At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

059 Don't You Want Ben Hou To Move Alone? 【45, Ask For Flowers】

Chongzhen has indeed accumulated a lot of wooden handle grenades in the past few days!

Now he is well aware of the importance of firearms, so all the firearms and grenades produced are strictly guarded and controlled, and it is strictly forbidden to leak!

But he never thought of selling it!

So when Ying Zheng wanted to buy it, he was a little embarrassed.

"Old Zhu, Lao Zhao wants to fight the Xiongnu, so it shouldn't be difficult for you to support him with ten thousand?" Ji Han said at this moment.

How dare Chongzhen say no when he sees it!

He nodded quickly and said, "Sir, you're joking, what are 10,000 grenades, my war bureau produces thousands of wooden-handled grenades every day, if the First Emperor wants, I will give him 30,000 for free!"

"Okay, hahaha!"

When Ying Zheng saw this, he laughed with satisfaction.

"But it doesn't work if you don't charge money. How about I give you 30,000 taels of gold?" Ying Zheng waved his hand in a big way.

"No no no!" Ji Han decisively waved his hand to stop: "I have no opinion on whether you two communicate with each other, but things are not sold like this."

"Huh? What do you mean, sir?"

Chongzhen and Ying Zheng were both surprised.

30,000 grenades sell for 30,000 taels of gold, right?

Although this profit is as high as ten times, but what you love and I wish will benefit everyone!

"Old Zhu, are you short of money?" Ji Han asked with a smile, "Is it cool that you just ransacked your home. You can easily get a few million taels of silver. If you run out of money, there are still a bunch of fat sheep waiting for you to slaughter. Will you be short of money?"

"Uh, that's true!" Chongzhen smiled confidently: "With Mr.'s guidance, I will not be short of money for the time being."

"So what do you want this gold for? Is it moldy?" Ji Han reminded: "You have to ask for food!"

"Want food?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Yes!" Ji Han said solemnly: "Do you know the population of Daming? Nearly 100 million, how much land is there? It's only 500 to 800 million mu!"

"With such a small amount of land to feed a full 100 million people, with the agricultural output at that time, it was already extremely difficult, coupled with land annexation and natural and man-made disasters, how many people have to starve to death every year?"

"Many people have to eat bark to survive in good years. If it is a disaster year, it is really a change of child, and the food is terrible!"

"And the old Zhao is much better, with a population of only over 20 million, and there is no war in the country at all. Although there is a shortage of food, but in the future, if the potato is a high-yielding grain, he will never be short of food!"

"So you want gold for nothing. You have to ask for food. If you don't have food, do you let your soldiers and people chew grenades?"

Ji Han's series of pointers immediately made Ying Zheng three people shine!

Yep, that's a lot better than trading gold.

First of all, Ying Zheng is very satisfied, because Daqin's gold mining technology is very backward, only some surface open-pit gold mines can be mined!

Even if he collects gold from all over the country, he can't actually get much. If he trades gold for grenades, he will be poor as pants in a short time.

But he has a lot of food!

The granaries in various places were full, and after the war, the people were recuperating, and there was no shortage of food at all.

If the potato is popularized, he will become a big landlord.

For Chongzhen, this proposal is also very exciting. He knows the preciousness of food. At least there are hundreds of thousands of victims around the capital waiting to be fed.

"Sir is right, right!" Chongzhen exclaimed excitedly: "Although I was rich in the Ming Dynasty, the common people lived in real hardships, disasters continued in various places, and countless victims lost their homes every year, I am so sad! "

"If the First Emperor is willing to exchange food for firearms, I am very grateful, and there is no problem with the price discount!"

Chongzhen's statement made Ying Zheng laugh out loud!

"I have no shortage of food!" Ying Zheng laughed loudly: "I have kept a large amount of food and grass in the military granaries all year round. This time, it can be said that the attack on the Xiongnu from the north is almost guaranteed, and I don't need much food at all. As many as a million stones."

"Okay, okay!" Chongzhen also said happily: "Since the first emperor also has this intention, then it's settled, one stone grain is exchanged for one wooden handle grenade, and I will send you a thousand flintlock guns and thirty thousand rounds of paper. Shell bullet."

"That's very good!" Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction: "But since you are short of food, then I will give you 300,000 stone first, and the extra grenades and firearms are owed first, and you can give me slowly."

"Okay, First Emperor is refreshing, I respect you!"

"Come, come, drink this cup full!"

The more the two chatted, the happier they were, and after the cooperation agreement was concluded, they wished they could immediately hook up and call each other brothers and sisters.

However, after the two suddenly looked at each other, they suddenly fell silent.

Because they suddenly thought of a question, how to deliver so many goods?

Everyone can't enter each other's world, and a door of light does not allow too many people to enter and exit.

The grenade and flintlock guns are okay, tens of thousands are not too many.

But this food is a huge problem.

One stone grain is 120 catties, and 300,000 stone grains are 36 million catties!

How to carry so much grain, do you rely on people?

"The potato seeds given by Mr. last time are 10,000 catties." Ying Zheng reminded embarrassingly, "They are all carried by Wang Qing alone!"

After speaking, everyone silently looked at Wang Ben!

Wang Ben, who was burying his head and eating frantically, quickly sensed something was wrong!

He raised his head with a dull face, just in time to see the encouraging eyes of Ying Zheng and Chongzhen.

"Damn it!" Wang Ben imitated Ji Han's appearance and uttered a foul language, his voice trembling and wailing: "You don't want Ben Hou to move alone, do you? Your Majesty, no, it will kill people!"

"Wang Qing, I believe in you!"

"Marquis Tongwu, you can do it!"

The two unscrupulous emperors, Ying Zheng and Chongzhen, continued to encourage them.

Wang Ben was so frightened that his face was full of despair, and he begged for life as death: "Sir, help!"

"Hahaha!" Ji Han laughed uncontrollably: "Pharaoh alone carries tens of millions of kilograms of food, and the whole village has to go to his house to eat. How can this be done? I'll find a way!"


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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