At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

619 Daozu? Haotian? What a terrible calculation! 【Subscription】

Zhao Gongming really did not expect that there was such a terrible plan behind Fengshen!!

Obviously, Zhao Gongming already understood that the so-called conferred gods were nothing more than a conspiracy made by the Taoist ancestors and the heavenly court. They used the temptation of the rules of the heavenly way to attract immortals below the saints to the list of conferred gods, in order to supplement the lack of heavenly court personnel. At the same time, it can weaken the three Taoist religions, so as to achieve the purpose of commanding the three worlds.

"Daozu? Haotian? What a terrible calculation!! 35

Zhao Gongming couldn't help sighing in shock.

Based on his cultivation base and the city government, after Ji Han explained it in detail, he naturally understood the key and terrifying aspects.

Moreover, Zhao Gongming also understands that the reason why his teacher and two uncles participated in the signing of the Fengshen List, rather than resisting or rejecting it, must be because of the meaning of Hongjun Daozu, so the three Taoist saints could not stop the Fengshen The catastrophe happened!

Now it seems that the Battle of Conferred God is indeed a catastrophe, but all the immortals who participate in it will all become the victims of the calamity, and they will go on and on!

The relationship is very simple. Every immortal has more or less friends. Once someone participates, if they lose their opponents, they will definitely form a gang to help out, and the 610 opponent will naturally not fall behind, so in this way Under such circumstances, there will definitely be more and more immortals inevitably participating in it, and even Zhao Gongming may not be able to avoid it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming understood the horror of this Conferred God List, and shuddered a little.

If he didn't know in advance, he would definitely be dragged into the war for unknown reasons, and then he would not be robbed!

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming immediately asked again: "Fellow Daoist, if we stop the battle between Shang and Zhou, can we prevent the great calamity of the Gods from happening?

After all, Zhao Gongming still had a bit of luck in his heart.

However, Ji Han shook his head and said: "Impossible, first of all, the war between Shang and Zhou is absolutely impossible to avoid, because the change of dynasties in the world is the success of the king and the defeat of the bandit, and it is impossible for a peaceful transition between the two sides, not to mention the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The war more represented the position of the two sects of the two sects. Your sects supported the Shang Dynasty, while the sects supported the Zhou Dynasty. The contradictions were irreconcilable, and it was precisely because of this that Heavenly Court took a fancy to it, and then thought of enforcing it. God's!"

"Secondly, even if there is no war between Shang and Zhou, in order to determine the orthodox status and to replenish personnel, Heavenly Court will (bbed) do everything possible to confer gods! 55

"Therefore, the great catastrophe of the conferred gods is unavoidable, not to mention, there is the acquiescence of the prehistoric heaven!"

Ji Han's words completely shattered Zhao Gongming's luck.

He also understands that, as Ji Han said, the catastrophe of the conferred gods is inevitable, and the most important thing is that there is the acquiescence of the prehistoric world, and even the promotion of it and Hongjun.

What is the Great Desolate Way?

In fact, it is Hongjun Daozu, because he has joined Dao!

Without the acquiescence of Daozu Hongjun, the great catastrophe of the conferred gods would not have started!

For a while, Zhao Gongming fell silent.

On the other hand, Ying Zheng and the others were dumbfounded, which was simply frightening to them.

They could not have imagined that in the midst of the Great Desolation, all kinds of calculations would be so terrifying, they would fall into other people's calculations if they were not careful, and they would be counted to death.

"It's too dangerous, Honghuang is really too dangerous!!"

The four Ying Zheng looked at each other silently, conveying such emotion with each other's eyes!!

After Zhao Gongming was silent for a while, he suddenly asked, "Fellow Daoist, is this the future you saw, or did you calculate it?"

Zhao Gongming is actually more curious about Ji Han's understanding of Honghuang's future.

Instead of questioning what Ji Han said, he wanted to know how Ji Han knew.

Because he Zhao Gongming is also the top powerhouse among the Golden Immortals, and he is definitely one of the most powerful Golden Immortals under the sage, but Ji Han knows what he can't calculate, so Zhao Gongming couldn't help asking. a sentence.

Ji Han shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not something I calculated, if it's the future I see, I can barely say that, but strictly speaking, what happened in your great wilderness, in our time and space, It's no longer a secret, and I don't know the exact reason!!

Ji Han's explanation solved most of Zhao Gongming's doubts.

Because this is the only way to explain it, if Ji Han can see the future, and even deduce the future to the three religions or even the three worlds, then Zhao Gongming will keep questioning.

In fact, Zhao Gongming also has a faint guess in his heart, that is, Honghuang is hundreds of millions of light-years away from this place. If it hadn't been through Ji Han's light gate, he would not have been able to get here at all, so it may be because of this distance problem and The span of time and space, which led to all kinds of future occurrences in the great wasteland, has become a well-known thing here!

Zhao Gongming no longer bothered about this issue, but asked in a deep voice: "In this case, can fellow Taoist tell Pindao about the outcome of the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods? What happened to me in the end? What happened to Heavenly Court?"

Since he already knew that the Conferred God Catastrophe was inevitable, Zhao Gongming naturally had to ask about the outcome of the Conferred God Catastrophe, so that he could plan ahead and deal with it in order to change the future.

Yes, Zhao Gongming wanted to do his best to change the outcome of the Conferred God Tribulation, and at the worst, he would have to make Interceptor suffer less losses. This is what Zhao Gongming is thinking now!

Ji Han naturally understood this, he nodded and said: "Hehe, let's just chat, if you believe it, if you don't believe it, it's a joke, forget it after hearing it!

"Actually, the great catastrophe of the conferred gods is indeed unavoidable, as is the war between Shang and Zhou. Under the planning of the heavenly court, the conferred gods list was established, and the saints of the three sects initially set the list, and then handed over to Jiang Ziya, a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, to preside over this time. The Battle of the Gods!

"And Jiang Ziya hangs the Conferred God List on Qishan. Anyone who participates in the Shang and Zhou battles will definitely be locked on the Conferred God List. Once he dies, he will be on the list!"

"I won't go into details about this first. I will tell you about the final outcome of the great catastrophe of the conferred gods. At the end of the great catastrophe of the conferred gods, you intercepted the sect and suffered heavy losses. The dynasty has become the ruler of the world, so although the teachings have suffered a lot, they have gained a victory!"

"Actually, in this great calamity of conferring gods, the most powerful is the Western religion. After the great battle of conferring gods, the Western religion flourished, but you cut off the religion and fell silent!!

Ji Han is indeed like chatting with Zhao Gongming, and in three or two sentences, he directly stated the finality of the great calamity of the gods and explained the end of the interception.

Zhao Gongming's face was ashen, his brows furrowed.

Obviously, even with mental preparation, Zhao Gongming still has a hard time believing the results Ji Han said!

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