At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The 6.21 million immortal formation was broken, and there were countless casualties! 【Subscription】

For a time, Zhao Gongming's thoughts turned sharply, but he was a little helpless!

Things at the sage level are not something that Zhao Gongming can interfere with!

If in the future, Intercept and Interpretation will compete, and the Western religion will really help each other, it must be the helper drawn by Yuanshi Tianzun. No matter how angry he is, Zhao Gongming will not help!

Now it seems that it is nothing more than that they intercepted the teaching of many disciples, and they were feared by others.

The most important thing is that Zhao Gongming knows that in fact, the two saints of Western religion have long been involved in the Middle Earth. They delusionally want to preach in the Middle Earth. They try to save the people they value, and then bring them back to the western world for transformation, so as to strengthen the western religion.

For these things, Zhao Gongming has a little understanding of "610".

Therefore, Zhao Gongming was not surprised when he heard Ji Han say that the Western Church intervened in their struggle to intercept and explain religion, but was mostly outraged.

Apparently, it was the undead ambition of the Western religion, who saw the opportunity in the struggle between interception and interpretation, so he readily agreed to Yuanshi Tianzun, and then intervened.

It is also because of this that their Western religion will only be prosperous after the Great Tribulation of Conferred God!

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming couldn't help clenching his fists. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have wanted to destroy the Western religion after he went back!

"Daoist Ji Han, I don't know what the other reason is, please let me know!! 35

Zhao Gongming suppressed his anger and asked Ji Han.

Zhao Gongming didn't want to pay attention to the great defeat of the sect of the conferred gods, and he lost a lot of money. He had to pay attention to it. After all, this was a major event that was related to the survival of the sect and was also closely related to himself. Therefore, Zhao Gongming It is necessary to find out what else caused them to intercept the teaching and fail.

Ji Han has been paying attention to Zhao Gongming, and he has also seen his reaction and changes in his face.

Ji Han understands that Zhao Gongming has been shaken by his words, so Ji Han decides to add another powerful medicine.

"Friend Gongming, this second reason is actually related to Western religion! 35

Ji Han was not in a hurry, and without waiting for Zhao Gongming to ask questions, he said directly: "Because in your interception, there are actually traitors of the Western religion, and two saints of the Western religion have already laid chess pieces in your interception, so , Under the attack from inside and outside, how can you intercept the teaching without defeating it?? 35

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Gongming suddenly raised his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

Ying Zheng and the others next to him even suddenly felt a tinge of heart palpitations, but Zhao Gongming quickly restrained the imposing manner that was exuded by his emotional agitation, and Ying Zheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I heard Zhao Gongming angrily say: "What a Western sect, it's really a wolf's ambition, to actually secretly plant a traitor in my sect and set up chess pieces, it's really courageous!!"

After hearing this, the anger that was already rising in Zhao Gongming's heart almost dissipated.

Western religion again!!

What a western religion!!

Zhao Gongming did not expect that the fiasco of their interception in the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods was all related to Western religions, and it could even be said that they were almost a gift from Western religions!!

Thinking about it, if there is only Chanjiao, they will not be afraid to intercept it, and they can even completely suppress it. No matter if it is a sage level or a top combat power such as Daluo Jinxian, they will not lose to Chanjiao, or they will win. many.

Therefore, if there is no intervention from the Western religions, how could they have been defeated, and how could they have suffered heavy losses?

So the fundamental reason for Intercepting Sect's disastrous defeat in the Conferred God Tribulation is actually because the two saints of Western Sect took action!

You must know that, both at the level of saints, the two saints of the Western religion, the accomplice and the quasi-ti, are not weaker than the master of the sky, not to mention the Yuanshi Tianzun who explains the teachings!

The three saints faced the Tongtian sect master. No matter how strong the Tongtian sect master was, and the attack of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation was fierce, he would not be able to compete with the three saints.

Therefore, this is one of the reasons for the fiasco of the Intercept Cult. After all, even the Lord of the Cult couldn't resist it, let alone his disciples!

Zhao Gongming is not a fool. After Ji Han mentioned it, he naturally figured out the key.

At this point, Ji Han has finished talking about the reason for their failure to intercept the teaching.

And after Zhao Gongming was extremely angry, he instantly became cold and sweaty, because if what Ji Han said was true, then they were doomed to experience a fiasco.

But how can Zhao Gongming accept such a result?

For a time, Zhao Gongming, who had been very firm at the beginning and was confident that the teaching would never end like this, also began to become dubious.

Because the reasons and problems that Ji Han said are very convincing, everything he said is also the truth, if it is not the truth, Zhao Gongming will not be shaken, so Zhao Gongming cannot believe it!

However, just when Zhao Gongming was in doubt, Ji Han suddenly asked: "Daoist Gongming, do you want to know how much you lost by intercepting the teaching during the great tribulation of the gods?"

Ji Han seemed to understand what Zhao Gongming was thinking, so he wanted to add fire.

Sure enough, when Zhao Gongming heard the words, he immediately suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Please also let me know!!"

Now that he knew that the Intercept Church had suffered a fiasco, Zhao Gongming would definitely want to know how much the Intercept Church lost.

Ji Han thought for a while, then said: "During the great catastrophe of the conferred gods, your interception failed miserably.

"After this battle, you have killed at least tens of thousands of people, and that doesn't include some unknown little scumbags!"

"Intercepting the teaching and playing empty? Tens of thousands of people died?

Zhao Gongming's face instantly turned pale!!

"That's right!" Ji Han nodded and continued: "During the Battle of Conferred Gods, the top ten formations were broken, and all the ten main formations were killed, and they were collectively on the 4.3 Conferred God List!

"Myriad Immortals Formation was broken, and countless casualties!"

"Three thousand people from the red dust were carried away by Western saints! 35

"Duobao Daoist reluctantly converted to Western religion after the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was destroyed!

"When the Virgin of the Golden Spirit was fighting the three warriors, she was attacked by Daoist Ding Deng with Dinghaizhu and sacrificed on the spot!

"Our Lady of Turtle Spirit was sucked out of blood and essence by Daoist Mosquito and died on the way to being converted to Western religion! 55

"Finally, except for the more than 300 masters who can survive on the Conferred God List, the rest of the people are waiting to die, to be treated as a mount, and to be a mount, it can be said to be extremely miserable!!

Ji Han told Zhao Gongming all the endings of the master interceptors he knew in detail, in order to completely dispel the doubts in Zhao Gongming's heart and make him believe in himself!

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