At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

565 Conflict broke out, the war is imminent! 【Subscription】

Heavenly Feather Realm, step on Heavenly City.

In the city of stepping on the sky, the millions of troops of the four immortal dynasties still stayed here.

After Ji Han and the others left, according to the instructions of Ji Han and others, the millions of soldiers in Stepping City began to practice with all their strength, and kept a low profile and kept their whereabouts hidden, trying not to leave Stepping City as much as possible.

They did this not only to improve their cultivation as much as possible, to gain more cultivation time, but also to avoid attracting the attention of other sects in Nanzhou for the time being.

Because at this time Ji Han and others were not in Tatian City, and even Wang Ben, Lu Bu and other generals had all left, leaving only one general from the Great Qin Xian-chao left behind.

This general was named Zhang Han, which seemed inconspicuous, but in fact he was also a famous general in the Great Qin Dynasty.

This time, Ying Zheng's general Zhang Han was left behind because someone needed to lead the army of one million in Tiantian City!

And Zhang Han is also the only god-turning cultivator in this Tiantian City at this time!

That's right, it's the period of God Transformation!

During the time when Ji Han and others left, the millions of troops in Tiantian City began to practice frantically. The spiritual energy here is extremely rich. Coupled with the blessing of the large-scale gathering array, every soldier has made great progress. At that time, these millions of soldiers basically broke through to the realm of Nascent Soul, and Zhang Han took advantage of the situation to break through to the stage of spiritual transformation!

However, only one Spirit Transformation Stage is of no use at all. Zhang Han knew that in the Heavenly Feather Realm, a terrifying world where there were many calamities like dogs, and where Mahayana traveled everywhere, he could only be regarded as a slightly bigger ant.

What's more, from the beginning of more than two months, Zhang Han has noticed the undercurrent that began to surging near Tiantian City. He understood that this was the fact that the sect forces near the Purple Phoenix Sect had already reacted, and began to extend their tentacles to them to test them. .

Today, such temptations have even become blatant!

Just near Tiantian City, since yesterday, there have been many inexplicable figures!

Obviously, they have been targeted, and it seems that the surrounding sect forces have begun to investigate them!

Zhang Han even believed that if it wasn't for the fact that the annihilation of the Purple Phoenix Sect was too terrifying, and the enemy was dreading them, maybe there would not be an undercurrent surging around, but a direct slaughter!

The people around are all birdmen from the Tianyu clan. They didn't dare to approach Tiantiancheng before. Recently, especially since yesterday, several birdmen began to approach the city wall of Tianyu city from time to time, as if they wanted to investigate the city. Reality in Heavenly City!

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Han naturally responded, and he would not let the birdmen of the Tianyu clan step on their heads!

Therefore, Zhang Han not only arranged a large number of manpower on the four sides of the city wall, but also issued a death order. Any enemy who dared to approach the city wall within two kilometers will be bombed and killed!

Whether using a specially-made siege crossbow engraved with a magic circle or using heavy artillery, they have enough means to deal with those birdmen who want to get close to the probe.

As long as it's not a bird man whose cultivation base has reached the god-transforming stage, it can basically be done in one shot!

If one cannon is not enough, send a few more shots and a few more secret-made crossbows to ensure that all the birdmen within a radius of two kilometers will be wiped out!

At this time, Zhang Han was leading people to patrol the city wall. He looked at more and more bird figures outside the city, and then felt the oppression of the coming wind and rain, Zhang Han couldn't help but look solemn.

"I don't know when the Immortal Master and His Majesty will come back!!"

Zhang Han sighed slightly, but his expression immediately became firm again.

He didn't know when Ji Han and the others would come, but he knew that when Ji Han and the others were not in Tiantian City, he was the backbone of the place. He had to support everything here, and then wait for Ji Han and the others to arrive.

Once Zhang Han showed a cowardly look, it would definitely be a fatal blow to the morale of the millions of troops!

Therefore, every time he visited a place, Zhang Han would shout: "My sons, all cheer up and stay steady, the Immortal Master and His Majesty will return soon, and then it is time for us to sweep the Tianyu Realm! "

For boosting morale, Zhang Han naturally has his own way!

And the millions of soldiers under him naturally responded, and there was no fear at all in their demeanor!

"General, there are three birdmen approaching right in front of you, please instruct!

Suddenly, a soldier interrupted Zhang Han's thoughts!

A cold light flashed across Zhang Han's eyes, and he immediately looked straight ahead.

Sure enough, in the distance, the figures of three birdmen are rapidly enlarging, and it is obvious that the speed of approaching is not slow!

"Hehe, there are people who are not afraid of death!

"Come on, the artillery is ready, the crossbow is ready, listen to my orders!

Zhang Han sneered and gave the order directly.

Since these birdmen dared to approach, Zhang Han naturally wanted to teach them a profound lesson.

・・For flowers.......

Although he also understands that there are no masters in the city now, and they are already being targeted by the enemy, they will never go out, and delaying time is the best way, but Zhang Han is not willing to be unresponsive, at least a proper counterattack will be against the enemy. Create a certain deterrent!

Following Zhang Han's order, the soldiers who went out got ready one after another.

Soon, after a few breaths, the three birdmen had appeared two kilometers away.

"Get ready! 35

Zhang Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and he waved his hand violently: "Let's go!""

Boom boom boom!!!

Whoosh whoosh!!!

More than ten rounds of heavy artillery shells and more than ten secretly made crossbows blasted towards the three birdmen who were constantly approaching.


The three birdmen who were about to approach the city wall of Stepping Heaven suddenly changed their faces when they saw this scene, and then the whole person was like falling into an ice cave, because they had been locked firmly, and even created a kind of way that they couldn't escape no matter how they hided. a feeling of.


When the first birdman subconsciously wanted to shout a warning, then dodged to the side.

But the birdman only shouted the first word, and the figure that was flying forward suddenly stopped, and those cannonballs and magic crossbows slammed on the three birdmen!


In mid-air, a violent explosion suddenly erupted!

The boom resounded all around!

Three huge fire groups appeared out of nowhere in the mid-air, and there were also several extremely miserable mourning sounds.

However, the screams seemed extremely short-lived, as if someone had strangled their throat as soon as they made the sound, and then swallowed all the rest of the sound.

Obviously, these three birdmen of the mediocre Jindan stage were completely unable to withstand the power of artillery and magic crossbows, and could not even dodge dodge.

Such a huge movement instantly attracted the attention of all the Tianyu people within dozens of miles around.

At this moment, including the three sect masters of Xiaoyue, they immediately turned their attention to the place where the explosion sounded.

When seeing the three clansmen being bombarded into ashes, the faces of Xiaoyue and the three immediately sank.

Not only because the enemy dared to fight back because of an accident, but also because of the death of the people in the door!

Conflict, under the guidance of intention... broke out! Beg.

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