At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

575 Misunderstanding? Don't even try to escape! 【Subscription】

Originally, Lu Bu didn't make a move, not because he didn't want to make a move, but was waiting for the final trump card of Xuanying Sect to appear.

Lu Bu knew very well that among these immortal cultivator sects in the Tianyu Realm, there was definitely more than just the strength displayed on the surface, there must be a more powerful trump card hidden behind.

And Lu Bu had been waiting quietly before!

Obviously, Lu Bu waited!

There are actually three ancestor-level characters in Xuanyingmen, this should be the last card of Xuanyingmen!

"Haha, since it's out, let's accompany - Ben to play!"

Lu Bu laughed wildly and rushed towards Cang Yue with an irresistible momentum!

And Wanhuang and Griffin were intercepted by Xu Zhu and another Heavenly Immortal soldier!

With the destruction of the Xuanying Gate imminent, how could Lu Bu and the others allow the appearance of disruptors?

Lu Bu had a smirk on his face, and his speed was so fast that he carried his left hand on his back, just stretched out his right hand, spread his five fingers, and grabbed towards Cang Yue.

Originally, when he saw Lu Bu's appearance, and his aura was astonishing, even Cang Yue couldn't help being taken aback, but when he saw Lu Bu's arrogant gesture with one hand, he immediately became angry.

"Presumptuous, you are courting death!!

Cang Yue shouted angrily, his wings slightly flapped, and the whole person appeared in front of Lu Bu like a teleportation, and then grabbed out with his claws, he actually chose to be tough!

"Haha, good time!! 35

Lu Bu seemed to be laughing, but in fact his eyes were extremely cold, and looking at Cang Yue was like looking at a dead man.

Cang Yue's expression changed when his eyes met Lu Bu's. Before he could understand what it meant, an unstoppable terrifying force spread from Lu Bu's right hand to Cang Yue's claws.


Cang Yue's complexion changed dramatically, as the two sides collided, a loud bang came out, Cang Yue spurted a mouthful of blood, his face instantly turned extremely pale, and his whole body was directly smashed and flew out.


Cang Yue's slender figure fell directly to the ground, completely smashing a loft, and then Cang Yue uncontrollably spewed a large mouthful of blood again, and his whole body instantly slumped.

At the same time, Wan Huang and Gripen Lion, like Cang Yue, were directly beaten and flew out. Not only were they seriously injured, they also vomited blood!!

Obviously, they completely underestimated the strength of Lu Bu and others.

In other words, Lu Bu and the others didn't really show their strength, what they showed was just the tip of the iceberg.

However, even so, it was enough to easily crush the three Cang Yue.

You must know that as the ancestors of the Xuanying Sect, the three Cang Yue are all characters in the peak of the Mahayana realm, and they have been retreating and cultivating in order to break through the bottleneck of the immortals, thus advancing from the Mahayana to the realm of the primordial immortals.

Once advanced to the realm of Yuanxian, it is completely the difference between heaven and earth.

However, Cang Yue and the three of them don't want to say that they hope to advance to the realm of Yuanxian. Although they are at the peak of the Mahayana cultivation base, they can't even resist a casual blow from Lu Bu and the others, and their lives are already at risk.


"You... who are you?

"The dignified Yuan Xianzun actually shot at our Xuanyingmen, you... poof...

Cang Yue struggled to get up, and his heart was already terrified. Looking at Lu Bu and the others, and then looking at Wan Huang and the two, Cang Yue couldn't help but grit his teeth and question.

However, due to the serious injury, Cang Yue spat out two more mouthfuls of blood without saying a word, and his face became even paler.

Wanhuang and Gingershi also looked at Lu Bu and the others with horror on their faces. They didn't realize until this moment that the enemy in front of them was not something they could compete with, and they had at least reached the realm of Yuanxian.

"Haha, you guessed it right!"

Lu Bu's eyes moved slightly, then he laughed loudly, and his body suddenly released a more terrifying aura than before.

It's just that Cang Yue didn't know that Lu Bu was teasing him. What kind of primordial immortal was he, he was clearly a golden immortal!

However, so many primordial immortals were enough to make Cang Yue three people startled and inexplicable.

Before waiting for Cang Yue and the three to react, Lu Bu sneered: "Hey, did you take action against you Xuanyingmen? That's because you can see it, not to mention, you first took action against us!! 99

"What? Shooting at you? It's impossible, there must be some misunderstanding!! 27

Cang Yue was shocked after hearing Lu Bu's words, and then he immediately defended loudly, trying to ease the relationship between the two parties.

Because Cang Yue understands that the enemy is strong and the enemy is weak at the moment, even if the hatred between them has been deeply planted, but if the Xuan Ying Sect can save a trace of vitality, Cang Yue would rather put down his face and ask for peace in a low voice.

··For flowers..

However, Lu Bu, Xu Zhu and the others suddenly burst into laughter as if they heard some big joke.

The faces of Cang Yue and the others were pale and gloomy, and they looked extremely ugly.

But they did not dare to act rashly, because they already knew the huge gap between the two sides.


After Lu Bu laughed wildly for a while, he stopped abruptly, suddenly looked at Cang Yue with extremely indifferent eyes, and sneered:

"Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding. Today we only have one purpose, and that is to completely destroy your Xuanying Sect. Don't even try to escape!!""

While speaking, Lu Bu and the others had already firmly locked on the Cang Yue three people to prove that Lu Bu was not joking.

"Too deceiving!

"I want to see, what did you guys use to destroy my Xuanying Sect today!!

Cang Yue was trembling with anger, he gritted his teeth, his eyes were cold, and he seemed to have made a decision.

The three of Cang Yue already understood that today, it is impossible for the two sides to be kind. Since this is the case, they can only fight to the death.


A gigantic aura suddenly erupted from Cang Yue's severely wounded body and shot straight into the sky, and Cang Yue's face returned strangely to his youthful appearance.

At the same time, Wanhuang and Gryphon have undergone the exact same changes.

However, Lu Bu and the others did not try to stop them, and instead let the three of Cang Yue use it.

Because they not only have absolute self-confidence, but also want to see what the Tianyu Clan's means of pressing the bottom of the box are. Only by finding out the methods of the Tianyu people will they not be caught off guard in the future.

And the figures of Cang Yue and the three suddenly swelled up in the next moment, and then directly sacrificed their own terrifying demon body.

Cang Yue directly transformed into a giant white-headed bird with a size of ten feet, with its wings slightly spread, like a demon.

Wanhuang turned into a strange giant bird with a sarcoid on its chin, also about ten feet in size.

The griffin turned into a half-black and half-white head, with a pointed beak and a huge beak, with dense black hair growing on its face, just like a lion.

At this moment, the three of Cang Yue, knowing that they were defeated, directly took out their own means of pressing the bottom of the box and turned into three terrifying giant monsters!! Beggar.

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