At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

580 The vision of heaven and earth, the sky is falling and the earth is cracking! 【Subscription】

Three days later, Ying Zheng and others, accompanied by all the generals, convened the Congress of Nations!

The so-called Congress of Nations was actually conceived by Ji Han. He didn't want to waste time, so he gave such a suggestion, that is, to convene all the delegates for a meeting together. This is the Congress of Nations.

And all these matters, Ji Han handed over to Ying Zheng and others to be responsible.

At the General Assembly of Nations, Ying Zheng and others would properly reveal the origin of the Heaven-Taking City, which of course could not be true.

All this will be handled by Ying Zheng and several people, and Ji Han only gave a general direction.

Ji Han believes that with the skills and vision of Ying Zheng and others, it is more appropriate to handle such a matter, and he also believes that Ying Zheng and others will handle it very well!

At this time, Ji Han did not stay in the city, but brought Wang Mushi to a mountain more than 10,000 miles away.

This is a mountain with beautiful scenery and aura!

The reason why Ji Han is here is because he is about to do a very important event, and he does not want to stay in the city of stepping on the sky to affect the convening of the World Congress~!

This important event is - absorbing the source of heaven!

In the period of time after Xuanyingmen and other sects were destroyed, Ji Han could clearly feel that all the heavenly places in the vicinity of millions of miles had become more and more docile.

This is the benefit of eliminating the Tianyu clan and weakening the power of the Tianyu clan, and it is also the purpose of Ji Han's expedition to the Tianyu world.

Now the four immortal dynasties have become extremely powerful, and only the four immortal dynasties will continue to fight in the Tianyu Realm in the next time, and then open up territories everywhere, wipe out various sect forces step by step, and expand their own territory step by step, then Tianyu Realm It will be gradually weakened accordingly, and the overall power of the Tianyu Clan will also gradually weaken.

At that time, Ji Han can take the opportunity to nibble away the source power of the Heavenly Dao step by step in the Heavenly Feather Realm, and then strengthen himself to achieve the goal of increasing and decreasing.

In this way, the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyu Realm will become weaker and weaker, while Ji Han will become stronger and stronger.

In the end, Ji Han's ultimate goal is naturally to devour the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the entire Tianyu Realm and accomplish his first goal of conquering the 3,000 Great World!

"Sir, why are you here?"

After Ji Han came to this mountain, Wang Mushi looked around with interest, and then asked.

Ji Han naturally wouldn't tell Wang Mushi about absorbing the origin of the Tao of Heaven.

Ji Han smiled and said, "I have an important thing to do today, Mu Shi, you protect the Dharma for me!"

Even if he is in a state of absorbing the origin of the heavenly way, no one in this world of feathers can disturb or even hurt him. The law-protecting is just a reason to bring Wang Mushi out. !

However, Wang Mushi suddenly became serious, she clenched the sword in her hand and nodded seriously: "Sir, don't worry, Mushi will never let anyone disturb you, unless you step over Mushi's body!

Obviously, Wang Mushi felt a lot of pressure and heavy responsibility, but she did not back down, and she had no reason to back down!

"It doesn't have to be!" Ji Han laughed and waved his hand: "Don't be nervous, there will be no surprises, just watch from a distance!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Han directly flicked his sleeves and gently sent Wang Mushi a hundred meters away!

Now that Ji Han said this, Wang Mushi was relieved, and she didn't dare to move, she could only stand quietly and wait for Ji Han.

And Ji Han took a slight breath and said to himself, "It's time to start!!"


As soon as Ji Han's voice fell, a thunderstorm appeared out of thin air, resounding throughout the area for hundreds of miles!

Wang Mushi was taken aback, but Ji Han's face was calm and unmoved.

This is just an appetizer, where is it?

As Ji Han's thoughts moved, the various sources of the heavenly Dao that were difficult to see with the naked eye began to quickly converge towards Ji Han.

Before Ji Han did not take the initiative to absorb it, but the source of the docile Heavenly Dao still entered Ji Han's body at all times, but the amount was not large.

Now Ji Han has completely let go of the suppression and began to take the initiative to absorb the source of the Heavenly Dao around him with all his strength.

The sources of the Heavenly Dao within a million miles around him have become extremely docile, and they are no longer controlled by the Heavenly Feather Realm. Under the full absorption of Ji Han, various sources of the Heavenly Dao have begun to converge towards Ji Han, just like the thousands of rivers. Like entering the sea, it constantly integrates into Ji Han's body.

Feeling more and more the source of Heavenly Dao in the body, feeling that his own breath is getting stronger and stronger, Ji Han couldn't help laughing.

··For flowers......

"Haha, come on, come here!! 35

"The more the better, come on! 35

"That's how it feels, that's it, haha!!

Ji Han couldn't help laughing excitedly, and the laughter got louder and louder, making the whole mountain vibrate!

Seeing Ji Han so happy, Wang Mushi couldn't help but slightly curled up the corners of his mouth and completely relaxed.

One quarter of an hour.

Half an hour!

an hour.....

Ji Han sits cross-legged and remains motionless in this position!

He is fully absorbing the power of the source of heaven within a million miles around him, constantly strengthening himself, and making all the sources of heaven integrated into the body into his own source, constantly enhancing his breath.

Before the first half hour, except for the initial thunderstorm, there was no abnormal situation.

But from half an hour ago, within a thousand miles around here, various visions began to appear frequently.


One after another, the thunder continued to explode!


There was a strong wind, and sand and stones splashed on the ground, rolling up a tornado.

Huo Cha!!

The sky within a radius of thousands of miles began to darken, and a large and heavy cloud cover pressed down.

Not only that, as Ji Han absorbed more and more of the power of the source of heaven within a million miles around, more terrifying visions began to appear.

All kinds of earth-shattering noises continued to come, and not only began to fly sand and rocks around, but also various huge cracks began to appear on the ground.

The large dark clouds in the sky seemed to be shattered at this moment, and began to shatter and press down, and even these visions continued to spread around, like the sky falling!

For a time, the sky and the earth were not enough to describe the various heaven and earth anomalies that appeared around!

Because Ji Han absorbed the source of the Heavenly Dao to weaken the power of the Heavenly Feather Realm, as the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Feather Realm, how could he be indifferent to this.

Therefore, these terrifying visions of heaven and earth are the beggings of the Heavenly Dao of the Tianyu Realm because they feel their own weakness and because of their anger.

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