At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

061 Tactics are interspersed in the poor, and the rich are bombarded! [110, please order first]

"Sir, I, I heard right? You said that tens of millions of people would die in the Ming Dynasty?

"How is this possible? Sir, you are joking, aren't you?""

"It must be a joke, I don't believe it, it's impossible! 35

Chongzhen's mood became a little excited!

This is the first time he has been so rude.

Even if he heard that he would be hanged in Coal Mountain before, and Daming would be destroyed by the country, he had never been so excited. At this time, he subconsciously dared to question Ji Han.

Millions of people!

It's all living life!

How could it be possible to die by millions?

The population of the Ming Dynasty was only about 100 million, so half of them would die?

This is too exaggerated, isn't it?

Even Ying Zheng Wang Ben couldn't help being taken aback.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Ji Han sighed and smiled bitterly: "It's a fact, the years of the Little Glacier disaster have led to the reduction of grain production in various places, and the disasters have continued. Always mess up!

"At the end of the Ming Dynasty, except for a few places such as Jiangnan, most of the other places were empty and empty, and there were not one out of ten people!"

"After Jiannu entered the customs, Daming was slaughtered, dozens of cities were brutally bloodbathed because of their resistance to Jiannu, and they were killed without leaving behind!

"Afterwards, they even proposed a cruel order to keep the head but not the hair, and keep the hair but not the head. I don't know how many people were killed!"

"After tossing it over and over again, after Jiannu completely wiped out Nanming, the population has dropped to less than 50 million, and tens of millions of people have died in disasters and military chaos, and there are corpses everywhere!"

The more Ji Han talks, the more sad and angry!

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and Wang Ben also had red eyes.

Everyone seemed to have seen this tragic scene.

"This, this is all my fault, it's all my fault! 35 Chongzhen burst into tears and said in pain: "I am sorry for the people of Kyushu, I am sorry for the ancestors and ancestors! 35

"It's okay, you still have a chance to change in this life! Ji Han said solemnly: "So you not only have to vigorously develop guns to fight the disabled Jiannu, but also work hard to save food to fight natural disasters, and the lives of tens of millions of people are waiting for you to save Ah! 35


"Thank you sir for the pointer!"

"I, I will never lose the trust of Mr.! 99

Chongzhen solemnly bow down!

He felt an inexplicable weight on his shoulders.

For the hundreds of millions of people in the Ming Dynasty, he had to go all the way to the dark, God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

At the same time, he is also secretly glad that he met Ji Han!

With the help of this Immortal Master, he had the possibility to turn around.

"Brother Shi Huang, please prepare more food for me!" Chongzhen said solemnly: "As much as I want, I can exchange it with firearms.

"it is good!"

Ying Zheng laughed, and the contract between the two was so completely settled.

"Lao Zhao, when did you fight the Huns?" Ji Han asked in surprise.

"Soon!" Ying Zheng said domineeringly: "My army is almost ready, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers have already arrived in the north. Once the three-piece cavalry is fully equipped with all the cavalry, we can start the battle, about seven or eight days later. !99

"So soon?" Ji Han frowned secretly.

Although Daqin has so many epoch-making weapons!

But the Huns are not easy to provoke. If they really fight, casualties and a large number of wounded soldiers are likely to occur.

Originally, he also wanted to make a lot of Yunnan Baiyao, and then teach some knowledge about medical treatment, or give Lao Zhao some medical books, so that he can train some doctors to reduce the casualty rate!

But now it seems too late!

"It seems that I can only do some alcohol disinfection, and I will do other things slowly later.

"Fortunately, the advantages of this battle are great, and there should be not many wounded!"

"Wait, Lao Zhao, I'll go and prepare some good things for you tomorrow, so that the battle will be smooth sailing for you! 35

"Oh yes, after Lao Zhu hands over the first batch of wooden handle grenades to you, you will have people bring them all. If you have nothing to do, you will blow up Te Niang. We have no shortage of grenades!"

"Isn't the old saying? Tactics are interspersed when you are poor, and bombing is rampant when you are rich. You can't use a grenade on a crossbow and use it as a cannon!

Ji Han exhorted patiently!

Ying Zheng was very moved, and he knew that Ji Han was afraid that his casualties would affect the national power of Qin.

"Sir, you are worrying too much!" Ying Zheng said domineeringly: "If there are so many good things and you can't clean up the Huns, what is the use of my army of millions? 35

"If you win, you will definitely win. Wouldn't it be better to have fewer casualties?" Ji Han said angrily, "Grenades are dead things, better than fighting with their lives!"

"Yes, yes, the teacher taught me a lesson, I remember it!" Ying Zheng asked curiously: "But what does it mean to tie a grenade to a crossbow and use it as a cannon?"

"Don't you understand?" Ji Han rolled his eyes and said, "The killer Lei 157 on the grassland is still not far enough, the deterrent to the enemy is too low, you must have a cannon!""

"But what if you don't have a cannon? Just use a crossbow. This thing has a range of hundreds of steps, and the crossbow is thicker than a baby's arm, and its strength is super!

"You just need to tie the grenade to the crossbow and fire it out, and within a few hundred steps, isn't that where you hit it? Isn't this the same as a cannon?

Ji Han explained and described!

Ying Zheng, who had never seen artillery before, finally understood what it meant.

"Cai ah, this method is very good, it can also be used in siege battles!" Ying Zheng clapped his hands excitedly, and Wang Ben's eyes also lit up.

Because this trick easily solves the problem of not enough grenades!

Imagining a row of car crossbow volleys, followed by a rumble of explosions a few hundred steps away, the two of them couldn't help but burst into joy.

Even Chongzhen couldn't help his heart pounding.

"Sir, this is a wonderful method!" Chongzhen said in surprise: "It's simple and practical, good!"

"What a chicken!" Ji Han said angrily: "Da Qin has no artillery for the time being, so he can only use it like this. How many cannons have you built?"

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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