At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

581 The miracle appears again, is this an angel? 【Subscription】

At this moment, within the thousands of kilometers around Ji Han, various terrifying visions are frequently staged, like the sky falling apart, accompanied by bursts of violent demon winds, and the scope is still expanding!

Such a terrifying scene, even though Wang Mushi, who was not far away, had seen many scenes with Ji Han, he still felt terrified!

She opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at Ji Han's direction.

At this time, Ji Han's figure was obscured by various visions of heaven and earth, so he could not see clearly.

Wang Mushi never imagined that Ji Han would bring her here, and she would see such a terrifying scene.

"No wonder Mr. said that he was afraid of affecting the convening of the Congress of Nations!!" Wang Mushi couldn't help muttering.

Isn't it right, this kind of terrifying scene like the sky is falling apart, if the city of stepping on the sky is involved in it, the impact and damage it will cause is simply unimaginable.

However, Wang Mushi also knew that Ji Han was at a critical moment. Although the surrounding visions of heaven and earth looked terrifying, judging from Ji Han's laughter, this must be a good thing, so Wang Mushi felt relieved and calmed down. Waiting for the vision to end.

At this time, thousands of miles away, Tiantian City, including the area around Ji Han, who witnessed all this, were all frightened by the sudden appearance of various visions.

"My God, what is that?"

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

"What happened? How could there be such a vision?

"The vision of heaven and earth? Who caused it? It's terrible!!"

"Dark clouds weighed down, the demonic wind was blowing, the sand and rocks were flying, the sky was falling apart, what a terrifying vision was this, and what happened?"

In the city of stepping on the sky, the representatives of Wan Guo were shocked when they noticed the terrifying vision of heaven and earth in the distance.

You must know that they are only more than 10,000 miles away from Ji Han's location, and all kinds of visions have appeared within thousands of miles around Ji Han, so how can the representatives of various countries in Tiantian City not be aware of it?

They even felt that the visions were right in front of them, as if they had witnessed it with their own eyes, which was terrifying!

However, neither Ji Han nor Wang Mushi knew that the terrifying vision that appeared around them not only shocked the surrounding area, but even the major sects in the entire Nanzhou were alarmed.

"Hi... what happened? How could such a vision occur?

"To the southwest, the Purple Phoenix Sect? Or the Xuanying Sect, or the Jinxia Sect?"

"Who caused the vision of heaven and earth? Why does it look so terrifying? Could it be that there is a great power to overcome the calamity?""

"The way of heaven shakes, and visions occur frequently, what is the reason for this? Could it be that there is a peerless evildoer in the world?

"It's terrifying, why do I have a faint feeling of unease? Could it be that this has something to do with us?"

The major sects in Nanzhou were all stunned and stunned when they noticed the vision of heaven and earth caused by Ji Han, and they didn't know what happened.

The reason why they were able to discover these visions at such a distance was because the visions were wide in scope, and even if they were far apart, the major sects in Nanzhou could also discover them.

Second, because the Nanzhou Heavenly Dao vibrated, it was difficult for them not to find out!

Even the masters in many sects felt it, it seems that this matter has a certain connection with them in the dark, but no matter how they think about it, they can't figure out the key.

The major sects in Nanzhou did not know that those heaven and earth visions were caused by Ji Han absorbing the source of the Heavenly Dao within a million miles around them, which indeed had a huge connection with the Heavenly Feather Clan.

Once the source of the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Feather Realm is completely absorbed by Ji Han, then their Heavenly Feather Clan will cease to exist!

blue star.

At the same time, when Ji Han absorbed the power of the source of the heavenly path in Tianyu Realm and gradually strengthened himself, Blue Star also underwent a huge change at this time.

The size of the Blue Star is not only expanding quietly, but also on a global scale, a large number of illusory images of the Tianyu Clan have begun to appear.

These illusory images of the Tianyu Clan are just like the previous space-time magnetic fields, they look a little blurry and swaying, but they can clearly see the scene in the phantom.

Those Tianyu clan phantoms began to appear in large numbers, and quickly spread all over the world!

Not only that, those phantoms of the Tianyu clan exude amazing divine light, they look so noble, so indestructible, so aloof, just like real gods.

At this moment, within the global scope of Blue Star, the appearance of a large number of phantoms of the Tianyu clan is as if hundreds of millions of angels have descended, causing people all over the world to exclaim in shock.

"Fuck, angels are here? What's the situation?"

"Fuck it, what did the labor and capital see? Is this true? Isn't it my dazzling eyes?

"Oh my God, the same angel image is appearing all over the world?

"Are they really angels? They still radiate divine light, and they look really high and indestructible!"

"Take a picture, take a picture, take a picture for me, this is a miracle, so lucky, we actually saw a miracle come!! 99

All over the world, all kinds of exclamations and exclamations continued to sound, and everyone who saw this scene was shocked, and words could not even express their feelings.

Especially the foreigners from western countries, after seeing this scene, they all went wild with excitement.

"Omg, have you seen it? Angel, the angel has come to the world!!

"A miracle, this is a miracle, haha, our Lord has appeared!"

"God bless our gods at last, and we have gods too!"5

"Oh my God, it's really an angel, an angel has come!!

"Lord, may the Lord bless us, Amen!!"

When foreigners in Western countries saw those angel images, it was as if they had seen real gods.

At this time, the eyes of these foreigners were shining with excitement, not only worshipping and praying, but also taking out their mobile phones to take pictures and record 4.3 images.

How could they not preserve such a precious scene!

Almost all foreigners are screaming for miracles, they belong to the West!

Because it was an image of an angel who descended, and it was the Lord that Westerners had always believed in, those Westerners naturally subconsciously attributed those angelic images to their miracles.

Moreover, the scale of the miracle this time was simply many times larger than the previous one. The densely packed angelic phantoms spread all over the world, and all human beings witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

As a result, foreigners in Western countries are not only ecstatic, but also feel extremely proud and proud!

Because they feel that this is a miracle of the West, and it has given them a lot of face in the Western countries, and it is no longer that Kyushu and Huaxia are the champions!

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