At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

597 Why did the immortal master make such a suggestion? 【Subscription】

Ji Han was also very satisfied to see that Ying Zheng and others readily accepted their advice.

In fact, Ji Han himself is looking forward to the suggestions and plans he just mentioned.

Leaving the Tianyu Realm aside for the time being, just talking about the changes and plans that the four immortal dynasties are going to implement next, under the influence of the power of time and space, will definitely have a huge and far-reaching impact on future generations, and even change the pattern of the entire world!

Therefore, Ji Han spared no effort to support the four immortal dynasties, and also tried his best to strengthen the strength of the four immortal dynasties.

After all, under the influence of the power of time and space, the enhancement of the four immortal dynasties and the effects of various changes are basically beneficial to the modern Kyushu.

And Ying Zheng and others can accept and adopt Ji Han's suggestions, and Ji Han is naturally quite gratified.

Of course, it takes a lot of time and preparation to implement the plan proposed by Ji Han. Ji Han only provides Ying Zheng and the others with a general idea and direction, and they still need to operate the specific things themselves.

After that, Ji Han and Ying Zheng and others discussed the details of those plans for a long time, and the atmosphere was very lively.



Daqin Xian Dynasty, in the palace of the King of Qin.

A door of light flashed with dazzling light, and then it seemed like a wave of water rippling, and then Ying Zheng's figure crossed the door of light and returned to the palace of the King of Qin.

After the party, Ying Zheng and others were thinking about a series of plans to be implemented next, so they couldn't wait, so they didn't stay in Ji Han's small manor, but returned to the Xian Dynasty.

As soon as he returned to the Great Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng told the confidant eunuch who came to greet him: "Pass on my order, tomorrow morning, all civil and military officials must go to court, and there must be no mistakes!"

Since Ying Zheng is the lord of the Immortal Dynasty, all the plans and preparations need only be handed over to the people below, so he plans to explain all the arrangements to the court tomorrow morning.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The old eunuch bowed and led the way!

The next day, in the palace of the King of Qin.

At this time, the sky has not yet broken, but the palace of the King of Qin has already gathered all the civil and military officials of the Great Qin Dynasty, and all of them will go to the court without falling.

Regarding Ying Zheng's special orders, let alone now, no one dared to neglect before.

But when the civil and military officials bowed to Ying Zheng in unison to say hello, Ying Zheng straightened his expression and slowly glanced at the civil and military officials below.

The civil and military officials headed by Wang Jianli Si naturally also looked solemn and listened quietly, because they knew that everything Ying Zheng said next was an extremely important event.

Sure enough, Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon chair, said slowly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, last night I met with the Immortal Master. The Immortal Master was very concerned about our four immortal dynasties. Not only did he speak his mind, he also put forward many suggestions and plans."

"This first suggestion is... to promote the cultivation of all people!


As soon as Ying Zheng finished speaking, this shocking news caused an uproar among civil and military officials.

"Promoting National Cultivation?"

"Really? Does the Immortal Master really say that?'

"Haha, great, in this way, the speed of our Daqin Xianchao reaching the cultivation of the whole people will be greatly shortened! 99

"Immortal Master Tianen, Tianen!

The civil and military officials at the bottom have no idea that they are still facing up, and they can't help but talk in a low voice.

"Cough cough!!"

Wang Jian, who was standing at the top of the military attache, coughed twice at this time, and for a while, the civil and military officials suddenly silenced and became quiet again.

At this time, Wang Jian bowed his hands to Ying Zheng and asked, "Your Majesty, I don't know how Immortal Master is going to promote the cultivation of the whole people?

For such an important thing as promoting the practice of all people, in fact, all the civil and military officials below can see the benefits immediately, and they also know that this is a big good thing, so they are very curious about how to promote it. .

Ying Zheng said: "The immortal master has passed down some immortal cultivation techniques, including some advanced qi training techniques. With these things, we can lay a solid foundation for the people of the Daqin Xian Dynasty, and then practice them later. Cultivation of the Immortals and the Secret Technique of the Three Thousand avenues, our Daqin Immortal Dynasty can not only quickly achieve the goal of national cultivation, but also make hundreds of millions of people quickly become stronger!"

"This is the plan proposed by the immortal master. I plan to hand over this matter to Wang Aiqing. What is Wang Aiqing's opinion?"

Wang Jian's face immediately flushed red, and he immediately knelt down and shouted: "Thank you Immortal Master, thank you Your Majesty, this minister will definitely be stubborn, and will never let down the high hopes of Immortal Master and His Majesty! 35

It was the plan proposed by the immortal master Ji Han himself to be able to get such an errand. Wang Jian was naturally very excited. Even if he was old, he still took it directly, and he was even afraid that it would be robbed by others.

After getting up, Wang Jian knew even if he didn't look, that Li Xin and the others behind him were definitely staring at him with envy, jealousy and hatred, which made Wang Jian feel relieved, and admired Ji Han and Ying Zheng more and more.

"Well, I believe in Wang Aiqing's ability! 35' Ying Zheng nodded slightly, and continued: "As for the cultivation techniques handed down by the Immortal Master, I will personally pass it on to you later, and now I will talk about the Immortal Master's second suggestion.

Speaking of this, the civil and military officials below became awe-inspiring again, and at the same time, a hint of anticipation flashed in their eyes.

Because they all wanted to get an important errand like Wang Jian.

Ying Zheng, regardless of what the people below him thought, put his hands on the armrests of the dragon chair and said, "The Immortal Master suggested that within the Great Qin Dynasty, the people should be allowed to form a cultivating sect, what do you Aiqing think?"

"What? Allow the private sector to form a sect of cultivation? 39

"Your Majesty, what does the immortal master mean?

"Why allow the private sector to form a cultivating sect?"

"Yeah, doesn't this mean that the use of force is allowed to violate the ban? What if the folk cultivation sect grows stronger?"

Hearing that the Immortal Master Ji Han actually put forward such a suggestion, the civil and military officials subconsciously felt inappropriate and questioned them one after another.

However, just after the question was raised, those civil and military officials realized that it was above the main hall, and Ying Zhengdu was still watching, so they couldn't help but change their expressions and became quiet again.

At this time, it was Li Si's turn to ask: "Your Majesty, why did the Immortal Master make such a suggestion? I don't know what the Immortal Master meant?"

Li Si seemed much smarter. He didn't dare to question, and at the same time, he didn't understand Ji Han's intentions, so his words were extremely cautious. He seemed to be asking about the immortal master's intentions, but he was actually expressing his views.

After all, from the perspective of Li Si and others, this suggestion is actually not very safe. Of course, this is also related to their thinking limitations. They haven't figured out the key, and it is normal for them not to understand.

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