At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

601 Heaven, the ruins of Jianxian in the ancient tombs of the Qin Dynasty? 【Subscription】

Professor Yan took the lead and walked cautiously towards the first ear chamber on the left.

Unexpectedly, this ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty did not have any traps, and Professor Yan and others did not have any abnormality along the way.

"Is there really no traps in this ancient tomb?"

Professor Yan couldn't help but be a little confused and felt a little abnormal.

But this is the truth. They even tested the instruments, but they never found any traps in the tomb.

However, this is also a good thing for Professor Yan and others, at least they don't need to be cautiously guarded from time to time.

Soon, Professor Yan and others walked into the first ear chamber on the left.

After entering the ear room, Professor Yan and the others looked into the room and saw that there were three wooden racks placed in the ear room, and on the wooden racks were placed some weapons of various shapes.

"Arsenal? It shouldn't be!!"

Seeing this, Professor Yan became even more puzzled.

Logically speaking, it is normal for this large-scale Qin Dynasty tomb to have a arsenal, but it should not be arranged here.

Kind of weird!

Professor Yan thought secretly in his heart.

But if you think about it, you have to see the specific things before you know.

Professor Yan and others slowly approached the first wooden frame, and then they could clearly see what was placed on the wooden frame.

A total of more than ten weapons were placed on the wooden stand. In fact, there were swords and axes, shields, bows and arrows, and even things like pens. Professor Yan and the others were dazzled.

Seeing these weapons, Professor Yan and the others instantly widened their eyes, showing a very surprised look.

Because those weapons are not only small in size, they are two times smaller than normal weapons, the largest is only less than half a meter, and the smallest is only the size of a palm. The most important thing is that these weapons look relatively small. , actually exudes a layer of aura that looks extremely dazzling, although it is a very light layer, but it looks full of spirituality, and it is very conspicuous.

Yes, full of spirituality, this is the first thought of Professor Yan and others when they saw these weapons.

"This...what kind of weapons are these? Why are they so small, not only not rotten, but also radiating light??

Professor Yan's face was full of shock, and an unbelievable light appeared in his eyes.

"My God, what did I see?"

"Impossible, what's the situation?

"A weapon that shines? A magic weapon? Or am I blinded?"

"My God, what have we found?"

Behind Professor Yan, all the young archaeologists exclaimed in disbelief.

The scene in front of them was something they never thought about. The weapon on the wooden frame was not only small and strange, but also exuded aura. Everyone was a little caught off guard, and even a little confused.

You must know that the Qin Dynasty has been more than two thousand years away from modern times. If it is an ordinary weapon, it will definitely oxidize and rot. Even the wooden frame where the weapons are placed is a bit rotten, but these weapons are not, and even look bright. Nu Skin has firmly attracted the attention of Professor Yan and others.

"A major discovery, this is definitely a major discovery that shocked the world, haha!!

Looking at these weapons emitting aura on the wooden frame, Professor Yan was so excited that he couldn't help himself, because he had never made such a major discovery for so many years of archaeology.

Unsurprisingly, these weapons that exude aura are absolutely of unimaginable great value, and they will even change the history of the world.

The young people behind Professor Yan are even more excited than Professor Yan, because they are fortunate to participate in such a major discovery, and they will definitely be remembered in history in the future. How can these young people not be excited?

"Quick, quick photo, get the bag ready!!"

Professor Yan took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then immediately ordered the team behind him to start work.

Professor Yan himself put on a pair of white gloves, with an affectionate expression on his face, as if he was treating his first love, he cautiously approached the wooden frame, and then reached out to touch the weapons.

Professor Yan first carefully picked up a small sword, and then put the palm-sized sword in front of him to observe slowly.

After looking at it for a while, Professor Yan found that the small sword in his hand did not show any signs of oxidation and decay, and at the same time was extremely sharp. Even if it was held in his hand, Professor Yan felt a sharp chill, which was obviously a small sword. The blades on both sides of the sword radiate out..

Especially after getting closer, Professor Yan could feel how attractive the faint light on the sword was, and even Professor Yan felt a faint sense of oppression emanating from it.

That's right, it was a sense of oppression. Professor Yan actually felt a sense of oppression from a small sword, which was incredible.

"Xianjian, this is definitely a fairy sword, this is not something that the mortal world can have, it is absolutely like this!!

Professor Yan suddenly shouted excitedly, and he lost his calm and refined image.

This is not his fault, the discovery in front of him is really shocking, and anyone else might have the same reaction.

The reason why Professor Yan made such an assertion is that he has handled all the swords unearthed in ancient Kyushu, even the most famous Yue Wang sword, but there is no sword that can compare with the small sword in front of him, so Professor Yan Such a bold assertion.

Furthermore, the various miracles that have occurred in Kyushu during this period of time have made an old-fashioned intellectual like Professor Yan have to believe that immortals and gods exist in their Kyushu. It's what the gods left behind.

Professor Yan himself was frightened by his idea, but if it can be proved to be true, then their gains will be great, so Professor Yan is uncontrollably ecstatic at this time.

The young team members behind Professor Yan were naturally even more excited.

"What? Immortal sword? Really 4.3 fake?

"Professor, did you read that right?"

"Fuck, fairy sword? Left over from fairy gods?"

"The problem is that this is an ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty, not a miraculous site, professor, are you sure?

More than a dozen young team members were shocked and lost their voices. It was hard for them to believe that the weapons in front of them were actually left by the gods.

But the fact did not allow them not to believe, Professor Yan even nodded with certainty.

Professor Yan is not sure if these are weapons left by immortals, but he can at least be sure that these are definitely supernatural weapons, and the layer of aura attached to the weapons is enough to prove that these weapons have supernatural powers.

Such a major discovery is enough to make Professor Yan and others famous in the world, and it is enough to shock the world!

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