At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

618 The catastrophe is coming, Ji Han's intimidation! 【Subscription】

"God of Wealth??"

Zhao Gongming was also very happy at first, but when he heard Ji Han's sudden change of address to him, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback, and his face couldn't help but show a look of doubt.

He didn't understand what Ji Han meant. He had to know that no one had ever called him the God of Wealth before.

But the first time he heard someone call him that, Zhao Gongming never showed any resistance in his heart, which he didn't even notice.

Not only Zhao Gongming, but also Ying Zheng, Cao Cao and Li Shimin were slightly taken aback, not understanding why Ji Han suddenly called Zhao Gongming the god of wealth.

Only Chongzhen's face was stunned, as if he understood something, and a look of surprise burst out in his eyes.

Because the novel "Fengshen Romance" appeared in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen naturally heard the name of the God of Wealth.

Therefore, among the four Ying Zheng, only Chongzhen recognized Zhao Gongming's identity!

When Ji Han saw Zhao Gongming's face full of surprise, he knew that Zhao Gongming had not been ordained, nor had he become the God of Wealth yet, so he explained with a slight smile: "Hehe, fellow Daoist Gongming, don't be in a hurry, I'll give you the details next time. Be careful.

"Oh? Pindao is all ears!"

Since Ji Han is willing to answer, Zhao Gongming is naturally happy to listen to it.

Ji Han thought for a while, then said, "This God of Wealth is actually the title of Daoist Gongming, but Daoist Gongming has not yet received this title, you don't have any now, right?

"Indeed, fellow Daoist Ji Han actually knows Pindao so well. Could it be that this God of Wealth is the title of Pindao in the future?" Zhao Gongming couldn't help but be even more surprised.

"That's right!" Ji Han nodded and said, "At the moment, Heavenly Court is just established, and it has not yet established a firm foothold, but in the future, Heavenly Court will confer the gods on the grounds such as the destruction of Zhouxing by Shang, the robbery of immortals, and the lack of people in Heavenly Court, and then create a list of gods! 35

"What is the title of God? It is to seal the immortals below the saints and give them titles respectively, and then let all these immortals go to the heavenly court, go to the heavenly court to control them, serve the heavenly court, and perform their own duties, so as to strengthen the heavenly court and reach the goal of being led by the heavenly court. The purpose of the Three Realms~々!"

"As for the Conferred God List, it was jointly signed by the three Taoist saints and signed by the Heavenly Emperor Haotian. Its essence is the rules of Heaven!"

"As for conferred gods, if Daoist Gongming is interested, I can explain it to you in detail later, while Daoist Gongming, your title of God of Martial Fortune is only after conferring gods, no, to be precise, it should be Taoist title plus folk beliefs and sacrifices, and finally Taoist friends achieved the position of the God of Wealth!!

"This is the origin of the Daoist being called the God of Martial Fortune!!

Ji Han explained the origin of Wu Caishen in a few simple sentences, and at the same time, he also skipped over the Fengshen in a few simple sentences.

After listening to it, Zhao Gongming seemed not only to not solve his confusion, but even more puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist, what you said is true? Heavenly Court is going to rule the three realms? Why is Fengshen? Pindao is even more chaotic now, fellow Daoist, please hurry up and explain in detail, Pindao is very interested and very interested. If you are interested, all the poor people want to know, please enlighten your fellow Daoists!!

Zhao Gongming looked excited, as if he had heard something extraordinary!

Although the things Ji Han said haven't happened yet, Zhao Gongming can feel that Ji Han is not rhetoric, but really knows what will happen in the future.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming is extremely curious about these things!

At the same time, he was also curious as to why he was named the God of Fortune!

Ji Han couldn't help but smile when Zhao Gongming was so curious, which was exactly what he wanted.

Originally, I said this to Zhao Gongming to bring forth the next topic.

Ji Han looked at Zhao Gongming with a smile, and said, "Since Daoist Gongming is so interested, let's talk about it with Daoist friend in detail. I don't know where you want to start first?"

Zhao Gongming frowned slightly, thought about it, and then said: "Then ask fellow Daoist to talk about why Heavenly Court is consecrating God, Pindao is a little puzzled about this, Heavenly Court is only a first-time establishment, how can such a big means come from and courage?""

"Haha, well said!" Ji Han burst out laughing, "It's normal for Daoist friends to not know, I believe that Daoist friends have been cultivating in the dojo all the time!

"Although this Heavenly Court was first established, the Heavenly Emperor Haotian was a boy under the throne of Hongjun Daozu, and he also obtained the Hongjun Fa decree to create the Heavenly Court. Therefore, from the standpoint and orthodoxy, the Heavenly Court is absolutely qualified to lead the Three Realms.""

"In addition, the most important reason why Heavenly Court is conferring gods is because Heavenly Court lacks people. Therefore, Heavenly Emperor Haotian proposed the plan to make the twelve immortals go to Heavenly Court as ministers, which is also the cause of the great calamity of conferring gods. ""

"As for Shang's destruction of Zhou Xing, the robbery of the gods is just incidental, because it is normal for the world to change dynasties, and the robbery of gods is also false. The real reason is because the heaven is short of people. Immortals are recruited to heaven!!”

"..Therefore, Emperor Haotian planned the subsequent conferred gods and created the conferred gods list, so this is also the reason for the great catastrophe of conferred gods!!"

Ji Han told Zhao Gongming in detail the reason and cause of the great catastrophe!

Zhao Gongming was stunned when he heard that!

He did not expect that the reason for conferring a god would actually be like this!

Moreover, Ji Han also mentioned the great catastrophe of the conferred gods. Is this a catastrophe for the gods?

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming hurriedly asked: "Then why is the conferring of the gods a catastrophe?

Zhao Gongming is very concerned about this point, because he is also a member of the Intercept Cult, and he still occupies a high position in Intercept Cult. He is a disciple of the Tongtian Sect Master. Therefore, he is very concerned about Intercept Cult, and he is afraid that there will be a bigger Intercept Cult. of casualties.

However, Ji Han's answer surprised him. Ji Han said: "The reason why Fengshen will become a catastrophe is because the Shang and Zhou wars correspond to the great catastrophe of Fengshen!"

"Because the battle between Shang and Zhou has become the key, in a word, all the gods who participated in the battle of Shang (Wang De's) in the world have become victims and must be on the list!"

"What is the list? Fengshen list!!

"Because the Conferred Gods List is made by the rules of heaven, it contains the power of rules, all the gods participating in the Shang and Zhou wars will be automatically locked by the Conferred Gods List, and they are always ready to absorb the true spirits of those who should be robbed!

"Absorb the true spirit?" Zhao Gongming was shocked!

Ji Han nodded: "Yes, only after the death of the robber, the true soul of the soul can be absorbed by the Conferred God List, and the soul can be listed on the list, and then can be conferred on the gods and be famous on the list!!""

"This... is also the true face of Fengshen!! 55

Ji Han said in one sentence what was the great catastrophe of Fengshen, and also revealed the true face of Fengshen.

To sum up, that is, if you want to be a god, you have to die before you can be on the list!

After listening to Zhao Gongming, his expression changed greatly, and he was silent for a long time, obviously shocked by the truth that Ji Han said!!.

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