At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

610 new plan, outrageous layout! 【Subscription】

"Floods? Why floods?"

Ji Han's thoughts started to drift along with it!

To be honest, when Ji Han felt a sense of crisis in his heart, Ji Han couldn't help being startled at the time, and then he followed the source of the sense of crisis, and found that the sense of crisis came from the unknown prehistoric times.

Ji Han doesn't understand, why is it Honghuang?

But Ji Han also knew that if he could threaten him at present, it was only the unknown and mysterious area and time and space of the Great Desolate Land.

In the prehistoric times, let’s not say that the top Hongjun Daozu and several other saints are the existences that Ji Han cannot compete with. Under these saints, there are many mysterious powers hidden in the prehistoric times. It can be said that the prehistoric The top combat power contained in it is definitely the best in the three thousand worlds.

In addition, neither the Tianyu Realm nor the other time and space of the Blue Star could pose any threat to Ji Han.

"Honghuang... Could it be that several saints have noticed me?"

"Impossible, if the sage wants to count on me, then I can't feel it at all, the gap between me and the sage is just like the sky!

"In this way, it must be the mighty existence under the saints-, then who would it be?"9

"Hey, I still can't slack off at all-!!"

Ji Han's thoughts turned sharply, and he analyzed various possibilities, but in the end he still had no clue.

At the same time, Ji Han also had some emotions in his heart. It was the pressure and crisis that urged him to keep moving forward. He couldn't stop at all. Once he stopped, the consequences would be disastrous.

"In this way, we have to continue to find ways to improve the top combat power!" Ji Han murmured.

That's right, now Ji Han is thinking about top combat power!

For Ji Han, whether it is the four immortal dynasties or the current Kyushu, although it is not difficult to improve the overall strength, it does not help Ji Han in any way. Only by improving the top combat power can help Ji Han, and then resolve the next possible crisis.

However, now whether it is the four immortal dynasties or the modern Kyushu, their development is very good, and they have entered a stage of rapid improvement, but the starting point of this stage is still too low, and Yu Ji Han is not helpful.

Therefore, Ji Han thought of cultivating some top combat powers that could help him. For example, the 100,000 Heavenly Immortal soldiers in Stepping Sky City, Ying Zheng and others, and generals such as Lu Bu, are all Ji Han's goals. .

As long as these high-level combat powers are quickly raised, Ji Han can feel a lot more at ease.

"How to quickly improve Ying Zheng's strength?" Ji Han was once again lost in thought.

For the four Ying Zheng, as the masters of the Immortal Dynasty at this time, they could use the enormous fortune of the Immortal Dynasty to cultivate every day.

However, no matter how rapid the improvement of the cultivation base, it takes a process and time, so the strength of Ying Zheng and others in a short period of time is not very helpful to Ji Han.

However, if some medicinal herbs are used, it may be different!

Such a thought suddenly flashed through Ji Han's mind!

For Lu Bu and other generals like Jinxian, there is no possibility for their cultivation to continue to improve in a short period of time, but reaching Jinxian's cultivation can still be of great help to Ji Han. Lu Bu and others can have a magic weapon that is handy, especially the magic weapon that can directly improve the combat power.

Thinking of this, Ji Han already had a preliminary idea.

"It seems that if you want to improve the high-level combat power in a short period of time, you can only start from the two aspects of medicine pill and magic weapon!"

Ji Han's direction was immediately clear, and he already had a rough plan in mind.

The first is the problem of medicinal pills. If you can have countless natural treasures and cultivate them into a large number of medicinal pills that can quickly improve your cultivation, then the strength of Ying Zheng and others can skyrocket again in a short period of time. The greater the help.

Even for Lu Bu and other generals who were already golden immortals, as long as the medicinal pill level is high enough, it is not impossible to mention the strength.

And the whole point of it all lies in the pills!

However, refining medicinal herbs requires a lot of elixir, especially elixir of sufficient age, the longer the better.

Therefore, Ji Han's first plan is closely related to elixir, and even if he wants to improve the cultivation of Ying Zheng and others, elixir is the most indispensable thing.

With the elixir, it can be refined into elixir, and then the problem will be half solved!

"Pill... elixir?? I need a lot of elixir, and it must be as old as possible, so it seems that I have to use the power of time and space again.

・・Ask for flowers・

Ji Han's eyes brightened the more he thought about it.

He already has a clear plan in his mind. He wants to use the power of time and space to build several huge secret elixir gardens in Jurassic time and space, and then plant a large number of elixir seeds or seedlings in the elixir garden, just like Like the previous sleeping plan, go back and open the secret elixir garden from the time and space of Daqin Xianchao.

In this way, after hundreds of millions of years of cultivation and growth, a large number of elixir seeds in the secret elixir garden will definitely become the most precious elixir, and each elixir can grow for hundreds of millions of years. The medicinal power contained is simply unimaginable, and the medicinal pills refined with those spirit medicines will surely have unimaginable effects.

The reason why there is such inspiration is because of the last sleeping plan.

Since top powerhouses can be mass-produced, why not mass-produce rare elixir?

It is because of this that Ji Han clarifies the first plan, which Ji Han calls the Heaven and Earth Elixir Plan!

As for the elixir seeds or seedlings needed for this plan, Ji Han already knows what he needs, and is not worried that he will not be able to find them.

After solving the problem of the elixir, the remaining problem is to create a batch of powerful magic weapons for Ying Zheng and others.

However, in addition to the 12th-grade Hei Lian, Ji Han had no extra magic weapon to give to Ying Zheng and others.

But Ji Han is not worried, because since he can build a secret elixir garden in Jurassic time and space to cultivate elixir, why can't he forge some magic weapons in Jurassic time and space?

Ji Han figured out the key at once. For him, the correction of the power of time and space is definitely one of his most powerful abilities, and it is of great help to him.

He only needs to build a Treasure Pavilion in Jurassic Time and Space, and then forge a large number of Time Magic Treasures and store them in the Treasure Pavilion. After hundreds of millions of years, those Time Magic Treasures will definitely evolve into Time Treasures.

Because the magic weapon of time is not only powerful, but also has a characteristic, that is, the longer it exists, the more terrifying the power, and even after hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, it is not impossible to evolve into a top treasure of merit! .

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