At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

584 collapse, the myth of being slaughtered is shattered! 【Subscription】

"What's the situation? What's the situation?

"What happened? I heard there are new changes?"

"Go out and see, hurry, hurry!! 35

"Look, look at you, there really is a change!

"Hey, there are not only angel images, but other characters too!!

When everyone knew that the illusory image in the sky had changed, they all put down what they were doing, went out of the house, and looked up at the illusion in the sky.

Sure enough, when everyone looked at the illusory image in the sky again, they found that there had really been a change.

I saw countless angel phantoms still there, but in front of those angel phantoms, images of other characters appeared.

There are dozens of people affected by the newly appeared characters. Among them, the three leaders have the clearest appearance. One person is nine feet tall, handsome and handsome, with a purple and gold crown with three-pronged hair, holding a halberd and a halberd, and looks extremely martial; Ling One person is eight feet tall, with a rough and dark appearance, with black beards all over his face, holding a snake spear of eight feet, and looks like a peerless general; the last person is also eight feet tall, extremely burly and burly, holding a giant double axe. It's very scary.

The remaining dozens of people are also holding various weapons, but their figures and appearances are slightly blurred.

Obviously, the three leaders should be the leaders of these dozens of people.

It seems that the dozens of people who appeared in front of the Angel Phantom should be in a confrontation with the Angel Phantom. .

"What's going on? Why did dozens of human figures suddenly appear?"

"What's going on here? Is it the space-time magnetic field again? What event is it showing this time?"

"The dozens of new people who appeared don't look like angels, but rather like humans!

"What is like, that is clearly the face of our Orientals! 99

"There is a tense atmosphere of tension between the two sides, won't they fight?"

"How is it possible, angels are gods, those dozens of people are not enough to deliver food!"


For a time, people all over the world who saw this scene expressed their doubts.

They don't know how these changes came about, and they don't know what will happen next, so everyone is full of doubts and expectations.

However, what happened in the next scene made almost everyone's eyes pop out.

I saw dozens of new people appearing in the sky not long after they appeared, they directly waved their weapons and swept away towards the phantoms of hundreds of millions of angels.

This is exactly the scene of Lu Bu and others slaughtering the phantom of the angel.

At the same time, the hundreds of millions of angel phantoms in the sky rushed towards Lu Bu and the others.

There is no sound in the phantom image, but everyone can feel the tragic atmosphere.

"My God, it's a fight, it's a fight!"

"Fuck, if you don't agree, you will start a war? Do you want to be so rigid? 99

"A battle between gods?

"Wow, exciting, Terran vs Angel?"

"Fuck, Fang Tianhuaji, those are like the ancients of Kyushu!

People all over the world subconsciously issued all kinds of exclamations!

Everyone did not expect that they would see such a scene, and did not expect that they would dare to fight against hundreds of millions of angels with only dozens of people.

I don't know if this is courage or strength!

The foreigners in the western countries were filled with righteous indignation at this time, and they scolded Lu Bu and the others for not knowing their lives and daring to provoke their gods, as if they themselves had been greatly provoked and insulted.

Then the next moment, all the foreigners were like old ducks strangled by their necks, all their voices were stuck in their necks, and their faces turned pale.

Because Lu Bu and the others were so unstoppable, and exuded a powerful and frightening aura, they held their weapons wide open and closed, constantly swept away, and killed the Western foreigners as gods and inviolable angels.

The large-scale angel phantoms were directly swept away by Lu Bu and the others, and the so-called angel phantoms could not resist even a single move.

This is torture and slaughter!

Yuan (bbed) was originally like a sacred and inviolable angel spirit in the hearts of Western foreigners. At this moment, he was like a weak chicken. He was continuously brutally killed by Lu Bu and others, and one kill was a large piece, and there were countless casualties in an instant!

What kind of miracle is this, this is clearly a battlefield, a battlefield where humans slaughter angels!

"My God, what did I see? Is this true? 35

"No, it's impossible, it's definitely not true, how could our gods be slaughtered!!

"Fak, this is absolutely false, I don't believe how our gods could have been massacred!!"

"Holy shit, who are those people? Why are they so fierce, dozens of people killed countless angels and discarded their armors, it's not too cool!"

"Hey...what's the situation? Aren't those angels gods? Didn't they just perform a miracle? Why were they killed so badly?""

"God battle? Or are those angels not gods at all, but birdmen with wings? We misunderstood?

"Three views are destroyed, belief collapsed, this is the god of our West? No, this must not be true, it is an illusion!!

Such a scene that no one could imagine, instantly shocked all the human beings in the world, and was completely dumbfounded!

The Orientals were fine, but they were a little surprised, and even seeing the phantoms of those angels being slaughtered constantly, they felt a little inexplicably comfortable.

But Western foreigners felt extremely uncomfortable, as if they had eaten flies, and even felt that the sky was falling.

Because the god they believed in, their master, was like a weak chicken, and was brutally killed by dozens of human beings without any power to fight back.

Such a scene and such a result, how can the Western foreigners who were still proudly showing off just now accept it?

Therefore, the Western foreigners who witnessed this scene with their own eyes shouted in anger that this is fake, this is a phantom, not real, the gods they believe in cannot be so weak, and it is impossible for anyone to dare to kill the gods.

This kind of behavior and reaction of Western foreigners is actually quite normal.

Because they were still showing off that this was a miracle belonging to their Western countries, and their Western countries finally showed their faces once, and they were slapped in the face immediately. The gods they believed in were slaughtered by the human race. It's like putting the faces of all Western foreigners on the ground and stomping on them!

Therefore, it is not surprising that those Western foreigners have such a reaction!

This is equivalent to telling the world that the gods they believe in in the West are clearly fake, or not fake, but the gods they believe in are very weak, and they were massacred, and they are not as powerful as they imagined!

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