At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

623 How could he do such a thing?? 【Subscription】

Seeing Ji Han's attitude, Zhao Gongming couldn't help but feel good about Ji Han greatly.

He could tell that Ji Han was not thinking of advancing as retreat, but really didn't care about his promises, and really wanted to have a good relationship with him!

After all, it was the first time for him, Zhao Gongming, to come here. It would be too far-fetched to say that Ji Han had a plan for him, or even for Intercept. Therefore, Zhao Gongming still believed in his own judgment!

Seeing this, Zhao Gongming didn't say much, but silently bowed his hands to Ji Han, took this favor in his heart, and prepared to find an opportunity to return it to Ji Han in the future.

However, Ji Han's next sentence made Zhao Gongming a little confused.

Ji Han suddenly warned: "Friend Gongming, let's not talk about the situation of interception for the time being, but it is you, you must pay attention to a Taoist named Lu Ya in the future!!"

"Lu Ya Daoist? Who is this person? Why should you pay attention to this person?"

Zhao Gongming was puzzled and didn't understand why Ji Han alone reminded himself to guard against this person.

Moreover, Zhao Gongming had never heard of this so-called Daoist Lu Ya, and did not know how to take precautions.

Seeing that Zhao Gongming didn't care much, Ji Han said quietly: "Because that Daoist Lu Ya is the one who caused the death of fellow Daoist Gongming!!"

"What?? This is the person who caused the death of the impoverished??

Now Zhao Gongming thought it was hard not to pay attention, and immediately stood up in shock.

Ji Han nodded: "Yes, it's the Taoist Lu Ya!"

"It's actually this person?? I also ask fellow Daoists to tell me in detail, Gongming is very grateful!!

Zhao Gongming bowed his hands to Ji Han again, with a little urgency and killing intent.

Now that he knows who caused his death, Zhao Gongming naturally needs to understand it well, and then prepares early, and must not repeat the same mistakes!!

"Haha!!" Ji Han naturally understood Zhao Gongming's thoughts, he said with a smile: "Lu Ya is a mysterious loose immortal. Help, teach, fight, and teach you~々!

"This person is actually the three-legged golden crow, the prince of the ancient demon clan, and his uniquely created Immortal Slaying Flying Knife and Nail-Headed Seven Arrows Book are two extremely powerful killers, once they are used, they can kill the target!

"And you, Zhao Gongming, happened to be plotted by Daoist Lu Ya's nail-headed Seven Arrows Book, so he died!!"

Ji Han didn't give up, he simply explained the details of Daoist Lu Ya, and also told Zhao Gongming why he died!

Sure enough, after listening to Zhao Gongming, his face was full of suffocation, and he obviously hated that so-called Daoist Lu Ya!

The hatred of life and death, one can imagine how much hatred it is!

"Good Daoist Lu Ya, since Pindao knows his existence, he will not be attacked by him again, hehe, I can't say that Pindao has to settle with this Daoist Lu Ya first!!"

Zhao Gongming's face was full of hideousness, and he sneered again and again at this time. It was obvious that Daoist Lu Ya had been placed on the guard list.

Even he has already made plans to solve this hidden danger before the Conferred God Tribulation, so as not to be plotted again!

In fact, it is also another good fate sent by Ji Han. After all, Zhao Gongming has been told about the interception of the teaching, and this is not bad. Ji Han also does not want to see Zhao Gongming being plotted to die by Daoist Lu Ya.

Zhao Gongming was very grateful for the kindness released by Ji Han, and thanked Ji Han again and again.

After all, this is already equivalent to a life-saving grace. Although it is only a reminder, if there is no Ji Han's suggestion, he, Zhao Gongming, is very likely to repeat the same mistakes and be conspicuously killed by the Daoist Lu Ya. Kindness Zhao Gongming is still very concerned.

However, Ji Han waved his hand indifferently, and suddenly asked: "Daoist Gongming, after talking so much, do you know the real cause of this great catastrophe?

"The real cause? Isn't it because of Heaven?" Zhao Gongming asked in confusion.

"It's not!!

Ji Han shook his head, looked up at the sky, and said, "Actually, the real cause of the great catastrophe is not because of the Heavenly Court, there is only one real cause!!"

"What is it??

Zhao Gongming frowned!!

"It's very simple, Heaven's Way!! 35 Ji Han pointed to the sky and sneered: "Because this is the arrangement of Heaven's Way, the so-called Heaven's Way is ruthless is exactly this reason!!

"Heavenly Dao? Impossible, Hongjun Daozu has already joined the Dao, he is Tiandao, how could he do such a thing??" Zhao Gongming shouted in shock.

As for the matter that Hongjun has already joined the Tao, their great Luo Jinxian knows a thing or two, so Gongxuan Zhao obviously does not believe Ji Han's statement.

However, Ji Han sneered: "Hongjun? I know that he has already joined the Dao, but you know that Hongjun is only part of the Dao of Heaven. Therefore, the Dao of Heaven is Hongjun, but Hongjun is not the Dao of Heaven. People are selfish. ,understand!

"The way of heaven is Hongjun, but Hongjun is not the way of heaven??"

Zhao Gongming was shocked by Ji Han's words, and he couldn't help muttering Ji Han's words, stunned in place.

In fact, Ji Han's meaning is very clear, that is, although Hongjun has joined Dao, he is only the spokesperson of Tiandao. Tiandao is his Hongjun, but his Hongjun cannot represent the whole Tiandao. There are no spokesperson qualifications.

Zhao Gongming naturally understood what Ji Han meant, but he did not expect that Ji Han would know so clearly.

Regardless of what Zhao Gongming thought, Ji Han continued: ".. it is precisely because the Dao of Heaven wants to weaken the immortals, so the great catastrophe of the conferred gods will be launched. This is exactly the arrangement of the Dao of Heaven! 39

"Do you think that Hongjun Daozu will take care of you Taoism as a Heavenly Dao? You are wrong, he Hongjun has incarnated the Heavenly Dao, and in order to perfect the Heavenly Dao, he will not only initiate the great catastrophe of the conferring gods, but will also intercept you sooner or later!

"Because you are the most powerful to intercept the teaching, not only are there many strong people, but also a mix of fish and dragons. If you are allowed to continue to be strong, Heavenly Dao will be unbearable. Therefore, weakening your teaching will become an inevitable thing!!"

(Wang De's) "The Dao of Heaven wants to promote the journey to the west and the conferred gods, in fact, to suppress the immortals, so as to prevent too many strong people from appearing, beyond the ability of the Dao of Heaven"

"Do you understand what I say? 35

Ji Han looked at Zhao Gongming, but found that Zhao Gongming was stunned.

Obviously, this news hit him harder than anything before!!

Zhao Gongming could never have imagined that the real cause of the Conferred God Tribulation was like this!

And the Daozu Hongjun, whom he has always admired, is so ruthless and ruthless, and he wants to weaken them to intercept the teaching. This is simply subverting Zhao Gongming's three views.

But Ji Han's words were so firm that he couldn't help but believe them.

What's more, what Ji Han said was very reasonable, even if Zhao Gongming wanted to refute it, he couldn't do it.

After being stunned for a while, Zhao Gongming gritted his teeth and said with a face full of unwillingness: "So it seems that my interception has become a thorn in the eyes of Tiandao and all the religions? Do you want to use me to intercept it????"

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