At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

What about 585 miracles? This is what you call miracles? 【Subscription】

At this time, the illusion in the sky is still evolving!

The person holding the Fang Tianhua halberd is extremely ferocious and terrifying, as if the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand is a peerless divine weapon, all the angel phantoms that he touches are instantly torn apart, and it can be said that he will be injured and die if he touches it. , extremely terrifying.

The same is true for the other two. They relied on the zhangba snake spear and the giant double axe in their hands. They were like two human-shaped meat grinders.

The same is true for the other dozens of people, all kinds of sword qi vertical and horizontal, killing a large piece, no matter how many angel phantoms, they are easily torn apart and brutally killed by them.

The battle situation presented by the phantom in the sky was extremely tragic, but this was for the side of the angel phantom, and the dozens of human races were completely unscathed. This was just a one-sided massacre.

After the initial shock and confusion, humans all over the world stopped talking and stared blankly at the illusion in the sky. Obviously, everyone was attracted by the picture of the massacre.

In the illusion, the aura and strength displayed by Lu Bu and the others slaughtering the phantoms of the angels, although no one can understand, everyone has reached a consensus, that is, Lu Bu and others are very terrifying, killing gods is like killing dogs!

The appearance and figures of Lu Bu and the others were clearly visible, and at a glance, they knew that they were the ancients of Kyushu, which could not be faked.

No one knows why the ancients of Kyushu had such terrifying strength, and even were able to fly, but this is also a question that everyone wants to know.

The illusion in the sky lasted for a long time, and it slowly dissipated after about an hour.

The dozens of human figures slowly distorted and faded in the sky, and the countless angel phantoms that appeared earlier did not disappear, but were all slaughtered by Lu Bu and the others.

Of course, with the disappearance of Lu Bu and the others, all the illusions in the sky also completely dissipated!

The sky regained its clarity and blueness, and the hot sun shone down, making all humans understand that they were in reality, and what they saw was nothing but an illusory image.

But it is such an illusory image that has brought an unparalleled impact on all mankind.

"It's over? It's over?

"Fuck, no more?"

"All the angels have been killed? Is this too much?"

"It's over after killing all the angels, what does this mean?"

"What kind of miracle is this, it's clearly just a battlefield scene! 99

When the illusion ended, all human beings uttered a similar sigh, feeling that the illusion came suddenly and disappeared inexplicably.

For a time, because this phantom image incident brought a huge impact on the world, after the phantom ended, heated discussions and research began all over the world, which could not be stopped at all.

Kyushu Land:

"Fuck, this is the miracle of the West? That's it??"

"What the hell is going on here? Why can't I understand it?"

"This has no beginning or end, and we saw the ancient people of Kyushu slaughter angels!""

"Haha, that's right, that's definitely our ancient people in Kyushu, it's too awesome!

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect that our ancient people in Kyushu would be so terrifying, slaughtering gods like slaughtering dogs?

"666, I'm so excited to see it, inexplicably cool, haha!!""

Western countries:

"Omg, our lord was slaughtered?"

"What did I see? It's not true, it's not true! 35

"My God, isn't this a miracle that belongs to our West? Why is it like this?

"Those damn yellow-skinned monkeys, they dare to slaughter our gods, unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!

"What about miracles? Guidance? Gone? Gone?"

"Why? Our gods? The gods haven't led us down the supernatural path yet!!35

Humans all over the world are vigorously discussing what happened before.

It's just that the attitudes and feelings of the East and the West are completely different. The Easterners, mainly from Kyushu, have no feeling about the angel being slaughtered. There are even many people who think that the killing was good. Ah, at the same time, the focus of Kyushu people is different. They see that their ancient Kyushu people are so awesome, and they call 666.

There is pride in my heart.

The Westerners were different. Before the appearance of Lu Bu and others, they had just been recognized by global experts, saying that it was a miracle belonging to their West, which made countless Westerners proud.

・・For flowers.......

But in the next moment, the god they believed in, their master was slaughtered, without any resistance, and was completely wiped out in just over an hour. This is definitely an unacceptable result for Westerners. They can't believe it at all. It's true, and I don't want to believe it.

Even countless Westerners feel that the sky is falling, not only because the gods they believe in are no match for the ancients in Kyushu, but also because the guidance they have always dreamed of has not come, and the Western countries have not been able to embark on the supernatural path. This is absolutely true for Western countries. It is the most unbearable!

However, these discussions are not the focus, the focus is on the subsequent change of painting style.

Because of the horrific massacre of the angel phantom, it is certain that this is not a miracle in the West, but an event that happened in the past.

Those who thought it was a Western miracle, as well as those licking dogs who suddenly jumped out, were all slapped in the face after the illusion ended, and it was a slap in the face.

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter, this is the so-called Western miracle? What about miracles? What about your gods?

"Their gods have been wiped out by our ancients in Kyushu, haha!!

"Where's the licking dog that was dancing just now? Come out, come out and continue licking your western dad, and see if there is any miracle!

"That's right, keep dancing, aren't you having fun licking? Why don't you continue?"

"They all put their faces out, a bunch of idiots who worship foreigners, do you still think your Western fathers are awesome? Didn't our ancients in Kyushu kill them to cry for their fathers and mothers!!

On the Kyushu Internet, all kinds of denunciations and ridicules against licking dogs are like a wave after wave, constantly flocking to the licking dogs who were still dancing just now, completely drowning them in the sea of ​​ridicule.

At the same time, the ridicule of Western foreigners also went out of control, all kinds of ridicule and sneer, if Westerners saw it, they might be so angry that they would vomit blood directly.

And those licking dogs who worship foreigners have also died at this time, their faces are swollen, and their arrogance has long since disappeared, so how dare they continue to fight.

To be honest, the hearts of those licking dogs were full of grief, anger and depression. They didn't expect that they finally seized the opportunity to show their heads, and they were instantly beaten back to their original shape, and even beaten in the face, so they could only knock down their teeth and swallow in their stomachs. Abuse and ridicule, go offline! Beg.

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