At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

611 The second plan, the situation is very good! 【Subscription】

It is precisely because of the characteristics of time magic weapons that Ji Han decided to create a large number of time magic weapons in Jurassic time and space.

And Ji Han's second plan, he called it Time Treasure Plan!

Only time-type magic weapons can utilize the power of time and space to the extreme. If it is replaced with other types of magic weapons, after hundreds of millions of years, let’s not say whether it will evolve or not. With the passage of time, maybe even scum may not exist. !

Therefore, Ji Han has great expectations for the second plan, and he even hopes that the power of time and space can help him create a few acquired treasures.

Once he has a few top-notch meritorious treasures, even if they are acquired the day after tomorrow, the power is definitely beyond Ji Han's imagination, and the high-level combat power he has cultivated will be enough to deal with all troubles.

And even if those time-like magic treasures fail to evolve into the top treasures of merit and virtue, the "five-nine-three" accumulation of hundreds of millions of years of time will not be too small, and it will be enough to arm Ying Zheng and others. !

As long as the second time treasure plan is successful, Ji Han believes that the combat power of Ying Zheng and Lu Bu and others will definitely skyrocket in an instant.

Thinking of this, Ji Han smiled slightly, and the sense of urgency in his heart due to the hint of crisis also faded a lot.

As for the two Ji Han he just came up with, in fact, Ji Han is very confident, just like the first sleeping plan, if nothing goes wrong, it will definitely succeed.

"Then it's time to think about how to implement it!"

Ji Han's expression was indifferent, and all his thoughts were instantly put away.

The next day, it was the day of the small manor party again.

Ji Han has already ordered to go ahead and prepare a lot of good food and wine today. He wants to have a good drink with Ying Zheng and others, and at the same time discuss his two plans with them.

The fairies in the small manor naturally responded with a smile, and then went down to work on their own, making preparations.

Soon, evening fell, and the night outside the small manor slowly fell.

And just as night fell completely, the four light gates side by side in the small manor also began to shine brightly.


The rays of light rippled like water waves, and then, four figures stepped out from the four gates of light at the same time.

"Haha, three brothers, how are you doing recently?"

Ying Zheng took the lead across the gate of light and appeared in the small manor. At the same time, he greeted the three of Cao Cao with a big smile.

Cao Cao bowed his hands towards Ying Zheng and the three of them and smiled: "Everything is fine, haha!!

"Me too!"

"Haha, don't patronize the greetings, go for a walk, I have already smelled the delicious food, let's go, let's go to see Mr.

Li Shimin and Chongzhen also responded with a smile, and then Chongzhen couldn't wait to walk towards the backyard, saying to meet Ji Han first, but smelling the food, his saliva almost drooled.

"Haha, Lao Zhu is still so anxious!!

"Go go go!!"

"I also miss Mr.'s food and wine, haha, keep up with it!!

Ying Zheng and the three naturally made fun of Chongzhen's actions, and immediately followed into the backyard.

This time, Ying Zheng and the other four did not bring any entourage. After all, Wang Ben, Lu Bu and other generals were still marching on the city of heaven, and they would never come!

Soon, the four of Chongzhen came to the backyard.

In the backyard, Ji Han had already ordered a rich banquet, waiting for the four Ying Zheng to arrive.

Seeing Ji Han sitting in the first place, Chongzhen took the lead to pay his respects and said, "Haha, Chongzhen pays respects to Mr., but I haven't seen him for many months, and Mr. is even better than before!!

Ji Han directly laughed and scolded: "Old Zhu, your flattery is getting worse and worse, sit down!!"


Chongzhen didn't care at all and sat down beside Ji Han.

Ying Zheng, who was one step behind, also laughed and greeted Ji Han.

Ji Han responded with a smile, and then greeted Ying Zheng and the three of them to take their seats.

Just as Chongzhen sat down, he rubbed his hands together and said impatiently, "Haha, I haven't been able to eat the delicious food and wine from Mr. for a few months, and the birds are almost fading out of my mouth. I must have a good taste today, and then I won't go home if I don't get drunk. !!"5

"Haha, that's right, you must drink enough tonight!!

"Old Zhu is right this time, haha!!"

"Come on, let's toast Mr. first!! 99

The three of Ying Zheng did not make fun of Chongzhen this time, but echoed with laughter, and then raised their glasses to Ji Han.

Ji Han shook his head and laughed, but he didn't care. He raised his glass and touched the four of Ying Zheng.

Now the atmosphere of their relationship is no longer as restrained and polite as the first time, and they are very casual with each other.

Ji Han also likes this kind of communication atmosphere, so naturally he will not try to correct anything.

After Ji Han and the others put down their wine glasses, Wang Mushi, Zhen Mi and others poured wine and vegetables.

As for the other little fairies, they naturally played music when they should, and danced when they should.

Ji Han and others started to change the cups and eat and drink happily.

Ying Zheng and others haven't been here for a few months, and they have long been drooling over the food and wine at Ji Han's place.

And Ji Han also knew that Ying Zheng and others must be counting the days, so he also specially prepared a lot of delicious wine and food, absolutely enough.

Ying Zheng and the others toasted Ji Han frequently while eating delicious food.

Ji Han is naturally drinking until his glass is dry, and he is not afraid at all.

After half an hour, the four talents of Ying Zheng slowly put down their chopsticks, revealing a look of satisfaction.

Seeing this, Ji Han then asked: "How about you, the four great immortal dynasties come in and develop?35

"Okay, that's great!!" Ying Zheng put down his wine glass and immediately replied with a big laugh: "Haha, thanks to the suggestion that Mr. Qin came up with, after we Daqin Xianchao implemented the plan according to Mr., the situation is very good! 99

"Oh? Talk about it!"

"Yes, the first thing is to promote the cultivation of the whole people. In the past six months, the people of our Daqin Xian Dynasty have almost learned the advanced Qi training taught by the master, and basically completed the first step of the 4.3 training for the whole people. After most of the people have entered, the goal of cultivating immortals for all people has basically been achieved!"

"In addition, I have issued official documents in various places in Daqin, making the formation of a cultivation sect a legal thing, and given certain rewards. Although it is limited to the issue of cultivation base, there have not been many folk cultivation schools, but I believe that with As time goes by, more and more people will definitely set up a sect of cultivation!"9

"Moreover, I have also set up bases in various places to recruit private cultivation talents, and all of them will be sent to the army for training at that time!

"Haha, I believe that under the leadership of Mr. Qin, our Great Qin Dynasty will definitely usher in a leap-like rise!!

Ying Zheng just like showing off his achievements, he reported the development and changes of Daqin Xianchao in the last half year in detail to Ji Han!.

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