At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

593 Overjoyed, Ji Han's new decision! 【Subscription】

Ji Han is naturally very satisfied with the handling methods of Ying Zheng and others, and at the same time does not interfere too much.

Now that Tiantian City has 100,000 Heavenly Immortal-level powerhouses, the site has expanded countless times, and the resources that can be obtained are even greater than before. I don’t know how much. Simply put, the millions of soldiers in Tiantian City are no longer short of cultivation resources. , and can also be fed back into the four immortal dynasties.

Most importantly, with the continuous expansion of Tiantian City, their territory will become larger and larger, their resources will become more and more, and they will get closer and closer to completing Ji Han's goal!

Ji Han and Ying Zheng and others talked about stepping on Tiancheng for more than half an hour, and Ying Zheng and others also reported to Ji Han all kinds of affairs in Tiancheng.

Ji Han made several more suggestions for his arrangement of stepping on the Sky City and the following expansion actions, Ying Zheng and others took note of them one by one, and did not dare to neglect them.

After talking, they went back to Blue Star from Stepping Sky City.

Ying Zheng suddenly asked Ji Han with a strange look on his face: "Sir, I have found some abnormalities recently, but I can't be sure, and I don't know the cause. Please ask Mr.

"Oh? What's wrong?" Ji Han asked with a thought.

Ying Zheng naturally answered immediately: "That's right, I recently discovered that after I was promoted to the Immortal Dynasty, the territory of the Daqin Immortal Dynasty seems to have grown a little bit bigger, I don't know if I sensed something wrong!

"Brother Zhao, do you feel the same way?"

As soon as Ying Zheng finished speaking, Cao Cao immediately asked, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

Obviously, not only Ying Zheng, but also Cao Cao noticed the same abnormality.

"Have you all found it? It seems that I did not feel wrong. Similar problems have occurred in our Tang Dynasty, and I also feel that the country seems to have grown a lot." Li Shimin also echoed.

And Chongzhen's eyes widened: "I thought it was only our Ming Dynasty that had an abnormal situation. Not only did the country grow a lot, but even within the Xian Dynasty, the animals and plants in various places became much larger. I don't know if it's because of the increased aura concentration or something else~々."

It seems that abnormal situations have occurred in the four immortal dynasties.

Since the four immortal dynasties all had similar problems, Ying Zheng and others shared their findings and doubts, and then asked Ji Han for advice.

Ji Han listened silently for a while before nodding and said: "Your sensing is not wrong, in fact, it is not that your country has become larger, but the size of the entire Blue Star has increased, so your country has become much larger. .

Ji Han directly confirmed the guesses of Ying Zheng and others.

Because Ji Han is the Heavenly Dao of Blue Star's world, he must have noticed the changes that Blue Star discovered immediately.

Ji Han can clearly feel the influence of the planet's increase on each time and space, so he is very clear about these situations, and it is precisely because of this that the abnormal situations mentioned by Ying Zheng and others will occur.

After receiving Ji Han's affirmation, Ying Zheng and the others were obviously relieved.

Because they were not sure whether their guesses and perceptions were true before, since Ji Han gave the answer, they naturally didn't need to worry about anything.

However, Ying Zheng asked in confusion at this time: "Sir, why did the size of the Blue Star increase?"

The three of Cao Cao also looked at Ji Han with curiosity on their faces.

However, Ji Han was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Because... a new era is coming!

"New era?"

Ji Han's specious answer made Ying Zheng and others stunned for a moment, but then fell silent.

Because they knew that Ji Han would not say some irrelevant words for no reason, and then thinking of the changes in their four immortal dynasties, they understood that a new era is indeed coming.

Aren't they just adapting to the changes of the new era?

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng and the others looked at Ji Han with joy and determination in their eyes. At this time, they were even more determined to hold Ji Han's thigh tightly.

Ji Han understood the thoughts of Ying Zheng and others, and he said calmly: "You don't need to worry about this, in fact, you have been adapting to the changes of the new era. After you were promoted to the Immortal Dynasty, the changes that appeared in the Blue Star are very important to you. There are only advantages and no disadvantages, haven't you sensed it? Blue Star's aura concentration has increased several times than before, which is enough to make your four immortal dynasties faster to achieve the goal of cultivating the whole people!

As soon as Ji Han said these words, Ying Zheng and others' eyes lit up instantly.

"Haha, what Mr. said is very true, thank you Mr. for clarifying the confusion!""

"Since the gentleman has said so, we are naturally relieved!

"I didn't even think about it even if you didn't say it, sir, it seems to be the case!

"Thank you, sir, haha, it seems that the days of our Four Great Immortals cultivating immortals are not far away!"

The four Ying Zheng were overjoyed and bowed their hands to Ji Han.

As Ji Han said, after their four dynasties were promoted to four immortal dynasties, the concentration of spiritual energy in various places has increased several times compared with before, which is more suitable for their people to cultivate, which is a great benefit to the four immortal dynasties. .

Moreover, the expansion of the country and the increase in the concentration of spiritual energy are great good things. With Ji Han's guarantee, Ying Zheng and others would not worry about any village.

It's just that what Ying Zheng and others know about are superficial changes. Only Ji Han knows that in the future, with the enhancement of the Heavenly Dao in this world, the previous changes and abnormal situations will continue to appear and even deepen. .

Ji Han can already predict that this world will eventually become extremely terrifying, but what this world will become in the end, even Ji Han himself does not know, nor can he imagine.

But there is one thing Ji Han can confirm, that is, with the enhancement of heaven and the development of the world, the animals and plants in this world, including humans, will benefit greatly, and will even be born as a result. The new various spiritual races are just like the various (Li Nuohao) races in other great worlds.

Because with the enhancement of the Blue Star's Heavenly Dao, the concentration of the aura of the Blue Star will become higher and higher, and the animals and plants will not only become more and more powerful, but will also continue to absorb the spiritual energy, resulting in evolution, and even the birth of spiritual wisdom.

Especially within the four immortal dynasties, this change will only become more obvious.

In this way, for the four immortal dynasties, not only will there be more and more spiritual races in the future, but also more and more cultivation geniuses will be harvested, providing them with a steady stream of backup power, and even the four immortal dynasties will have them. Many treasures of heaven and earth were born slowly.

It is precisely because of this that an idea slowly appeared in Ji Han's heart. To this day, when Ying Zheng and others reported the changes they found, Ji Han made up his mind and made a decision.

Ji Han looked at the four Ying Zheng with a solemn expression:

"..I decided to...start to promote the cultivation of the whole people within your four immortal dynasties!!"

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