At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

576 This is your trump card? It's ridiculous! [Subscribe]

"Tsk tsk, is this the trump card of these birdmen?"

"Incarnation of a giant monster? It's interesting!

"The breath has skyrocketed a lot, but if it's just like this, I'm too disappointed!

"Hehe, let's see, let's see what tricks they can come up with!

Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and the others watched the changes of Cang Yue and the others. Not only were they not shocked, but they were pointing and pointing at the side like a melon eater. Looking at Cang Yue and the others was like watching monkeys play, not at all. Fight with people.

They were not worried at all, and they were not in a hurry. Instead, they gave Cang Yue and the three people enough time to exert themselves.

In addition, the heart-piercing words of Lu Bu and the others continued to reach the ears of Cang Yue and the others, which almost made them explode with anger.

"Hope you'll be able to laugh again later, lowly ants!!

The giant demon incarnated by Cang Yue looked at Lu Bu and the others with eyes full of killing intent and cold "May Seven Seven".

Wan Huang also sneered at this time:

"An ant is an ant, and arrogance has to pay the price!!"


Before Lu Bu and the others could respond, the three of Cang Yue suddenly roared into the sky at the end of their transformation, and their aura exploded, completely revealing their cultivation realm after transforming into a monster body to Lu Bu and the others.

At the same time, after the auras of the three of them broke out completely, in the holy land behind them, three auras that were no weaker than the three of Cang Yue suddenly appeared again.


Whoosh whoosh!!!

With a loud bang, the sacred place of Xuanying Gate exploded completely, and then, three huge streamers wrapped three weapons of different shapes and shot towards Cang Yue and the three of them, and the Qi machine was firmly locked in Cang Yue. on three people.

Obviously, the three of Cang Yue should have taken advantage of the skyrocketing aura to pull over the three sacred artifacts stored in their holy land!

Seeing this scene, Lu Bu and the others could not help but narrow their eyes, but they didn't make a move to intercept it.

I saw that the three gigantic streamers were as fast as lightning, and they came to the three of Cang Yue in an instant.

Lu Bu and the others immediately looked over and saw three weapons with simple shapes.

In front of Cang Yue was a sharp sword, the body was about four fingers wide, the hilt was slender, and the hilt was cut without a handguard.

Suspended in front of Wanhuang was a long sword, the body was about two meters long, with complicated and incomprehensible patterns on both sides, the handle was thick and short, but the guards were like two wings, which looked extremely domineering.

And suspended in front of the eagle lion is a palm-sized token. The token is engraved with the appearance of various giant monsters. The whole token exudes glorious power, as if it represents the entire Xuanying Gate!

These three weapons are not only simple in shape, but have already shown extremely terrifying aura as soon as they appeared, and at a glance, they knew that their power must be extremely amazing.

Cang Yue and the three were overjoyed when they pulled out the three sacred artifacts. The three of them stretched out their huge claws and slammed into the weapons floating in front of them.


With the sacred artifact in their hands, Cang Yue and the others couldn't help roaring with excitement, and at the same time, their eyes turned even more bloodthirsty and cold when they looked at Lu Bu and the others.

The three of Cang Yue stopped talking. After holding the holy weapon, their aura skyrocketed again, and their monster bodies became even bigger.

"Suffer to death, vile ants!!


Cang Yue and the others no longer hesitated after their breaths reached their peak, and they resolutely gathered their whole body to cultivate, and then slammed the holy weapon in their hands towards Lu Bu and the others.

The simple and sharp sword in Cang Yue's hand was infused with spiritual energy and suddenly soared, becoming the size of a door, and slashed towards Lu Bu with a terrifying momentum.

The same is true for the long sword in Wanhuang's hand, and his target is Zhang Fei!

The token in the hands of the griffin was instantly magnified by a hundred times, madly pressing towards Xu Zhu.


Before they approached Lu Bu and the others, the sacred artifact in the hands of Cang Yue and the others had already erupted with great power, and the spiritual energy in this world was madly stirred and squeezed towards Lu Bu and the others.

This blow has vaguely reached the threshold of the Primordial Immortal Realm, and it is more than ten times stronger than the original strength of the three Cang Yue!

However, the three of Lu Bu all sneered as they quietly watched Cang Yue approach.

When the attack of the three of Cang Yue was about to come, Lu Bu and the three stretched out their right hand in an incomparable tacit understanding, and then slowly pressed the palm towards the three of Cang Yue.

Silently, and without any fluctuations in cultivation, the three of Cang Yue seemed to see three insurmountable mountains, with endless terror, pressing towards them.

"Do not!!""

The ferocious expressions on Cang Yue's three people's faces instantly solidified, and turned into endless panic, and they couldn't help roaring in despair.

They really could not have imagined that they turned into a demon body and sacrificed the sacred weapon in the door, but they were still completely unable to resist the casual blow of the enemy in front of them.


Before Cang Yue and the others had finished their thoughts, the palms of Lu Bu and the others were already lightly pressed on the three sacred artifacts, and then a loud noise broke out in an instant.

The three gigantic figures suddenly flew out in the next moment, just like before, not only did their aura wilt in an instant, but they also smashed all the remaining golden palace buildings in Xuanyingmen.

"Puff puff!!

The blood of Cang Yue's three people spurted out as if they didn't want money, and there were countless wounds on their bodies, which looked extremely miserable.

Lu Bu shook his head: "It's still so weak!"

Zhang Fei sneered: "I'm so disappointed!""

Xu Zhu looked unhappy: "That's it?

The three of them seemed very disappointed. They had waited so long for the hole card, but the result failed to satisfy them.


The three of Cang Yue struggled to get up, looking at Lu Bu and the others with boundless horror in their eyes, as if they had seen a god and demon.

At this moment, all their arrogance and trump cards were smashed into pieces, and the gap between the two sides was almost invisible.

However, Lu Bu didn't care what the three of Cang Yue thought, he looked down and said:

"Any more cards? If not, then you have no value and can go to hell!"

With the attack just now, the three of Lu Bu could completely obliterate the three of Cang Yue directly, but they didn't, because they wanted to see if the so-called Tianyu Clan had more powerful cards.

The difference in strength between the two of them was unreasonably large, but the three of Cang Yue didn't understand this until this moment.

The reason why they kept the lives of the three of Cang Yue until now was also for this purpose.

If the three of Cang Yue really don't have any trump cards, then they will naturally lose their due value, and they don't need to live in this world anymore!

At this moment, Cang Yue and the others clearly felt that death was only a tiny distance away from them!

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