At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

622 You and I are destined, so trivial matters are worth mentioning! 【Subscription】

After Ji Han finished speaking, he subconsciously looked at Zhao Gongming next to him.

However, at this time, Zhao Gongming was already stunned in place, his eyes were lost, his face was dull, and he murmured unconsciously: "The Ten Absolute Formation was broken? The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation was broken? Countless casualties?  … ..Only 300 people are left alive??"

Everything Ji Han said, and the end of every master interceptor, was a shock to Zhao Gongming, which made Zhao Gongming, who had always been calm, seem to be stunned, and it was too late to raise any emotions in his heart. I feel that this is not true, because Zhao Gongming is completely unacceptable!!

But after a while, Zhao Gongming suddenly stood up suddenly, gritted his teeth and said: "No, this is impossible, absolutely impossible, I want to intercept and teach Wanxian to come to court, Master is holding the Sword of Execution and Six Souls. Fan, there are so many masters under the door, how can there be such casualties? This is impossible!!""

Although Zhao Gongming has been shaken before, and even believed what Ji Han said, this time Ji Han said the ending of 11 games was really difficult for Zhao Gongming to accept.

What interception was knocked out, what Myriad Immortal Formation was broken, countless casualties, what was tempered, what was dead, and what was used as a mount was like a knife stabbed into Zhao Gongming's heart. , so that he can't even care about anger, and only full of worry and disbelief.

The impact this time is unprecedentedly huge for Zhao Gongming, because Zhao Gongming is really unimaginable, what kind of tragic scene is the entire interception of the teaching being knocked out!!

Zhao Gongming has always been full of confidence in the strength of the Intercepting Sect, whether it is the grand scene of the ten thousand immortals coming to the court or the powerful strength of the Master Tongtian Sect Master, it is the source of the strong confidence of every Intercepting Sect.

But now Ji Han told himself that in the Battle of Conferred God, Intercepting Sect was almost knocked out, which really made Zhao Gongming panic a little bit, and that's why he lost his temper!

However, Ji Han smiled indifferently and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Gongming, what I said is not half false. If you don't believe me, just wait for the great catastrophe to come!"

"In addition, although your master, the sect master of Tongtian, holds the Sword of Immortal Execution and the Six Soul Banners, the Sword of Immortal Execution was destroyed by Tianzun Yuanshi and Western sages, and the trump card of the sect master of Tongtian, the Six Soul Banners, was long since entrusted to be inhuman. Er Dingguangxian took refuge with Yuanshi Tianzun, and ultimately fell short, resulting in a fiasco to intercept the teaching!!

Ji Han not only did not comfort Zhao Gongming, but threw a bombshell again.

In an instant, Zhao Gongming became murderous, and the entire manor seemed to be extremely cold.

"What fellow Daoists said, is it true? That long-eared Dingguang Xian really wrapped the six soul flags of my master, and took refuge in the Yuanshi Tianzun??"

Zhao Gongming's voice was cold and emotionless. Those who knew him well would know that this was a manifestation of Zhao Gongming's extreme anger.

Obviously, Zhao Gongming hated this long-eared Dingguang Immortal who ruined the sect and betrayed the Tongtian sect master.

And Ji Han was able to say this and knew about the existence of the Six Soul Banner, so what he said must not be false. Therefore, at this moment, Zhao Gongming has completely believed everything Ji Han said!

Ji Han nodded and affirmed: "That's right, if there is a false statement, Daoist friend may come to me, but whether Daoist friend believes it or not, it all depends on Daoist friend!!

Ji Han did not hesitate, but answered with certainty.

"Really? Is it true?"

Zhao Gongming murmured and sat down, then his face was full of hideousness.

At this moment, Zhao Gongming couldn't wait to go back immediately and ended up with the traitor Chang-eared Dingguangxian.

Thanks to his master for being so good to him, trusting him so much, and handing over such a treasure as the Six Soul Banner to Chang-ear Dingguang Xian, but Chang-ear Dingguang Xian actually betrayed Tongtian Sect Master, this is definitely an unforgivable death penalty!!

In Zhao Gongming's heart, the death penalty has been set for the long-eared Dingguang Xian, and after he decides to go back, he will solve this hidden danger for his master first, lest there will be another betrayal!

Thinking of betrayal, Zhao Gongming suddenly asked: "I also ask fellow Daoists to tell me who in my sect has been converted by the Western sect, who is a chess piece set by the western sect, and who has become a traitor in the end!!

When he asked this, Zhao Gongming had a murderous look on his face, and his dark face was slightly hideous. Obviously, he was going to figure out who was a traitor and who was a traitor, so he would take action first, so as not to repeat the interception in the great catastrophe. Tragedy.

However, Ji Han glanced at Zhao Gongming and asked cautiously, "Do you really want to know?

"Also ask fellow Daoists to inform that Gongming will keep it in your heart!!""

Zhao Gongming's attitude is firm!!

"Oh, that's all!!"

Ji Han sighed slightly and said, "Since fellow Daoist Gongming insists on knowing, then I will tell fellow Daoists to listen. The traitors that Western sects have planted in your sect are named Qiu Shou Xian, Jin Guang Xian, and Jin Hoop Xian. , Piluxian and others, and Chang-eared Dingguangxian and Shen Gongbao are the biggest traitors and must be guarded against!"

"As for the people who have been transformed into the Western world by Western teachings, you don't have to worry about this. If you intercept the teaching and fail to escape the fiasco, then it is useless to worry about it, because then you are completely powerless to stop it, and if If you intercepted the teaching and changed the ending, then you don’t have to worry, those people can no longer be converted to the Western world, so you only need to consider traitors and traitors!!”

As for the specifics of the interception, Ji Han knows more clearly, but as Ji Han said, in fact, Zhao Gongming only needs to guard against the traitors and two important traitors of 610 Fan. Ignore it.

After all, the outcome of the Battle of Conferred Gods is the most important thing. Once the sect is defeated, the consequences will be very different from what Ji Han said.

Zhao Gongming is a smart person, he immediately woke up to Ji Han's suggestion!

"What Daoist friend said is very true!!" Zhao Gongming nodded gratefully, "Thank you Daoist friend for reminding, Gongming is unforgettable. In the future, whenever Daoist friend instructs you, Gongming will do his best to help Daoist friend!!"

Zhao Gongming made a promise to Ji Han very seriously!

For their level of power, such a promise is nothing more than a poisonous oath, and it must be followed!

However, Zhao Gongming didn't care at all, because compared with this promise, Ji Han's help to them to intercept the teaching, the information he gave, etc., is the most important thing, and it is not something that can be measured. For this reason, Zhao Gongming can only make promises to Ji Han in his own name!

However, Ji Han waved his hand indifferently and said, "Hehe, fellow Daoist is polite, I said, you can come here, it proves that you and I are destined, the trivial matters are nothing to worry about, and I don't want to see you intercepting the teaching. This is the point of failure, so fellow Daoists don’t need to do this!!”

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