At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

598 The Immortal Master is the Immortal Master, we are far behind! 【Subscription】

Ying Zheng sat domineeringly on the dragon chair, as if he was not surprised by the reaction of the military officials below.

As Ying Zheng slowly stared at the people below, the civil and military officials suddenly froze and lowered their heads, daring not to say another word.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "You think too one-sidedly, only considering that ordinary people may endanger the rule of the Xian Dynasty after the improvement of their cultivation base, but don't think about it, without hundreds of millions of people, Where did Xian Dynasty come from?

"Let me tell you directly, Immortal Master not only recommends allowing the private sector to form a cultivating sect, but also recommends selecting some geniuses from the private sector to join the military every once in a while!

"Because the real goal of the immortal master is to build our four immortal dynasties into a real immortal dynasty with hundreds of millions of people as the foundation, countless sects as the flesh and blood, and a powerful military as the skeleton, do you understand?"

"Allowing the people to form cultivation schools is not the ultimate goal. The cultivation schools in the Xian Dynasty are only places to cultivate basic talents and discover talents. There is no threat at all, but it can bring a steady stream of human resources to our Daqin Xian Dynasty! 99

"And the military is the real pillar of our Great Qin Immortal Dynasty. In the future, all the geniuses of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty will be put into the army. By then, why should the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty not grow, and why should there be threats from within?"

In order to explain Ji Han's intentions clearly, Ying Zheng has changed his habit, and he eloquently stated the key points and future goals.

As a result, it was like dropping a cannonball on the lake, which shocked the civil and military officials in the hall to be stunned and excited.

"It turns out to be like this, it turns out to be like this, haha!!

"The Immortal Master is the Immortal Master, we are far behind!"

"I'll just say, how could the Immortal Master make such a suggestion, it turns out to be like this, I finally understand!

"The Immortal Master is far-sighted, Your Majesty is wise, we have no opinion!

"Haha, as expected of an Immortal Master, Your Majesty, such a plan should be well implemented!~々!"

The attitude of the civil and military officials below changed drastically, and they all praised Ji Han.

Because the picture of the future described by Ying Zheng is not too beautiful, and the civil and military officials simply cannot resist such temptation.

After all, they are all high-levels in the Immortal Dynasty. The stronger the Daqin Immortal Dynasty, the more benefits they can get. This is a common interest, and no one will refuse.

Moreover, Ying Zheng is now the lord of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty and controls the luck of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty. There is no one who can compete with him in the Immortal Dynasty. It is not something that the civil and military officials can shake, so the opinions of the civil and military officials are not important at all, as long as it is what Ji Han and Ying Zheng want to do, there is nothing they can't do.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng suppressed some of his thoughts, and then ordered: "Since this is the case, I have decided that Li Si will be fully responsible for this matter, and it must be done well!

"Yes, the minister will follow the decree, and the minister must do it wholeheartedly, if not, bring it up and see you!!

Li Si was overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down to take orders, and at the same time made a promise.

"Well, Li Aiqing remember, first issue a notice in all parts of the Xian Dynasty to inform the public that the matter of allowing the private people to form a cultivation sect can be carried out together with the promotion of the cultivation of the whole people, and at the same time, the advanced Qi training will be passed down together, and then the Send someone to set up a fixed recruitment point in various places, the function is to recruit talents in the future, and test the quality of those talents who come to sign up, understand?"

This time, Ying Zheng was very patient. He broke apart many details and explained it to Li Si and others carefully. At the same time, the arrangement of the reward mechanism and other aspects did not fall behind.

Li Si's expression was serious, his face was serious, and he kept nodding his head, obviously trying his best to record everything Ying Zheng explained.

These matters are related to the future of Daqin Xianchao, and must be treated with the most serious attitude. Once something goes wrong, it is not something Li Si can afford, so he naturally dare not do his best.

Afterwards, Ying Zheng made detailed arrangements for the various arrangements of Tian Tian City, including screening the sleepers, integrating the surrounding areas of Tian Tian City, absorbing the details of the Tianyu Realm, etc. Ying Zheng made detailed arrangements and sent people to carry out all those plans.

This kind of thing not only happened in the Great Qin Dynasty, but also happened in the Great Wei Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty and the Daming Dynasty. Arrange, send people to execute a series of plans they have come up with.

Daqin Xian Dynasty, Sishui County.

There is an old tea house in the south of the city of Surabaya.

At this noon, in the three-story old teahouse, a large number of ordinary people were drinking tea and reading the newspaper, which was regarded as a daily pastime.

The appearance of newspapers has changed the lives of ordinary people in Daqin Xianchao, allowing them to learn about what happened in various places in Daqin Xianchao. There were very few people who could read and write in ancient times.

In the lobby on the first floor of the old restaurant, an old man with gray hair and plain clothes was reading a newspaper to the people around him with a newspaper.

"... Ladies and gentlemen, today's newspaper says that Langya County is famous for its talents and is highly respected by the county governor; and Xianyang City has completed the promotion of Qi training...

The old people who read the newspaper began to read out the news in the newspaper one by one, so that the people in the restaurant lobby could know the content.

"Come on, this is the latest piece of news, saying..."

When he read the news that the last edition was not large but occupies an extremely important position, the white-haired old man suddenly paused, and then his hands began to tremble.

"What did you say?"

"Why did it stop?"

"Old old man (Li Nuo is good), why is this?"

Originally, the people who were sitting and drinking tea in the lobby were listening intently, but suddenly there was no sound from below. Seeing that the white-haired old man actually stopped, and his hands were trembling a little, he suddenly had some confusion, and they all urged without worry. The white-haired old man looked excited at this time, his hands were shaking constantly, his eyes were fixed on the contents of the newspaper, and hot tears suddenly overflowed in his eyes.

"Report... The newspaper said that the Immortal Master and His Majesty have decided to comprehensively promote the cultivation of the whole people and pass on advanced Qi training techniques. From then on, as long as they are the citizens of the Great Qin Dynasty, everyone can practice cultivation. , Haha... From now on, everyone can cultivate!!"

The white-haired old man burst into tears with excitement as he stumbled and read the news in the newspaper.

When this piece of news appeared in the lobby of the teahouse, the whole teahouse was in an uproar, and then it suddenly became a sensation! Village.

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