At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

In the 600 ancient tombs, a ground-breaking discovery! 【Subscription】

Passing through the dense forest, Professor Yan and his party came to a hill under the leadership of Dazhi.

The hills in front of me are lush and green, and it doesn't look abnormal.

However, part of the mountain to the east of the hill collapsed.

Dazhi pointed to the collapsed place and said, "Professor Yan, look, it's there. There, because of the collapse of the mountain, a passage was exposed. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to find this ancient tomb."5

Taishi briefly introduced the cause of his discovery of the ancient tomb.

When Professor Yan and the others saw that they had finally arrived, they breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time their faces showed joy.

"Quick, take us over there!

Despite his physical fatigue, Professor Yan couldn't wait to see the place where Dazhi found the ancient tomb.

"This way, Professor~ Be careful!"

Seeing that Professor Yan was so eager, Dazhi naturally did not dare to persuade him, and hurriedly led Professor Yan and others towards the collapsed mountain.

Soon, Professor Yan and others came to the east of the hill, and then they saw a passageway under the collapsed mountain.

This passage is all made of stone slabs, and it looks like it leads to the inside of the mountain, and it runs diagonally downward. If it weren't for the collapse of the mountain, Dazhi and the others would not have discovered this passage.

Seeing this passage, Professor Yan was immediately excited: "Yes, this is a tomb passage, there is indeed an ancient tomb here, it seems that we have come to the right!!

With Professor Yan's rich vision and experience, he can see at a glance that the passage in front of him is the tomb passage. If you enter the tomb passage, you can enter the ancient tomb.

Of course, what kind of scene is inside, Professor Yan is not sure yet.

After hearing Professor Yan's confirmation, the rest of the archaeologists were extremely excited.

They are all interns studying with Professor Yan. For them, being able to find an ancient tomb and conduct scientific research is the best way to gain experience.

At this time, Professor Yan instructed: "Little Li, call the local government immediately and ask them to send troops to protect the scene. The others will rest first and prepare to enter the ancient tomb later.

"Yes, Professor!"

Everyone ordered to follow.

It is customary to notify the local government. Professor Yan teaches them that every time they go to local archaeology, if they find anything, they must notify the local government, and then the government sends armed police to protect the site. First, it is to protect the precious treasures found in the ancient tombs. Cultural relics, and secondly, to prevent some tomb robbers from discovering news and entering ancient tombs for robbery in advance.

If there is no armed police to guard, it is difficult for Professor Yan and his party to protect the ancient tomb.

Afterwards, Xiao Li was in charge of contacting the local government, while the others found an open place to rest nearby, and at the same time took out all kinds of equipment and put them away, waiting for Professor Yan's arrangement.

Professor Yan first took the two of them to check the outermost part of the tomb passage, and confirmed that the tomb passage was still very stable and would not collapse. After the young team members rested for half an hour, he asked them to prepare and bring all their equipment. , began to enter the cemetery.

Only Xiao Li and another leader named Wang Hai were left outside. They had to wait outside for the arrival of the armed police to prevent accidents.

Soon, Professor Yan and his party entered the tomb passage, and then followed the tomb passage slowly down, and began to approach the interior of the ancient tomb.

"Be careful, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Huang, go ahead, pay attention to traps, be careful of your steps, don't rush!"

Professor Yan carefully walked in the tomb passage while observing around, and at the same time did not forget to remind the young people behind him.

They were not entering the tomb for the first time, so they were not afraid.

Fortunately, there were no traps in the tomb passage, and Professor Yan and the others easily came to a huge stone.

This is the Broken Dragon Stone, which was set up to protect the tomb.

Generally speaking, if you want to enter the tomb, you must pass through the broken dragon stone, but the broken dragon stone is generally a huge stone, which is difficult to destroy by ordinary means.

When Professor Yan saw the Broken Dragon Stone, he couldn't help but be overjoyed: "The Broken Dragon Stone is here, and you can enter the tomb by passing through the Broken Dragon Stone. I hope this ancient tomb has not been robbed and excavated.

What Professor Yan was most worried about was that after entering the tomb, he found that the tomb had already been dug up by tomb robbers. This was the most distressing scene, and Professor Yan and the others had already experienced it.

Professor Yan was a little anxious at this time, and he immediately ordered: "Xiao Huang Xiao Zhang, prepare to blast immediately, and the rest of the people will leave first."

Since they knew that there was a tomb here, how could Professor Yan and the others be unprepared.

Blasting with explosives is the best way to open the Broken Dragon Stone, and it is also the most labor-saving way.

・・Please ask for flowers.

"Yes, Professor!

The two young men immediately took out explosives to arrange, while Professor Yan and others exited the tomb first.

Soon, the two young guys also withdrew, and then they heard a muffled sound from the tomb passage, and even the entire tomb passage was shaken, and the dust on the top fell.

Fortunately, the tomb passage has not been affected much and is still stable.

After more than ten minutes, Professor Yan and his team re-entered the tomb passage.

When they came to the position of the Broken Dragon Stone again, the huge Broken Dragon Stone had been blown apart by a small half, revealing a passage that could pass people.

Professor Yan took the group to remove the gravel and carefully entered the tomb.

When they first entered the tomb, what appeared in front of Professor Yan and the others was a long tomb passage, but there were more than ten ear chambers on both sides of the tomb passage, and there was a tomb door at the end of the tomb passage.

After entering, Professor Yan and the others did not move without authorization, but carefully observed the situation inside the tomb.

"I finally came in. It seems that this is an ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty, and the scale is not small, maybe there will be a major discovery! 99

Looking at the internal structure of this tomb, Professor Yan couldn't help being a little excited, because Professor Yan found that this was a large-scale ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty.

Whether it is the style displayed in the tomb, the decoration at the entrance of the ear chamber and the style of the two rows of longevity lamps, it is enough to prove that this is an ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty.

Seeing this ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty, more than a dozen young people behind Professor Yan were also excited.

Not to mention whether there are any major discoveries, just the experience and qualifications of excavating the ancient tombs of the Qin Dynasty are enough for them to gain a lot.

Then everyone looked at Professor Yan and waited for Professor Yan's arrangement.

Professor Yan asked the young man behind him to turn on the searchlight, first carefully observed the environment in the tomb, and then said with a little excitement: "It seems that this ancient tomb has not been robbed by tomb robbers, and it is likely to be well preserved.

"Come on, let's go to the first ear room first!

After speaking, Professor Yan walked towards the first ear room on the left, wanting to see what funeral objects were kept in the ear room! Beg.

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