At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

594 Forever forever, a shot is a big deal! 【Subscription】


To promote the cultivation of the whole people within the four immortal dynasties?

Ji Han's words immediately surprised and delighted Ying Zheng and the others!

Surprise is because Ji Han's handwriting is big and strong, far from being comparable to them, and joy is because once Ji Han said, the time for the rise of their four immortal dynasties will be greatly shortened, and even It will greatly enhance the overall strength of their four immortal dynasties in a short period of time, so how can the four Ying Zheng not be ecstatic?

"Sir, really...really?" Ying Zheng suppressed the joy in his heart and couldn't help but ask.

Ji Han naturally smiled and nodded: "It's true, I've decided!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was equivalent to completely determining the next development path of the Four Immortal Dynasties.

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness and virtue, I will never forget it!"

"Haha, Mr. Gao Yi, we will definitely follow Mr. closely!"

"Thank you sir, in this way, we can quickly achieve the goal of national cultivation in the four immortal dynasties!!"

Chongzhen and others were immediately surprised, saying various words of gratitude, and at the same time, they stood up and bowed their hands deeply to Ji Han to show their respect.

Because they all know how much benefit Ji Han will definitely bring to their four immortal dynasties!

Ji Han waved his hand indifferently: "You're welcome, the stronger the strength of your four immortal dynasties, the greater the effect of 593 on me, so there is no need to be polite between us!!

For Ji Han, the strength of the four immortal dynasties is naturally the stronger, the better, the stronger the strength, the more he can help him, so Ji Han does not hesitate to put all kinds of investment in the four immortal dynasties.

After all, the rewards are visible, not to mention other things, just being able to completely subdue the Tianyu Realm soon will be enough to make Ji Han's strength soar, which is absolutely cost-effective.

As for the four Ying Zheng, under the extreme surprise at this moment, they became more and more determined to follow Ji Han closely, and they couldn't even imagine how far they could go by following Ji Han.

But no matter which step they take, it is the most correct choice in this life for the four Ying Zheng, none of them.

So they nodded silently, and didn't say any more polite words, just kept all these in their hearts, and sat down again.

As for why Ji Han wants to promote the cultivation of the whole people within the four immortal dynasties, in fact, it is precisely because the four dynasties have been promoted to the four immortal dynasties, coupled with the spread of the three thousand avenues of mystery, Ji Han feels that the cultivation of the whole people must be promoted as soon as possible. Only in this way can the four immortal dynasties be worthy of their name, allowing them to rapidly increase their strength.

Strictly speaking, the promotion of national cultivation by Ji Han is different from the promotion of modern Kyushu. Modern Kyushu is just starting to do some research on supernatural powers and spread some basic versions of low-level qi training.

Because the spiritual qi of modern Kyushu is thin, and the people of Kyushu have no foundation for cultivation, the basic low-level qi training is promoted in modern Kyushu.

But the four immortal dynasties are different. First of all, the time and space where the four immortal dynasties are located has not been polluted, and the concentration of spiritual energy is several times higher than that of modern Kyushu, and the cultivation environment is very good.

Secondly, because after being promoted to the Xian Dynasty, the people of the Xian Dynasty have bonuses in cultivation, so Ji Han wants to promote the cultivation of the whole people, but wants to promote some more advanced ones, which can make the whole people stronger and conquer A solid foundation for advanced qi training.

Once Ji Han passed down the advanced qi training technique and spread it quickly among the four immortal dynasties, it is believed that with the blessing of the four immortal dynasties and the strong spiritual energy of the four immortal dynasties, it will be enough to make the people of the four immortal dynasties quickly Lay a solid foundation, so that the whole people will become stronger.

This idea is not a whim, but a problem that Ji Han has been considering since returning from Tianyu Realm, and now it is just a real decision.

Thinking of this, Ji Han said:

"Since being promoted to Immortal Dynasty, it is natural to have the strength and heritage of Immortal Dynasty, and let the name of Immortal Dynasty live up to its name!"

"Therefore, I decided to promote some immortal cultivation techniques among your four immortal dynasties, including some basic advanced qi training techniques, which can help your people lay a solid foundation, and some advanced cultivation techniques, etc. ( bbed) wait! 35

"With those things, the people of your four immortal dynasties can lay the foundation in a short period of time, and then choose different exercises to practice, plus the three thousand avenues of secret techniques, enough to make the overall strength of your four immortal dynasties. Rapidly increase, the strength of the subjects will also be rapidly improved! 35

Now that he has made up his mind, Ji Han naturally has to tell his thoughts carefully.

The ecstasy on the faces of Ying Zheng and the others could hardly be restrained after hearing this.

"Haha, a gentleman is a gentleman, and once you make a move, you are a big deal!

"Wonderful, in this way, wouldn't the overall strength of our four immortal dynasties fly like a rush?"

"This is not the key, the most important thing is that the people of the four immortal dynasties can quickly improve their strength, so as to achieve the goal of national cultivation!

"Yes, sir, this is to make our four immortal dynasties truly live up to their name, haha!

Ying Zheng and the four imagined the beautiful scene after the promotion of national practice, they couldn't help but burst into laughter and flattered Ji Han.

Their hearts are clear, the four immortal dynasties are considered to have a good cultivation environment, and the concentration of aura is not low. As long as they have good qi training, all the people will quickly lay a solid foundation, and they will be more effective when they practice advanced exercises in the future. .

After the strength has increased to a certain level, and then choose one of the three thousand avenues to practice, then the people of the four immortal dynasties will definitely increase their strength, and their four immortal dynasties will naturally increase in strength.

Ji Han smiled slightly, and naturally understood what Ying Zheng and others were thinking.

He tapped on the table with his fingers, and after the four Ying Zheng were quiet, he continued: "Also, not only do I want to promote the cultivation of the whole people among your four immortal dynasties, but I also have an important idea, once it is implemented , in the future, your four immortal dynasties will be completely permanent and become real immortal dynasties!

"What do you think? Come on, sir!"

The breathing of Ying Zheng and the four immediately became rapid, and a scorching light appeared in their eyes.

"It's very simple!" Ji Han looked at the four Ying Zheng and said, "First of all, after promoting the cultivation of the immortals, a notice will be issued in the four immortal dynasties, allowing the people to form cultivation sects, and encouraging your people to form various schools of worship. A training organization.

"Secondly, after the popularization of national cultivation, the purpose of setting up fixed bases in various places is to recruit talents. The higher the qualifications, the better, and the younger the age, the better. All the selected talents will be sent to the army for training.

"In this way, your four immortal dynasties will become a true immortal dynasties based on hundreds of millions of people, with countless sects as the flesh and blood, and the powerful military as the bones.

"By that time, the four immortal dynasties will become stronger and stronger and will last forever!"

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