At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

566 Little tricks of carving insects, arrogance! 【Subscription】

"Damn, how dare these lowly human races??"

"They are courting death, hurry up and call someone!!"

"Notify the elders and deacons, hurry!! 39

"The lowly human race dares to kill our Tianyu clan, they are finished!!

The three of Xiaoyue, who were in the high sky in the distance, had not expressed their position yet, and the spies around Tiantian City immediately boiled.

All the surrounding Tianyu clansmen looked at Tiantiancheng with righteous indignation, their eyes were full of murderous intent and anger, and they could not wait to push down Tiantiancheng immediately!

They thought so, and they were ready to do so!

Whoosh whoosh!!

Hundreds of Tianyu people began to approach Tiantiancheng, and they seemed to be completely unafraid of Tiantiancheng's artillery and crossbow!

Because among the subordinates sent by Xiaoyue three people, not only Jindan or Nascent Soul's cultivation base, there are also several elders of the spirit transformation period!

Sure enough, in three directions, the three "five seven seven" elders of the divine stage each brought dozens of disciples and began to approach quickly!

They didn't dare to be so blatant before, but now they still have an excuse.

The three sects of Xuanyingmen are obviously going to put their provocation on the bright side, and this is what Xiaoyue and the others have acquiesced in!

"General, there are enemies approaching right in front and on the left and right flanks, please instruct!"

The soldiers who were in charge of observing the surrounding situation immediately reported to Zhang Han!

In fact, there is no need to report, Zhang Han has also discovered the undisguised traces of the enemy, as well as the constant fear and maliciousness.

"Since they want to try the fineness of our Heavenly City, let them come!"

Zhang Han's face was full of murderous aura, and his eyes were filled with cold light.

Since Ji Han and Ying Zheng and the others are not here, then Zhang Han must carry the banner of the four immortal dynasties, and he must not be humiliated by foreign races, and he must not lose when stepping on the city of heaven!


"All ready!!

The soldiers on the city wall roared together, and looked at the enemy with murderous expressions.

"Presumptuous, mere lowly people, dare to kill my Tianyu people!"

"Bitch, you must give us an explanation today!"

"Blood for blood, you wait to die!!

The three people from the Tianyu Clan of the God Transformation Stage roared as they approached quickly!

Today, they must figure out the details of this Heaven-Taking City!

However, Zhang Han was too lazy to answer, his face was full of coldness, and when he saw that the enemy had entered within two kilometers, he suddenly waved his right hand!

"Let me go!!

Boom boom boom!!

Whoosh whoosh!!

Hundreds of heavy artillery shells and hundreds of secretly made crossbows blasted towards the three god-transforming birdmen!

The momentum was extremely huge, and the terrifying pressure directly shrouded it, completely locking the three god-transforming birdmen and the disciples they brought!

"Good day!! 99

The big black man on the left laughed wildly, and his hands slammed forward, as if he was about to grab all the shells!

"Hehe, little trick of carving insects!!

The slender birdman on the right fanned his wings wildly, and then a dense feathery sword qi suddenly appeared in the void in front of him, and instantly shot towards the cannonball and the magic crossbow.

"Death to me!!"

As for the god-turning birdman on the front, he took out a weapon in the shape of a black sword and slashed towards the bombarding shells.

The three god-transforming birdmen used their methods to completely suppress the arrogance of these human races.


It's a long story, but it actually happened in a short period of time.

The offensive of the three god-turning birdmen instantly collided with hundreds of artillery shells and the crossbow. A scream resounded in the air, and then the firelight fell to the ground like a falling meteor.


The three god-transforming birdmen broke through the firelight and gunpowder at the same time, and continued to approach Tiantian City unscathed.

Obviously, with the cultivation of these three god-transforming birdmen, they could easily resist the bombardment of artillery fire and magic crossbow!

But behind them, the original hundreds of people disappeared.

It seems that although these three god-turning birdmen were able to resist the artillery fire, they couldn't take care of the disciples around them, so that half of the disciples of Nascent Soul and below were smashed to pieces!

"Damn, I'm going to wash your city with blood!!"

The big black man on the left was so angry that he roared up to the sky, his flying speed increased sharply, and he seemed to want to go into the city for a bloodbath!

"No one can save you, what we said at the White Bone Gate!!"

The one on the right, who was thin and looked extremely ferocious, shouted loudly and started to accelerate at the same time.

In addition, the god-turning bird man holding a black big sword looked gloomy and cold, just shouted the word "kill" and rushed away.

Zhang Han couldn't help his eyes shrink when he saw that the three birdmen of the God Transformation stage actually withstood the bombardment of the artillery fire unscathed.

Obviously, after the cultivation base reaches the God Transformation stage, it is indeed difficult for ordinary shells to threaten them!

But Zhang Han was too lazy to say more, and waved his hand:

"Go on, give me a bang!!

Boom boom boom!!

Wave after wave of shells, as well as the continuous secret-made crossbow, began to bombard the three waves of enemies.

If one wave can't kill you, then more waves!!

Just a few hundred people and three birdmen in the god-transforming stage want to break through the defense line of their stepping on the city, it is a dream!

The soldiers on the city wall were also ruthless, and they kept firing wildly!!

After seeing this scene, the three birdmen in the god-transforming stage of the black and strong man immediately twitched their eyelids, and the disciples around them were even more frightened and their faces changed dramatically.

However, after being locked, they can't escape if they want to hide, they have no choice but to fight hard!

"Hide behind me, hurry up!!"

The three god-transforming birdmen roared in unison!

All the disciples around them hid behind the three gods, and at the same time tried their best to use all their abilities, in order to be able to withstand the enemy's offensive!

The rumbling sound continued, and this time it did not stop for a short time, but continued to resound throughout the entire sky!

"Damn, have the ability to go out to fight 4.3!!

"Elder, save me, elder!


"Ah... I'm so pissed off, you lowly humans!!"

Within the range shrouded in firelight and gunpowder smoke, all kinds of roars and screams continued to come out!

Obviously, the three God Transformation Stages were all trying their best to resist the bombardment of the artillery fire, but the disciples behind them were constantly being smashed to pieces, and they couldn't really resist it at all.

The cannonballs rang out one after another, and there was no pause in the loud bang.

Seeing this terrifying scene, the people of the Tianyu clan who were farther away suddenly turned gloomy, but they did not dare to move forward rashly.

The attack on Tiantiancheng lasted for more than ten minutes before it slowly stopped!

When the offensive stopped and the smoke of gunpowder disappeared, in mid-air, except for the three god-transforming birdmen who were in a state of embarrassment, the rest of the birdmen were completely wiped out and ceased to exist!

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