At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

599 huge sensation, brand new archaeological discovery! 【Subscription】

"What? To promote national cultivation?"

"The decision made by the Immortal Master and His Majesty together?"

"Cultivation for the whole people? The immortal master has passed down advanced qi training to lay the foundation for us?"

"Is it true or false? We will be able to lift the immortal cultivation right away?"

"That's still fake, it's all published in the newspapers, and it's a decision made by the Immortal Master and His Majesty, it's absolutely true!

"Haha, great, we Daqin Xianchao will take off in the future, and we may live forever, haha!! 35

In the old teahouse, not only the lobby on the first floor, but even the tea drinkers on the second and third floors were all overjoyed and excited when they heard the news.

Many people thought that they would be able to get in touch with immortals right away, or even to prolong their lifespan or live forever in the future.

At present, although ordinary people do not yet know what impact the implementation of this policy will have, they can clearly know that this is absolutely beneficial to ordinary people without harm, so they It is absolutely supported, and the admiration and respect for the immortal master also reached a peak of 593.

Such scenes not only happened in the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, but were frequently staged all over the four immortal dynasties. Every public who heard the news was very excited and rushed to tell them.

Afterwards, the news of allowing the folks to form a cultivating sect also came out, which once again caused a huge sensation within the four immortal dynasties.

Various discussions and speculations are constantly emerging among the people, and countless people are thinking about how to go in the future!

Heavenly Feather Realm, step on Heavenly City.

At this time, the Tiantian City has not only expanded by several times, but even the number of people in the city has increased by an unknown number of times.

After the Congress of Nations, according to Ji Han's suggestion, the four immortal dynasties began to integrate the surrounding areas.

At this time, at the gate of Stepping Sky City, a long queue of teams is entering the city.

These are the nearby indigenous peoples, who were previously held at the bottom of the various races by the Tianyu Clan.

This time, the four immortal dynasties began to integrate the surrounding areas, and those indigenous peoples were the targets they wanted to fight for.

Because Tatiancheng shouted the majestic slogan "Strengthen the human race, swept the Tianyu, return my beliefs, unanimous (bbed)", the purpose is to encourage the indigenous people of the Tianyu world to stand up and resist the oppression of the Tianyu bird people, and they step on Amagi has already set an example.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the indigenous peoples in the surrounding area kept coming in wave after wave, and then they were absorbed into the army and began to join the army with enthusiasm, completely responding to the slogans shouted by Tiantiancheng.

After being recruited into the army, during the training period, Ying Zheng and others also arranged a large number of soldiers to brainwash the newly joined aborigines, constantly deepening their sense of belonging to the human race, and constantly telling stories about the persecution of the Tianyu clan and the birdmen. At the same time, they kept telling them that they should have freedom of belief and personal freedom, rather than being raised by the birds of the Tianyu clan and being slaughtered like animals.

As a result, the new indigenous people who joined the army screamed excitedly, and their eyes were full of anger towards the Sky Feather Birdmen.

This is exactly the purpose of Ying Zheng and others. In this way, in the following actions against the Tianyu Clan, these indigenous peoples can play the greatest role!

As Ying Zheng and the four set out Ji Han's proposals as plans, and began to implement them one by one, the impact is definitely not only what Ji Han said, all these big events, in time and space Under the revision of the power, it also brought a huge impact to later generations.

Modern Kyushu, Qinling Mountains.

The Qinling Mountains are the most famous and one of the most mysterious mountain ranges on the land of Kyushu, and they are no less than the Kunlun Mountains.

Because the Qinling Mountains starts from Kunlun in the west, passes through Longnan and Shaannan in the middle, and reaches the Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Dabie Mountains and Zhangbaling near Bengbu in the east. It can be said that it is extremely mysterious and noble.

It is precisely because the Qinling Mountains have the honorific title of the dragon veins. From ancient times to the present, there are no one who knows how many princes and princes and emperors of all dynasties have been buried in the depths of the Qinling Mountains. It can be said that the Qinling Mountains are definitely the place with the most tombs in the land of Kyushu.

The Qinling Mountains are long and wide, spanning a very long distance.

The Qinling Mountains are mainly divided into western, middle and eastern sections.

At this time, under a mountain peak in the western section of the Qinling Mountains, a group of people in different clothes were walking slowly.

It is already deep in the Qinling Mountains, and it is definitely an old forest in the deep mountains.

But in such an inaccessible place, there would actually be a team of people.

There seemed to be more than 20 people in that group, each of them carrying big bags and small bags, wearing various mountaineering clothes, holding trekking poles, and were walking slowly in the jungle.

Walking in the front were two middle-aged men with medium build and dark faces, behind them were two gray-haired old men with glasses, who looked very gentle, like cultural people.

The rest are all young men and women, and everyone follows closely behind, daring not to fall behind.

I only heard a young woman behind a white-haired old man suddenly ask: "Professor Yan, it seems that there are few people here, is there really an ancient tomb?"

"Little Wang, this is the Qinling Mountains. It's normal to have ancient tombs, not to mention that Brother Dazhi saw it with his own eyes, don't worry!" Yan Zihua in front replied with a smile.

Obviously, this is an archaeological team!

Listening to Professor Yan Zihua's words, they should have come here to look for ancient tombs.

They are not blindly searching, but purposeful, because one of the first two leaders, a middle-aged man named Dazhi, had seen the entrance of the ancient tomb with his own eyes, so he notified the government, and therefore With Professor Yan Zihua, their archaeological operation this time.

Knowing that this place is so inaccessible, Professor Yan and the others will not enter on foot, but now that they are approaching the destination, it is useless to think about it more.

Thinking of this, Professor Yan Zihua asked the middle-aged man in front, "Brother Dazhi, how far is it?"

"Come on, professor!" Dazhi in front smiled back and said, "It's not too far ahead, if I hadn't happened to come here to hunt, I wouldn't have discovered that there is an ancient tomb in this place.

"Hehe, this is also luck, this time, thanks to the Dazhi brothers for leading the way, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find this place at all, you can rest assured that the reward will not be less than you!

Professor Yan smiled at Dazhi with a gentle attitude and made a promise.

After all, it is absolutely impossible to let people work for nothing. Only by linking labor and remuneration can others do their best!

Dazhi smiled honestly, then turned around again and continued to lead the way. Soon, under the leadership of the two of them, they came to the depths of the jungle!

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