At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

577 Dilemma, this is the real power of faith! 【Subscription】

"Cough cough..."

The huge monster bodies of the three of Cang Yue are still coughing up blood!

However, after feeling the danger of death, the three of Cang Yue looked at each other silently.

Then, regardless of their injuries, the three of them reluctantly waved their wings and flew into the air again.

A large amount of blood was dripping from the three of them, but the three of Cang Yue had not realized it.

They understand that if they don't come up with the last resort, their Xuanying Gate will completely become history today!

"You forced it!! 35

Cang Yue looked at Lu Bu and the others coldly, but his expression strangely returned to calm!

The same is true for Wanhuang and Gripen, their eyes suddenly became extremely indifferent, just like the gods looking down on ants, there is no anger, no hatred, only endless indifference!


The three of Cang Yue took a deep breath at the same time!


An invisible wave suddenly centered on Cang Yue and the three of them spread wildly around, and instantly spread this wave for thousands of miles.


There seemed to be a flash of thunder in the bodies of Cang Yue and the three of them, and then the breath of the three of them suddenly surged wildly again with incredible momentum.

At the same time, the three of Cang Yue began to exude a very special charm, as if a special power began to bless them, and this was the reason why the three Cang Yue auras soared.

"what is this?

Lu Bu and the others frowned slightly, a little puzzled, but they couldn't see the details.

However, the injuries on Cang Yue's body at this time actually improved by half, and at the same time Cang Yue looked at Lu Bu with extremely indifferent eyes:

"Since you want to see the trump card of our Tianyu clan, today I will let you know what the power of faith is!!"

"Come on, give us the strength, give us the faith, my followers!!

Following Cang Yue's slightly fanatical cry, the three of them opened their arms at the same time in a gesture of hugging and gathering.

In an instant, the special charm and strength on their bodies skyrocketed.

Obviously, the power that suddenly appeared in Cang Yue's body was exactly the power of faith in their mouths.

And the power of faith they possess is constantly absorbed from hundreds of millions of believers.

"So this is the power of faith!!

Lu Bu and the others understood the key in an instant, and they finally understood why the Tianyu people kept so many believers in captivity. That was because the Tianyu people could absorb the power of faith of hundreds of millions of believers at any time, thereby blessing themselves and achieving a skyrocketing cultivation base. the goal of.

This is the core and essence of the Tianyu people's cultivation system!

At this time, Cang Yue and the three of them became even bigger and bigger, and without having two wings, they were able to support them to float in the air by relying on the huge power of belief that was constantly gathering.

At the same time, as the immense power of belief continued to gather, the aura emanating from the three of Cang Yue became more and more terrifying.

After a while, when Cang Yue and the others had absorbed the power of faith from all their captive believers, their auras remained stable in the middle stage of Yuanxian, more than a hundred times stronger than before!!

"Haha, come on, don't you want to see it? Then let you experience the power of faith!!"

"Die me!!!"

After feeling their own skyrocketing aura, the three of Cang Yue laughed wildly, and then rushed towards Lu Bu and the others again.


The power of faith exploded, Cang Yue three people slashed down with weapons in one hand, and the other hand waved violently, unexpectedly summoning countless phantoms of the Heavenly Feather Clan in an instant.

If anyone from Blue Star saw this scene, they would definitely find out that the so-called phantoms of the Tianyu clan were completely angels!

Hundreds of millions of phantoms of the Heavenly Feather Clan appeared densely around Lu Bu and the others.

"Haha, die, die for me!!

Cang Yue waved his hands wildly with a smile, and the hundreds of millions of phantoms of the Heavenly Feather Clan also waved their weapons and rushed towards Lu Bu and the others frantically.

At this moment, it seemed that Lu Bu and the others were in an extreme predicament. They...were surrounded!

This is the last card of the Tianyu people, or it is the most powerful means on their cultivation path, none of them.

Because the power of belief is the foundation of the Tianyu people, without a huge group of believers to provide them with faith, the Tianyu people can't be strong at all.

As long as there are more believers, the Tianyu people will be stronger and the realm they can reach will be higher.

So at this moment, the situation of Lu Bu and the others looks extremely bad. After all, the phantoms of the Tianyu clan summoned by Cang Yue and the others can be accompanied by powerful attacks, and they cannot be despised because they are phantoms.

The three of Cang Yue obviously thought the same way. They had even imagined the scene where Lu Bu and the others were completely torn apart, and their faces showed crazy pleasure.

However, Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and the others showed no signs of worry.

"Haha, it seems that this is the last card of these birdmen, everyone, don't keep your hands anymore, kill them all!!

Lu Bu laughed heartily, and his voice resounded throughout the Xuanying Gate.

"Haha, labor and capital have endured them for a long time, and they can finally kill!"

"Finally, I have gained a little bit, it's not worth keeping their lives for so long!

"Hey, not bad, since it's useless, then kill it! 95

Zhang Fei, Xu Zhu and the others also laughed wanton, looking at the phantom of the Tian 577 Feather Clan who kept approaching, with obvious sneer and disdain on their faces!

Such an abnormal behavior immediately caused the complexion of Cang Yue and the three to change slightly.

However, before they could think about it, Lu Bu and the others took action!

In Lu Bu's hand, a ferocious Fangtianhua halberd appeared out of thin air, and it was more than ten feet long. At the same time, his body exuded a murderous aura.

Zhang Fei held the snake spear eight feet tall, and swept out with a wild laugh.

Xu Zhu was holding a huge double axe, and the two axe came out together, madly slashing at the phantom of the Tianyu clan!

Everyone used their own means, and at this moment, Lu Bu and the others really showed their Jinxian cultivation base.

However, Lu Bu and the others only showed one percent of their true cultivation, which was enough to completely suppress Cang Yue and the others.


A burst of violent explosions and a loud noise broke out, and the hundreds of millions of Tianyu clan phantoms instantly turned into flying ash after touching the offensive of Lu Bu and others, and dissipated directly in large swaths.

But Cang Yue and the others were completely frozen in place after feeling the aura that Lu Bu and the others really exuded.

Not only because of fear, but also because they have been firmly locked by the Qi Qi of Lu Bu and others!

The moment Lu Bu and the others took out their weapons, the outcome was already doomed.

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