At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

620 You are not unlucky, who else is unlucky? 【Subscription】

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible!

Zhao Gongming looked at Ji Han and said categorically, "Are you joking, fellow Daoist? I don’t know how much stronger it is, how can it be successful in teaching it? It’s even more impossible to make the Western religion prosper!”

"It is absolutely impossible for Western religions to enter our prehistoric world to preach, there are only three religions in this world, and that is our three Taoist religions!

"Fellow Daoist said that we have suffered heavy damage to the church, which is even more impossible. With the abilities of my brothers and sisters, and the fact that Master is holding the Four Swords of Zhuxian, who can be the enemy? Friends, I'm afraid that you have misunderstood the result, right?"

Zhao Gongming's words were firm and unequivocal, showing that he did not believe the results of Ji Han's words!

Even a little excited, directly refuted!

Because what Zhao Gongming said is indeed true.

At this time, the interception of the sect is in the limelight in the flood and desolation. The master of the Tongtian sect accepts the disciples under the banner of being sectarian and unclassified, and under his command ten thousand immortals come to court, whether it is a human race or a monster, the master of the Tongtian sect accepts them all. Therefore, in the Among the three sects, the Intercept sect is also the most powerful and has the largest number of disciples.

Even in terms of top combat power, Zhao Gongming alone is enough to swept the so-called Twelve Immortals of Interpretation, and no one is the opponent of Zhao Gongming!

Not to mention that under Zhao Gongming, there are still three nights and such masters as Daoist Duobao!-!

Therefore, it is normal for Zhao Gongming not to believe!

However, Ji Han smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "It's normal that Daoist Gongming doesn't believe it. Indeed, the sect at this time is the coming of Wanxian, and the master of the Tongtian sect is indeed capable of coming out in large numbers, but Daoist has thought about it. No?

"The so-called teaching has no distinction, it means that it is uneven. There are indeed many capable people in your teaching, such as fellow Daoists, such as the three sisters of fellow Daoists, and Daoist Duobao, etc., but more, Or are they just some rogues that don't live up to their name, fellow Daoist Gongming, do you think so or not?"

Ji Han smiled and stared at Zhao Gongming with a calm expression without a trace of pressure.

However, facing Ji Han's question, Zhao Gongming frowned, thought about it, and nodded helplessly: "That's right!!39

As Ji Han said, if there is no Zhao Gongming and others to support the scene, in fact, no matter how loud the teaching is, it is just a castle in the sea!

Obviously Zhao Gongming is also aware of this!

Seeing that Zhao Gongming didn't deny it, Ji Han asserted: "Therefore, in my opinion, you intercept the sect under the guise of so-called "teaching without distinction", but in fact it is a place to hide filth. Such a slogan has given There are too many despicable and virtuous people who have the opportunity to be sheltered under the wing of the Interceptor, under the banner of uprightness, but doing things that are outrageous!"

"This kind of behavior, coupled with the fact that you don't have the most precious treasure to suppress the luck, the Four Swords of Zhuxian, although the attacking treasure, has no effect on suppressing the luck. Therefore, who is unlucky if you intercept the teaching? You do not fail to intercept the teaching. , who failed??"

Ji Han's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Zhao Gongming's heart.

Zhao Gongming's face paled, and he subconsciously wanted to refute, but Ji Han's every sentence was straight to the point, and they were all very reasonable, so that Zhao Gongming had no way of refuting.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Gongming felt that there was a suffocation in his chest, unable to vent it out.

"Whoo!! 35

After a while, Zhao Gongming let out a sigh of relief and said with a sigh: "What the Taoist friend said is very true, the master said that there should be no class in teaching, but in fact he has accepted too many disciples who have done many evils, in fact, the poor Taoist also persuaded the teacher. Reverend, but Master insists on his own way, and there is no way to change the poor way. I didn't expect that this would be the reason for our failure to intercept the teaching!! 35

Obviously, Zhao Gongming had come to his senses and understood the big problem of interception by Ji Han.

But this problem was something that Zhao Gongming couldn't change, so he seemed a little helpless.

Ji Han shook his head and said, "No no no, fellow Daoist Gongming, you think it's wrong, what you just said is indeed a problem, but it's not the most important one!

"Originally, you have no treasures to suppress qi luck, and this is the most important issue. Think about the Taiji diagrams of people's teachings and the Pangu banners of interpreting teachings. They are all treasures for suppressing qi and luck, but you can only attack the teachings by attacking them. Cutting down on the treasures, under the conditions of one ups and downs, how can your luck in intercepting the teachings not be weakened?

Ji Han saw that Zhao Gongming still didn't understand the key, so he couldn't help but make another point.

Hearing Ji Han say this, Zhao Gongming suddenly realized.

··For flowers......

However, this is something he can't change, and it is useless to think about it.

And Ji Han continued: "Actually, you intercepted the teaching and lost a lot, and you lost a lot, and there are two other crucial issues!"

"Which two?" Zhao Gongming asked hurriedly.

At this time, Zhao Gongming has gradually been shaken, and he is no longer firm in his heart that they will not be defeated by the interception, so he naturally wants to find out the reason for the defeat of the interception.

Ji Han glanced at Zhao Gongming and already understood what he was thinking, so he replied: "The first question is that you are too weak to intercept the teaching, or you have a high self-esteem, which led to the failure! "

"You intercepted the sect really had a great momentum in the wild, and the immortals gathered under the sect, so you looked up to yourself and despised the sect."


"In addition, Chanjiao has a great advantage, that is, they know how to use the power of uniting people. For example, the twelve high immortals of Chanjiao are basically all shot together, but you intercept them one by one. How can this be someone else's opponent?

"The most important thing is that the teaching of interpretation and the teaching of the West will unite to deal with your interception, so you will be defeated when you are only weak!!"

The first question Ji Han said has already changed Zhao Gongming's face!

"What? Combining the teachings with the Western religions? This is impossible, isn't this the introduction of the wolf into the house? The uncle, in order to defeat us, did such a disgusting thing to do?"

Zhao Gongming was instantly furious, because the combination of Chan and Western religions was definitely a betrayal for Taoism. As a Taoist, how could Zhao Gongming tolerate it!!

At the same time, Zhao Gongming finally understood why Ji Han just said that after the great calamity of conferring gods, the Western church was very prosperous, but it turned out that it intervened in the struggle between interception and interpretation, and thus stole the fruits of victory!!

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming was so angry that he was so angry that he wanted to ask his master to slaughter the two saints of the Western religion immediately!!

However, after getting out of breath, Zhao Gongming couldn't help but calm down and think carefully.

If it is true as Ji Han said, the interpretation and Western religions are united, then they are indeed on the weak side.

In this way, failure has become possible! Beg.

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