't wait any longer!"

"If the human race forces in Dingyuan City are indifferent to our actions, then it is best, we will take all the sites and believers first, and then do as Guandao said. If the other party responds, then we can also follow the crown in advance. Do what Tao says, we can prepare, what do you think?"5

This ordinary-looking man had a calm expression and talked eloquently, and directly gave a better solution based on Guan Dao's suggestion!

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