At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

567 You guys, have you figured out how to die? 【Subscription】

The power of the artillery fire and the secret-made crossbow is vividly displayed at this moment!

The birdmen in the Tianyu Realm have obviously never seen what an artillery is, nor do they know the power of an artillery!

Therefore, this wave of artillery fire slammed into pieces, directly blasting hundreds of birdmen below the Nascent Soul stage to ashes, and not even the slag was left!

The three god-transforming birdmen of the black and strong man were also in a state of embarrassment at the moment.

If it wasn't for their strong cultivation, they would have been cracked in the face of the bombardment for more than ten minutes!

However, at this time, although the three god-turning birdmen didn't seem to have suffered much damage, they were already furious, and their eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Damn human race, I want you all to pay for your life!!

"Okay, fine, you guys... all die!!"

"I, Buck, will never give up until the city has been washed with blood!!

The three god-transforming birdmen gritted their teeth and let out ruthless words, their expressions so gloomy and cold that they seemed to be able to drop ice scum!

At the same time, the three birdmen were trembling with anger, looking at Zhang Han and the others as if they looked like a pile of dead people!

No one has ever brought them such great insults and injuries. In the Tianyu Realm, they have always regarded the human race as a lowly animal, and only assigned them the power of faith. Apart from that, no human race dared to treat them. There is no disrespect.

But this time, they were not only blocked, but also got hundreds of disciples for it. How could the three birdmen in the God Transformation stage of the black strong man be able to bear it?

"Roar!! 35

All of a sudden, the three god-transforming birdmen of the black and strong man suddenly roared in unison, and let out a long howl!!

All of a sudden, the three divine auras burst out with all their strength, and at the same time, the three roars turned into a sky-shattering roar, resounding for a hundred miles.

Obviously, the three birdmen of the black and strong man had received the same instruction in advance, because although they were extremely furious, they did not continue to charge forward, but instead screamed in the sky.

And this roar and roar should be the signal they sent to the outside world!!

Sure enough, after the long whistling, the three birdmen of the god-transforming stage of the black and strong man gave Tiancheng a hateful look with cold and furious eyes, and then stepped back a long distance in a decisive and tacit understanding.

And just when they just retreated, within a radius of hundreds of miles around Tiantian City, countless breaths suddenly emerged. These breaths seemed extremely mixed, but they were mixed with hundreds of things that made Zhang Handu feel pressure and even suffocated. The breath of the sky made the hundreds of miles in the city of stepping on the sky seem to boil.

Obviously, after almost nibbling away the territory left by the Purple Phoenix Sect, the three sects, the Xuanying Sect, the White Bone Sect, and the Jinxia Sect, still couldn't help but stretch out their claws on the Heavenly Stepping City.

In other words, the three sects of them have united, and they already have the confidence and courage to deal with the city of stepping on the sky!

Xiaoyue and the others firmly believed that even if the master who wiped out the Purple Phoenix Sect really appeared, they didn't need to be afraid!

Whoosh whoosh!!


That long howl really is a shaking signal!!

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, the disciples of the three sect forces who were already prepared, suddenly approached Tiantian City at a rapid speed.

For a time, the atmosphere around Tiantian City oscillated, as if it were boiling, completely surrounding Tiantian City in the middle of this vortex!

"Damn, these birdmen are really ready!!

After Zhang Han saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and he cursed fiercely.

The millions of soldiers who stepped on the city wall of Tiantian City could not help but clench their weapons at this time, because they knew that this was a fierce battle, and it was the most powerful enemy they had encountered so far!

Because there are three powerful sects comparable to the Purple Phoenix Sect, although Zhang Han and the others don’t know it yet, but feeling the powerful aura that keeps appearing around them and the dense dark shadows, the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties know that, They have no way out!!

The sound of breaking the air continued to sound, and a large number of Tianyu people kept approaching Tiantiancheng from a distance!

Obviously, this time, the three sects of the Xuanying Sect should have sent most of their sect forces to try to completely wipe the Heaven-Taking City from the Heavenly Feather Realm.

"Haha, despicable human race, you... have you figured out how to die?

"I will burn your souls in the fire of karma for a thousand years!!"

"Come on, haha, come on, come on, today this city will be flat, I Buck said!!

After feeling the arrival of their reinforcements, the three of Buck burst into laughter, looking hideous and bloodthirsty!

In just a moment, countless Tianyu people appeared in the mid-air near Tatian City, and completely surrounded Tatian City.

This time, Zhang Han did not rashly order to fire, but stared at the enemy outside the city, issued a few orders from time to time, and mobilized all the millions of soldiers at the same time.

Zhang Han also knew that they would not be able to delay the time any longer. If this battle could not be sustained, then the city of stepping on the sky would be destroyed today. If they are completely removed, all their previous efforts will be lost!

Such a result was obviously unbearable for Zhang Han, and he absolutely did not want to see it.

If Tiantiancheng was really removed, Zhang Han couldn't believe how disappointed Immortal Master and His Majesty would be.

Therefore, Zhang Han is very aware of how heavy the burden on his shoulders is now!

But he had no choice, he had to carry the burden, no matter how heavy it was!

577 Not only Zhang Han, but the million soldiers of the four immortal dynasties also understood this fact. Therefore, the eyes of these million soldiers showed fearless and bloodthirsty light at this time, and their faces were full of determination and fearlessness.

The four immortal dynasties have grown from weak to strong, and they have experienced hundreds of battles and are fearless. No matter what kind of enemy they face, they can only move forward and never retreat!

This is the spirit that the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties have after going through countless wars!

Moreover, they believe that the Immortal Master and their Majesty will never give up on them, and they will definitely be able to stick to the Immortal Master's arrival!

Once the Immortal Master returns, no matter how many birdmen come, they must kneel!

This is the consensus of all the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties, and it is also their belief!!

Without Immortal Master Ji Han, they would not have been able to get to where they are today, nor did they know that the world would be so exciting, and it was even more impossible for them to step into the unknown big world like Tianyujie.

Therefore, guarding the city of stepping on the sky and striving to protect the foundation of the four immortal dynasties in the Tianyu Realm are the most powerful persistence in the hearts of all soldiers!


Watching countless birdmen besieged, Zhang Han not only had no fear, but instead burst into arrogance and roared abruptly to the sky.

"Battle Fight!!!"

The millions of soldiers on the four walls immediately followed and roared wildly!!.

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