At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

596 Sooner rather than later, multiple proposals! 【Subscription】

"Start the second sleep plan?"

Ji Han's words directly startled Ying Zheng and others, and then their hearts filled with ecstasy.

"Haha, sir, this statement is very agreeable to me, I completely agree! 35

"Yes, yes, it's all up to the master!"

"Okay, with our current resources, we are fully qualified to start the second sleeping plan, sir, this suggestion is very good!

"That's right, it's the right time, even if Mr. doesn't mention it, I'm going to bring it up after a while!"

The faces of Ying Zheng and the four showed surprise and excitement, and they had absolutely no objection to Ji Han's proposal.

Because they have just wiped out the three sects of the Tianyu Realm, they have obtained cultivation resources that are several times richer than before, and coupled with the offerings and gifts from the surrounding countries, there are countless resources accumulated in Tiantian City, and there are various The treasures of heaven and earth, etc., compared to the previous embarrassing situation of "five-nine-three", it is simply better than I don't know how many times.

In this way, it is enough to support them to start the second sleeping plan!

Ying Zheng immediately asked impatiently: "Sir, how many sleepers are you going to choose this time?35

Cao Cao and the three also looked at Ji Han with anticipation, because for the four immortal dynasties, the sleeping plan was the best way to create top powerhouses, and for them it took very little time, and the effect was very fast, so they They all hope to have more top powerhouses. Whether they sit in the Immortal Dynasty or are in charge of fighting externally, they all play an extremely important role.

Ji Han smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know your thoughts, but many things are not done overnight and need to be done step by step, this time I am still going to select 100,000 sleepers.

"First, the more sleepers, the more training resources we need to provide, so we can't select sleepers without an upper limit, we must control them within a certain range."

"Secondly, we only have one coordinate of the Heavenly Feather Realm now, and another 100,000 Heavenly Immortal-level powerhouses will be enough. When we conquer more worlds and plunder more resources in the future, we can create more sleepers. come out!

Ji Han did not lose his mind because of the temporary record, but wisely kept the number of sleepers at around 100,000.

After all, there are only 100,000 sleepers who need to invest a lot of cultivation resources, not to mention that they still need to promote the cultivation of the whole people. The demand for cultivation resources in the four immortal dynasties is far from enough, and it can be digested no matter how much, so You can't put all your cultivation resources into the sleeping plan.

After the four Ying Zheng heard it, they naturally nodded in agreement, expressing their agreement.

"Then when should the second sleeping plan start?" Chongzhen asked.

Ji Han thought for a while, and then said, "Let's make preparations first. The location is still in the Jurassic time and space. First, build the sleeping base, describe the defense circle, etc., and then talk about it when everything is ready!"

"No problem, I will immediately order people to start preparations after I go back!"

"Yes, yes, sooner rather than later!

"Okay, then we'll make all the preparations first, and wait for Mr. to decide the date!

Ying Zheng and the others had no choice but to respond.

Ji Han continued: "There are also necessary training resources and various natural materials and treasures, etc., you all prepare them first, put them in the trading space, and take them out immediately when you need them!"


The four Ying Zheng nodded in unison.

"Come on, have another drink!"

After talking about the sleeping plan, Ji Han smiled and raised his glass.

"Haha, do it!"

Ying Zheng and the four naturally laughed and raised their glasses, then drank them all.

After putting down the wine glass, Ying Zheng looked at Ji Han with anticipation: "Sir, do you have any other suggestions, please say more!! 99

Obviously, Ying Zheng understands how precious Ji Han's advice is, and he naturally wants to listen to more Ji Han's advice.

"Haha, what Brother Zhao said is very true, sir, give us some advice!"

"Yes, yes, sir, talk more!""

"That's right, that's what I mean too!

Ying Zheng's words attracted the unanimous approval of the three of Cao Cao, who all asked Ji Han to give them some advice.

Ji Han laughed, waved his hand, and said: "How can there be so many suggestions, but if I really want to say, I really have two here, they are about Tianyu Realm.

"What is it? Say it, sir!"

Ying Zheng's four people did not expect that there is really, and suddenly their eyes lit up.

"The first one!" Ji Han played with the wine glass and said slowly: "The area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles around Tatian City has become your territory, so I suggest that you still have the power to wipe out the three sects. , began to integrate the surrounding areas of Tiantian City on a large scale, so as not to delay for too long and the effect will not be good.”

"How to integrate? Please enlighten me sir!

"Actually it's simple. First, there are too many neighboring countries, which are too complicated for management. It is best to combine these countries. For example, countries within ten thousand miles can be combined into one, and you can choose a leader and a leader. It is much more effective and convenient to manage by batching managers, which is beneficial to management and is not afraid of problems! 39

"Second point, send someone to investigate all the known mineral veins in the surrounding area and the production locations of various natural materials and treasures, and control them all in your own hands. This must be done, because this is related to your four immortal dynasties. The heritage of the future!

"Third, plan the management area and send people to sit in each management area to ensure that there will be no riots!""

"This is all I can think of at the moment. You can say what you think, and let's discuss together!"

Ji Han fully showed his thoughts and suggestions to Ying Zheng and others..

After listening to Ying Zheng and the others, their faces were thoughtful, and now they understood Ji Han's intentions somewhat.

"I think this is very necessary, sir, and I agree!"

"Sir is right, the surrounding area of ​​Tiantian City is too country and the area is too broad, we must start integrating as soon as possible!"

"It makes sense, we are strong now, and we are not afraid that they will not cooperate!

"That's right, but it's better to think about it carefully!

The four Ying Zheng expressed their approval in Table 4.3, but they still needed to discuss some specific details.

After that, Ji Han continued to suggest: "There is another suggestion, that is, while integrating the surrounding area, it is best to collect everything about the Tianyu tribe, such as the Tianyu tribe's cultivation system, the Tianyu tribe's various spells, etc. , as much as possible to absorb the heritage of the Tianyu clan to strengthen itself!"

"Understood, thank you sir for your advice!""

"Haha, it makes sense, it would be a waste to not absorb the heritage of the Tianyu Clan!

"Yes, it should be done, sir, that's a good suggestion!"

"As expected of Mr., haha!! 35

As for Ji Han's suggestion, Ying Zheng and the others will naturally be able to appreciate the benefits immediately, so there is no difference at all, and they will definitely do what Ji Han said in the future!

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