At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

578 Clean, nothing to hide! 【Subscription】

"Impossible, are not Yuanxian!!??"

"How is this possible? Who are you?"

"Ha, ha ha... It seems that the sky is going to kill my Xuanyingmen!!!"

After feeling the terrifying aura of Lu Bu and the others, all the hopes of Cang Yue and the others suddenly turned to despair. .

But Lu Bu and the others don't care what they think, since the last value has been squeezed out, it is natural to clean up the worthless garbage.

Puff puff!!!

As Lu Bu and the others swept back and forth with their weapons in hand, the phantoms of the hundreds of millions of Heavenly Feather clan could not compete with them at all. In just a few breaths, the phantoms of the billions of celestial feathers were all swept away, making this sky once again. Restore clarity.

At this time, the three of Cang Yue were like sculptures, frozen in place and motionless.

If you look closely, you will find that the eyes of the three of them have changed from despair to dullness, completely losing any emotional color.

Lu Bu and the others did not continue to shoot, and directly put away the weapons in their hands.

The next moment, the huge monster bodies of the three of Cang Yue were instantly covered with cracks, and then with a bang, the three huge monster bodies exploded into a blood mist, and the breath of the three of Cang Yue also completely dissipated in this world. .

Obviously, in the gap between the shots just now, Lu Bu and the others did not forget to take care of the three Cang Yue, imprisoning the three Cang Yue and causing them to suffer unimaginable shocks.

The aftermath of Lu Bu and the others' actions alone made Cang Yue three people unable to bear it, and they were shaken to pieces.

Seeing this, Lu Bu and the others were not surprised.

Lu Bu chuckled lightly: "Hehe, it's not difficult, but we finally have some gains, we will report today's gains to the Immortal Master and His Majesty when we go back! 39


"Haha, I finally had an addiction!"

"Let's go, don't waste your time~々!"

Zhang Fei and Xu Zhu and the others naturally have no objection!

In fact, this time they targeted the three sects of Xuanyingmen, Baigumen and Jinxiazong. Although they were suspected of killing chickens with bull knives, they were also trying to fully demonstrate the prestige of Tiantiancheng. When they step on the Sky City, they will definitely not end well.

This is the best opportunity for them to express their voice to the entire Tianyu World and show their muscles.

Therefore, Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and others did not have any complaints, and they all completed the task perfectly.

"Kill them all and leave none!"

"In addition, collect all the useful materials and training resources, pack them away, and go faster!! 35

With a big wave of his hand, Lu Bu immediately gave orders to all the Celestial Soldiers.

As for the generals such as him and Zhang Fei, naturally there is no need to do anything, just wait quietly!

Soon, the few remaining disciples of the Xuanying Sect, under the encirclement and suppression of the Tianxian soldiers, had no resistance at all, and there was nothing to hide, and they were immediately killed, and no one could escape. go out.

In addition, most of the Heavenly Immortal soldiers began to scavenge in every corner of the Xuanying Gate, but everything that was useful to them, whether it was medicinal pills or magic weapons, or materials and cultivation secret techniques, etc., were all searched clean. Then, the soldiers will carry it by themselves, and prepare to return to Tiantian City to concentrate on processing.

A quarter of an hour later, the originally scattered soldiers gathered again in front of the gate of Xuanyingmen!

"Have you handled everything?" Lu Bu asked in a deep voice, looking at the soldiers.


All the soldiers responded in unison!

"Very good!" Lu Bu nodded, then turned to look at the broken Xuanyingmen, and sneered: "Since it has been dealt with, then this place will be destroyed!""

"This is the second, but definitely not the last!"

After speaking, Lu Bu waved his hand!


The huge Xuanying Gate instantly erupted with loud bangs, which completely blew the entire Xuanying Gate into pieces. At the same time, a violent flame burst into the center of the Xuanying Gate, and then the flames spread to the surrounding instantly.

The once glorious Xuanyingmen was burnt down like this, and after a while, everything here turned into coke under the burning fire.

Not only the Xuanying Gate, but also the White Bone Gate and the Jinxia Sect also had the same result!

After a war, the three sects were not only completely destroyed, but not a single living hole was left, and even the sect's station became a scorched ruin, and it no longer exists!

At this moment, Tiantiancheng began to show its powerful strength to the entire Tianyu Realm, and also showed to the aborigines of the Tianyu clan that they stepped on the city... already here!!

After the Purple Phoenix Sect, the only three remaining sects within a radius of more than 100,000 miles were all wiped out in one day, and even the sect station was turned into scorched ruins. Such a terrifying news cannot be hidden. , In just a few days, it has completely spread to a large area of ​​tens of thousands of miles around, and even the surrounding areas have received news.

Including the Purple Phoenix Sect, the four sects were destroyed, and the impact was definitely an earthquake-level disaster.

Because all the powers of the Tianyu clan are high above, and the Tianyu clan is also a dominant race. They rule a large area and keep hundreds of millions of believers in captivity, which is equivalent to all the countries and all kinds of creatures in the territory under the jurisdiction of the sects, all are fighting for Various sects serve, and those sect forces also control the life and death of all countries and living beings. The words of the sect are the will, and they are more effective than anything else.

In the Tianyu Realm, it has been like this for thousands of years, and it has never changed!

However, the four sects that now ruled over a radius of more than 100,000 miles were all destroyed, causing great shocks directly in the surrounding area.

Countless countries and beings were frightened by this news, and even felt unbelievable!

At the same time, in this huge area, countless countries and creatures have been frightened (Li Zhaozhao) to inquire about all kinds of news in a panic, wanting to know what happened, or what they really want to know should be In the end what force, what character, can wipe out all four sects.

Because this is related to the future of all the surrounding countries and living beings, you must know that before this, the four sects of the Purple Phoenix Sect were behemoths that had always been above all the surrounding countries, and they were irreversible. At this time, the four sects The door no longer exists, which means that the pressure on the heads of all the surrounding countries has been removed, which is definitely a happy event for the surrounding countries.

It's just that the surrounding countries still don't dare to show any joy, because they don't know what they will experience next, so they are all frantically inquiring about what happened during this period of time, trying to figure out what happened when the four sects were destroyed. After that, which force will take over this large area.

And what should these countries do in the future!!.

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