At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

060 What Is The Curse Of The Ming Dynasty? 【55, Ask For Flowers】

The deal between Ying Zheng and Chongzhen, Ji Han tried his best to facilitate.

Because this is not only related to the trade between the two dynasties, but also has a huge impact on both Da Qin and Da Ming, and it is even more beneficial to him.

But how to solve this problem?

If the transaction goes well, the transactions of the two major dynasties in the future will be calculated by millions and tens of millions of tons!

So much trade volume is impossible to rely on manual handling alone.

"System, is there a way to solve it?" Ji Han helplessly asked the almighty system.

"Yes!" The system answered intelligently: "The owner can open the trading space, and this problem can be easily solved."

"Trading space?"

Ji Han was stunned, and soon the system flooded his mind with an unfamiliar message. After reading it, he suddenly realized it.

Trading space is a hidden feature of the system!

It can form an infinite space, which is manipulated by Ji Han.

With his permission, some functions of the space can be opened to Ying Zheng and Chongzhen, so that they can easily put things into the space.

Once they want to trade, Ji Han can exchange and deliver the things in the two spaces in one thought, and then they can easily take them out when they return to their own world.

This thing is like a storage ring or a game backpack space. It is not difficult to understand, but it easily solves the problem faced by Ji Han!

And Ji Han also has 100% control over this trading space!

He can easily freeze the use rights of any party, or he can take a commission at will, these are his powers.

"Yes, yes, open the trading space!" Ji Han ordered with great joy.

"Ding! Order received!"

"Automatically generate three trading fingers, deducting three thousand correction values!"

After the system prompts one by one, Ji Han has three more fingers in his hand.

These three wrench fingers are all similar in appearance, with a simple and domineering appearance, with a dragon-shaped relief, and a faint flash of brilliance, which looks like a fetish.

These three fingers are the trading fingers!

One of them is the main wrench worn by Ji Han, and the other two are auxiliary wrenches!

After wearing them, not only can you open a huge storage space that is nothing but independent, but also this finger can automatically protect the master, and it can resist a fatal injury every 24 hours, which is very awesome.

"good stuff!"

Ji Han is overjoyed to bring the main wrench to his thumb!

Then he directly handed the two subsidiary wrenches to Ying Zheng and Chongzhen.

"These two are the storage fingers that I condensed with the immortal method!" Ji Han boasted and said: "They contain endless storage space, you can collect any items, and they will be automatically generated every 24 hours to resist The defensive shield of lethal damage, you bring it!"


Ying Zheng and Chongzhen were pleasantly surprised.

After they put on the wrench, they could vaguely feel that there is a huge space in the wrench, which can easily put away any items.

After trying it out, the two immediately fell in love with it.

"Thank you sir, this is a fairy weapon!"

"Haha, with this thing, why should I worry about the transportation of food!"

"Sir, it's really no trivial matter. I solved these problems easily. I would like to give you a cup of honor!"

Ying Zheng Chongzhen's face was full of ecstasy, this is a good thing, they made a lot of money!

Wang Ben was also secretly grateful for the rest of his life. Fortunately, Ji Han solved this problem with his strength. Otherwise, he felt that he could go back and write a suicide note!

Can one person carry tens of millions of kilograms of grain? It's no wonder it's not dead!

"Old Zhao, next time I'll prepare you more seeds of high-yielding crops such as corn and rice, and I won't have more potatoes than you. You have people planting them on a large scale!"

"The 100 million people in the Ming Dynasty are waiting to be fed, and they have to consume billions of grains a year. Your hundreds of thousands of stone grains are a drop in the bucket, so be prepared!"

"And you can prepare more charcoal, Lao Zhu definitely needs charcoal!"

Ji Han continued to point, and Ying Zheng nodded.

Chongzhen also sighed at the side: "Yes, sir, what you said is very true. I don't know why this damn weather is getting colder every year. Not only is the crop harvest not good, but the charcoal for the people to spend every winter is also frighteningly expensive!"

"Almost all the mountains and forests within a hundred miles around the capital have been cut down, and some people even sneaked into the imperial mausoleum to cut wood!"

"No way, I can't even if I want to. If there is no charcoal fire this winter, it will really freeze people to death!"

"If Brother Shi Huang can get a lot of charcoal, I would be willing to exchange artillery for you!"

This proposal made Ying Zheng happy again!

Charcoal, he doesn't lack it, isn't it easy to get this thing?

"Wang Qing, prepare more charcoal when you go back." Ying Zheng ordered with a smile.


Wang Ben repeatedly agreed.

After Ji Han took a sip of beer, he smiled and said, "Old Zhu, do you know why your Ming Dynasty is getting colder and colder? Because you are in the Little Ice Age!"

"Little Ice Age?" Chongzhen was taken aback.

"Yes!" Ji Han continued: "This is a very peculiar natural phenomenon that can often affect the world and last for several years or even a dozen years. It is characterized by a decrease in temperature year by year and frequent disasters in various places."

"If I'm not mistaken, earthquakes, droughts, floods, and locust plagues in various places in the Ming Dynasty must have been one after another, more than ten times more than before, right?"


Chongzhen gasped in fright.

He thought about it seriously, it really is!

He had a headache before, why did the disaster just end here, and where did the disaster appear again?

What is the curse of this Ming Dynasty?

"Damn it!" Chongzhen said angrily: "No wonder, no wonder this happens."

"So you have to store more charcoal and more food, or at least tens of millions of people will die in the Ming Dynasty in the next few years!" Ji Han urged seriously.

"Millions of people?"

"How is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked on the spot, and Chongzhen was completely stunned.


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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