At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

582 A new era, this time it is our turn to develop! 【Subscription】

For a time, with the advent of the angel's phantom, a great discussion boom broke out on the global Internet, and almost all netizens couldn't help expressing their opinions on the Internet.

Kyushu Network.

"Fuck, do angels really exist in this world?"

"How lucky we are to see such a miracle happen in our lifetime!"5

"I don't know if you have noticed. This time, the illusory images are all over the world, and they are no longer just in a certain place. What does this mean?"

"I don't know what it means. I only know that my three views have been destroyed. During this time, too many things have happened that I can't understand!"

"Fuck, the angels are coming, and those shriveled calves in the western countries are about to shake!"

"It's not that I'm shaking, but I'm already showing off. You haven't seen what is happening on the Internet in Western countries. It's crazy to say it. I can't bear to look directly at it!"

"Hastily, those foreigners are so proud, maybe they are not angels, just a bunch of birdmen, and they don't know what will happen to the next 11!"

"It's just..."

Netizens in Kyushu Huaxia have had various discussions and expressed their views and opinions one after another.

However, it is another scene on the Internet in Western countries.

"My God, Lord, you have finally come to this world!"

"Haha, did you see it? Did you all see it? Our Lord has come, and we may also embark on the supernatural path in the future! 39

"Yes, may the Lord bless us, may the Lord lead us on the supernatural path of cultivation!""

"Damn the Easterners, this time it's our Western countries' turn to develop, haha! 99

"This is a miracle belonging to our West, and no one can take it away!

"Yes yes, this is the god we have always believed in, our Lord, they have finally come, and we no longer have to be afraid of the Orientals!

"The light of the Lord will spread to every corner of the world..."

Just as Chinese netizens thought, on the Internet in Western countries, almost all foreigners are frantic, screaming in all kinds of excitement, and even constantly compare Huaxia to show off!

Obviously, the arrival of the angel's phantom has caused a sensation all over the world and attracted the attention of countless people.

For a long time, foreigners in Western countries have been watching all kinds of magical changes in Kyushu, and various powerful traces have appeared, such as the appearance of the black dragon, such as Kunlun Asgard, etc., and even led the people of Kyushu to embark on the journey. A miraculous cultivation path allows all the people of Kyushu to come into contact with immortals and supernatural powers.

This is what foreigners in Western countries have always been envious of!

But now they are surprised to find that the Lord they believe in has also begun to perform miracles, and even countless angels have appeared around the world. How can this not make foreigners in Western countries ecstatic?

It turned out that his Lord did not abandon them!

It turns out that the gods they believe in are real, and they even have supernatural powers!

Maybe they don't have to envy the people of Kyushu in the future. They believe that the Lord they believe in will definitely lead them on a supernatural path of their own.

At this moment, the foreigners in Europe and the United States seemed to be raising their eyebrows. The previous frustration and depression were all swept away, and even the envy and jealousy dissipated, and they all became excited.

Because others have it, they also have it, so naturally there is no need to be envious!

At the same time, major media around the world have also reported on this matter. The media outside the West are much more objective. However, the major media in the Western countries do not care so much about you. This is a great blessing for their Western countries. Touting and clamoring, the momentum has become more and more massive.

Such a major event has occurred on a global scale, and scientists, experts, clergymen and high-level officials from various countries have also been sensationalized, and there has been an uproar.

"What's going on here? Time magnetic field again?

"It doesn't look like it. There are countless angel images around the world. This is a phenomenon that has never happened before!"

"It was just an angel statue before, but now it's better, countless angel images have come out!"

"Could it be that there really are angels in the world? Otherwise, how should this be explained now? 35

"The end of science is theology, and it seems that there is really so much in this world that we don't know.

"Is it possible that our Lord felt our sincerity and sent miracles to guide us?"

High-level officials, scientists and clergy from various countries, etc., have made various speculations and discussions!

Different from ordinary people, the high-level consideration of each country is what impact this incident will bring to their own countries, whether it is pros or cons.

But scientists, experts and clergy from all over the world consider things at the technical level, such as how these phantom images of angels appeared, what they represent, and what has been verified, and will they have an impact on the world? Whether they can get what they want from it, etc., these are the issues they consider.

For this reason, scientists from various countries and various experts have launched research and discussions on this matter, and want to give their own views and conclusions on this incident.

Even scientists from Kyushu joined in, trying to discuss research in a fair and objective manner.

Finally, after a series of researches and discussions, almost all 577 scientists and experts agree that this is a miracle belonging to the West.

"This is undoubtedly a miracle belonging to the West, we are sure of it!"

"That's right, no matter from which aspect or angle to analyze, such a miracle really belongs to the West!

"After our research and discussion, we unanimously determined that the miracle that appeared this time belongs to the West!"

"Yes, folks, as you think, this is the miracle of the West, and that is the Lord of the unanimous belief of the people of the West!35

After the research results are obtained, scientists and experts from all over the world have published their results.

In this way, human beings all over the world know that this is a miracle belonging to the West, which has become an indisputable fact!

At the same time, after it is confirmed that this miracle belongs to the Western countries, the following problems can also be confirmed, that is, not only does Kyushu have supernatural powers, but the West also has supernatural powers.

Even a large number of Western scientists and experts hype it up, saying that their gods have always been there, but they haven't manifested before. This time, they saw the piety and embarrassment of the Western people, and they performed miracles to show that the gods really exist. !

As a result, the foreigners in Western countries were all excited and ecstatic!

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