At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

592 Chongzhen presents treasures, unprecedented harvest! 【Subscription】

The recent development of the Four Immortal Dynasties can be described as gratifying results!

After being promoted to the Immortal Dynasty, the four immortal dynasties firstly spread the news to every corner of the Immortal Dynasty, so that all the people knew that they had become the people of the Immortal Dynasty, so that the people's hearts were completely unified, and Ying Zheng was greatly improved. The luck of the four.

The second is to pass on the secret techniques of the three thousand great avenues, so that all the people can start to slowly get in touch with the cultivation of immortals, and strive to complete the basic goal of immortal cultivation for all people as soon as possible.

There are also four immortal dynasties that originally communicated with each other. After looting many scientists and various professionals back in the time and space of World War II, the technological development of the four immortal dynasties is also changing with each passing day, and is advancing towards modernization.

Finally, there is the issue of overseas development. After the four immortal dynasties built steamships, they greatly solved the problem of navigation and began to send troops to sweep overseas, not only expanding the territory of the immortal dynasty, but also harvesting countless slaves.

In this way, the development of the four immortal dynasties is going hand in hand, and it is no wonder that Ying Zheng and others say that the country is eternal.

However, the fact is also true, as long as the four immortal dynasties slowly reach the goal of cultivating immortals for the whole people, coupled with the current terrifying strength of the four immortal dynasties, 11 it is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that the immortal dynasties will last forever.

Ji Han was also very satisfied after listening to the various developments and situations that the four Ying Zheng said.

He put down the wine glass and affirmed with a smile: "Well, yes, it seems that the development of your four immortal dynasties is very good, it is worth my support for you!"

"Thank you sir!!"

The four Ying Zheng immediately thanked them in unison.

Ji Han waved his hands slightly, indicating that they don't need to be polite.

"Haha, sir, please look!"

Ying Zheng laughed suddenly, put a few things on the table, and said, "I brought some gadgets for Mr. I hope Mr. likes it."


Ji Han looked at the table, and saw four things on the table, all of which were strange in style, not like the ones owned by Blue Star.

"What are these?" Ji Han asked.

Ying Zheng immediately pointed to the things on the table and explained: "Sir, this is something unique to the Tianyu Realm, this fruit is called the fairy fruit, it can wash the marrow valve body, and it can keep the face forever!

When he heard this, whether it was Wang Mushi and Zhen Mi next to him, or the girls who were dancing and playing music, his eyes lit up, and he subconsciously looked at Xianlingguo, and the desire in his eyes almost overflowed his eyes.

It has to be said that the lethality of the words "Yongyan" is absolutely irresistible to women, and no woman can be unmoved by it.

I just heard Ying Zheng continue: "Of course, Mr. Xianlingguo will definitely not be used, but it can be given to the people around you!"

Obviously, Ying Zheng knows this very well!

Ji Han nodded with a smile, already aware of the scorching eyes of the fairies around him, so he said: "It's not bad, try to get me more!

"Yes, I will definitely order it after I go back!" Ying Zheng handed over his orders.

Then he briefly introduced the remaining three things, all of which are relatively precious and things that Blue Star does not have.

After Ying Zheng, Cao Cao and Li Shimin were not far behind, and they offered Ji Han many unique treasures of the heaven and feather world.

These things were the treasures presented by all countries before they held the General Assembly, and they chose the most precious part and dedicated them to Ji Han.

As for Ying Zheng and the others, Ji Han naturally would not refuse, although these so-called treasures of heaven and earth were dispensable to him.

However, when he arrived at Chongzhen, he did not take out any treasures, instead he smiled and clapped his hands vigorously.

"Hey, brother Chongzhen, what are you doing?" Ying Zheng asked curiously.

Before Chongzhen could answer, footsteps sounded in the next moment, and Ying Zheng and the others saw dozens of beautiful women with snow-white wings walking from the front yard to the back yard.

"Haha!" Chongzhen laughed and introduced: "Sir, these are the beauties of the Tianyu clan, specially dedicated to you!

It turned out that Chongzhen did not offer treasures, but beautiful women instead.

Only then did Ying Zheng and the others understand Chongzhen's actions, and they couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Well, you Chongzhen, you are actually hiding such a thing!"

"Isn't it, I already knew that I also collected some beautiful women to dedicate to Mr.

"This time, Chongzhen has come out on top, and he must be punished for drinking alcohol!!

Cao Cao and Li Shimin also shouted, and at the same time they looked regretful, and they were annoyed that they didn't think of this.

Chongzhen laughed and didn't care about them, he explained to Ji Han: "Sir, they were specially collected by me, and their cultivation bases are gone. They are all virgins. You watch the training!!"

"Huh?? Not bad!

Ji Han's eyes lit up, obviously very satisfied with Chongzhen's gift, so he ordered: "Mu Shi, take them down and arrange them!

"Yes, sir!"

Wang Mushi saluted slightly, and went down with the beauties of the Tianyu clan.

After Wang Mushi went down, Ji Han looked at the four Ying Zheng and said, "It seems that you have achieved good results in the Tianyu Realm, how is the city of stepping on the sky? 35

It's been a week since Ji Han came back, so he naturally wanted to ask about the situation in Tiantiancheng.

Speaking of this, the four Ying Zheng became excited.

Ying Zheng was the first to answer: "Haha, what Mr. said is right, our harvest this time is unprecedentedly rich!"

"After destroying the three sects of Xuanying Sect, the huge resources collected from the three sects are enough for the millions of soldiers in Tiantian 593 City to cultivate for a long time!

"It's not more than that!" Cao Cao said immediately: "After we wiped out the three sects, the area of ​​Tiantian City that is more than 100,000 miles in diameter has become the territory of our Tiancheng City. During the Great Conference of Nations, various countries also presented countless treasures and gifts. The gifts are all the resources we need, we have brought some of the cultivation resources back to the Immortal Dynasty for some people to improve their cultivation first, this matter has not been explained to Mr., sir, don’t blame me!”

"You can decide these matters!" Ji Han waved his hand, and then asked curiously, "After the Congress of Nations, how did you deal with those countries?"

"Haha, I know Mr. will ask!" Chongzhen replied with a smile: "After the destruction of Xuanyingmen and other sects, people in the surrounding countries were panicked, so we first comforted them, and made it clear to them that we would not deal with them. , they will no longer be required to have a fixed belief, just keep the same offering every year as before!39

"As a result, those who were kept in captivity by the Tianyu Clan were naturally grateful to Dade, and they all thanked us, and promised that there would never be any shortage of offerings. That's about it!"

In the face of the panic-stricken surrounding countries, Ying Zheng and others dealt with it very stubbornly, and made a new agreement with the surrounding countries. In this way, they not only won the favor of the surrounding countries, but also obtained huge resources every year. For Daxian Dynasty, it's definitely a bargain!

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