At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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According to what Ji Han said, Zhao Gongming immediately understood the situation of their interception!

Ji Han nodded and praised: "Yes, that's right!!"

"You have indeed become a thorn in the eyes of Heavenly Dao and the saints of all religions, and you are the kind that will not be happy!"9

"Therefore, fellow Daoist Gongming should think carefully about how to face this great catastrophe after returning!

Ji Han can be regarded as giving Zhao Gongming the biggest suggestion!

Zhao Gongming seemed to feel malicious at the moment, as if countless calculations were about to intercept them.

"The way of heaven is aimed at, and all religions are besieged, why do they treat us like this?

"Is it just because we have a lot of power to intercept the teaching? It's unfair, the way of heaven is unfair!! 99

Zhao Gongming suddenly couldn't help but scolded his teeth angrily!!

After all, facing such a situation, they can definitely be regarded as a dilemma in a predicament, and it is no wonder that they almost emptied the entire interception!!

Seeing this, Ji Han shook his head and sighed: "Hey, who told you that you have the most power and the most disciples, in fact, even if you don't have the battle to consecrate the gods, you will sooner or later turn your face against the two sects, because the dead daoist friends If you are immortal, the interpretation of the teaching has long seen that your interception is not pleasing to the eye. Everything is doomed, but you intercepted the teaching and realized it later!


Zhao Gongming's eyes revealed extreme hatred, and evil 610 said ruthlessly: "What a good teacher, what a teacher, really don't care about any Taoist friendship, since that's the case, don't blame us for being ruthless! "

Obviously, now that he has understood the stance and attitude of Chanjiao, then Zhao Gongming will naturally not have any friendship with Chanjiao anymore. Maybe he will find an opportunity to kill a few members of Chanjiao after he goes back!!

Don't look at Zhao Gongming's emphasis on love and righteousness, but he is also a person with clear hatred. Zhao Gongming will not let anyone who causes harm to the interception, especially if he is within his power.

An inexplicable look flashed in Ji Han's eyes, but he didn't stop it. Instead, he continued: "Actually, it's not just about teaching the teaching, in your interception, the chess pieces that the traitors of the Western teaching have placed, plus those traitors, even if you don't have the gods. In the event of a catastrophe, they will take the initiative to push the Western Sect and Chan Sect to join forces to clean up your interception, and the result will be similar!”

"So, if there are not too many changes, the Conferred God Tribulation is destined to start as scheduled, and the ending of your interception will not be much better!!

"Traitor, traitor, damn it, clean up the door after the impoverished way back!!"

Zhao Gongming was so angry that he was so angry that he wanted to go back and slaughter those traitors and traitors.

Originally, Zhao Gongming's anger had subsided a little, but Ji Han brought up those traitors and traitors again, which made Zhao Gongming's anger soar again, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill!!

Until now, Zhao Gongming had no doubts about what Ji Han said, and he completely believed Ji Han.

At this moment, Zhao Gongming just wanted to return to the floods immediately. He not only wanted to clean up the door, but also told his master, Tongtian Sect Master, to tell him to make plans early.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming couldn't sit still, he stood up abruptly and bowed his hands to Ji Han: "Thank you fellow Taoist for your kindness, Zhao Gongming will remember the kindness of fellow Taoist in his heart, and he will not dare to forget it even if he intercepts the teaching, but The matter of conferring the gods is very important. The poor Taoist needs to go back to the Ming master immediately. Please forgive the Taoist friends.

After speaking, Zhao Gongming hurriedly prepared to leave.

However, Ji Han reached out to stop Zhao Gongming, and in Zhao Gongming's puzzled eyes, he slowly said: "Daoist Gongming, don't be impatient, I understand your mood and know that you are in a hurry to go back, but I want to ask , Fellow Daoist, after you go back, do you have any plans? What are you going to do?"

Ji Han understood Zhao Gongming's mood very well and knew what Zhao Gongming was going to do, but he still stopped Zhao Gongming, because he didn't want Zhao Gongming to go back in such a hurry, and then act recklessly.

Because once Zhao Gongming acts recklessly, or even destroys the Conferred God Tribulation in advance, it will definitely cause (bbed) very serious consequences.

If nothing else, just talking about Zu Hongjun, can definitely figure out the cause and effect, and then control Zhao Gongming and even control the actions of intercepting the teaching.

And Daozu Hongjun is currently an existence that Ji Han can't compete with at all, so Ji Han doesn't want to attract Tiandao's attention so early.

But Zhao Gongming didn't understand what Ji Han meant. He stared at Ji Han stunnedly and said bluntly: "Plan? What plan is needed? After returning, Pindao must immediately report to Master Ming, and explain the cause and effect of it. Our sect master explained it in detail, and then planned a countermeasure!!

Sure enough, just as Ji Han thought, the first thing Zhao Gongming did after he returned was to report everything Ji Han said to the Master Tongtian, and then he wanted to plan a counterattack against the Cultist and the Western Church.

Ji Han sighed slightly in his heart, but smiled on his face: "Daoist friend Gongming, I wonder if you can listen to my advice. Daoist friend should not be so impulsive and act rashly, which will definitely cause some unnecessary serious consequences. Think, this is what you don't want to see even if you intercept the teaching!

"Serious consequences?"

Zhao Gongming's face was full of doubts, and he didn't know why Ji Han tried to persuade him not to be impulsive, so he asked, "Why is this? I also ask fellow Taoists to clarify the doubts.

Although Zhao Gongming didn't understand what Ji Han meant, he also saw that Ji Han was not malicious, and everything he knew was told to him by Ji Han, so Zhao Gongming didn't want to take Ji Han's face, thought about it, I sat down first, and didn't go back in a hurry.

After all, he wanted to hear what Ji Han had to say!

When Ji Han saw that Zhao Gongming could hear him, he smiled with satisfaction and said, "Don't be in a hurry, fellow Daoist, I have my reasons for blocking fellow Daoist."

"Again, this great catastrophe of the gods will only begin for hundreds of years, and now I am satisfied with revealing any rumors, and there is no sign that it will start the great catastrophe of the gods, you are so anxious to go back and report to the Tongtian sect master, let's not talk about the Tongtian sect master. Will you believe it, and even if you believe it, what can you do? Is it true that you have to directly counter the teaching?

"The second point is that the sense of heaven is everywhere and pervasive. If Hongjun finds out about your plan with Tongtian sect master, what will you do then? What will be the consequences?

"Have you considered all of this?"

Ji Han's words seemed to be extremely plain, but in Zhao Gongming's ears, it was like a thunderous burst, causing Zhao Gongming to break into a cold sweat instantly.

At this moment, Zhao Gongming understood why Ji Han wanted to stop him, and at this moment, Zhao Gongming truly admired Ji Han!

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