At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

626 Such an opportunity is simply envious of others! 【Subscription】

Suppressing Chan Jiao was something Zhao Gongming had planned to do from the very beginning!

Without Ji Han's obstruction, Zhao Gongming would have returned to Honghuang at this time, and then planned to counterattack.

For Zhao Gongming, and for Intercept Jiao, Chan Jiao's betrayal is really unforgivable.

If it is just the suppression of Heaven, it is just a struggle in Taoism. Even if he loses, Zhao Gongming will not have too much resentment.

However, in order to win the interception, Chan Jiao actually led wolves into the room and joined forces with the Western Church to deal with their interception. How could Zhao Gongming accept it?

Therefore, Zhao Gongming's resentment and anger towards Chanjiao are even higher than those of Western religions!

So for the third suggestion made by Ji Han, Zhao Gongming expressed his great agreement!

At the same time, Zhao Gongming was really relieved of "610", knowing that Ji Han was really giving him advice, rather than giving some useless nonsense.

Ji Han seemed to understand what Zhao Gongming was thinking, but he didn't care, and then continued: "The fourth suggestion is to make friends with the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, and then try to support him, it is best to help each other!!

"The third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea??"

Zhao Gongming was stunned, and his face was full of puzzlement!

He didn't understand why Ji Han suddenly mentioned the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, and he didn't understand why he wanted to befriend him and support him!

"What is this suggestion, fellow Daoist? Do you want me to intercept the sect and befriend the West Sea Dragon Palace? Secretly accumulate strength, or do you want to pull the dragon clan into the camp of my sect?"

Zhao Gongming didn't understand what Ji Han meant, but he subconsciously exuded an association, thinking that Ji Han wanted him to befriend the West Sea Dragon Palace and the Dragon Clan.

But Ji Han shook his head and explained: "Daoist misunderstood, I'm talking about Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, Taoist friends only need to befriend Ao Lie, not the Dragon Clan!"

"Dragon clan can't play any role in the great tribulation of conferred gods, so there is no need to spend this effort!!

After hearing Ji Han say this, Zhao Gongming understood what Ji Han meant.

Obviously, Ji Han valued Ao Lie, not the Dragon Clan.

However, Zhao Gongming was even more puzzled. Could it be that there is something special about Ao Lie, or his strong fortune, that he was especially valued by Ji Han?

Or, Ao Lie had already been here before him?

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming couldn't help being secretly surprised. He immediately looked at Ji Han and asked, "Daoist friend, this Ao Lie has been here before Pindao??"

"That's right!!" Ji Han did not deny it, nodded and said: "Before this, Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, also came here, and he also had a relationship with me, so I formed a good relationship with him, and also He helped and gave some suggestions, and let him go back to save the Dragon Clan. 35

"Have a good relationship? Helped?"

Zhao Gongming savored Ji Han's words carefully, and then realized that this Ao Lie must have received a lot of help from Ji Han.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming cautiously probed: "Then what kind of cultivation is the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, Ao Lie? Can you help us to intercept the teaching?"

For Zhao Gongming, he must be able to help the interceptor who is worthy of his friendship, otherwise it is a waste of time.

Ji Han understood Zhao Gongming's thoughts, he smiled lightly: "Daoist Gongming, you can rest assured, Ao Lie is also a Dao Jinxian cultivation base, not as good as a Taoist friend, but Ao Lie has absorbed a drop of Pangu blood and has great potential. Don't worry, make friends!"

"What? Pangu blood essence? Then Ao Lie has this opportunity??"

Zhao Gongming couldn't help being shocked!!

Zhao Gongming was only slightly surprised by Ao Lie's cultivation, but he did not expect such a genius to emerge from the West Sea Dragon Palace.

But he didn't expect that Ao Lie actually absorbed a drop of Pangu's blood essence, such a chance, he was simply envious of others!

Only then did Zhao Gongming understand why Ji Han asked him to befriend Ao Lie!

A person with such a great opportunity has absorbed a drop of Pangu's blood essence, the potential is indeed great, and it is definitely worthy of Zhao Gongming's deep friendship.

In order to let Zhao Gongming know more about Ao Lie, Ji Han continued to introduce: "Yes, after absorbing the blood of Pangu, Ao Lie's cultivation will continue to skyrocket, not only that, Ao Lie has left the West Sea Dragon Palace and established his own door. Created a force alone, I asked you to befriend Ao Lie and support Ao Lie, just so that Ao Lie and his forces can help you in the great catastrophe of the conferred gods!"

Ji Han has already said this, if Zhao Gongming still doesn't understand, then it's really not worth Ji Han's help!

Sure enough, Zhao Gongming looked excited, and immediately agreed: "Pin Dao understands, fellow Daoist, rest assured, after returning, Pin Dao will get to know Ao Lie Dao friendly, and then try to support him!"

Since Ao Lie's cultivation base is not bad, he has a lot of potential, and he can help them intercept their teachings in the future conferred god calamity, then Zhao Gongming should take it seriously!

Zhao Gongming had already realized the benefits of Ji Han's suggestion at this time. Before Ji Han could speak, he asked eagerly, "Friend, what is another suggestion?"

"Fellow Daoist Gongming, don't be in a hurry!

Ji Han smiled to reassure Zhao Gongming, and then replied: "This last suggestion is actually the most important, I hope Taoist friends will consider it well, that is, after Taoist friends return, they will inform Tongtian Sect Master, and then do a good job with them. When the heavenly court is ready, take the initiative to show goodwill to the heavenly court, and it is best to arrange for the immortals to go to the heavenly court in advance!

"What? Go to heaven in advance??"

Zhao Gongming was shocked and puzzled at the same time!

"What do you mean, fellow Daoist?" Zhao Gongming hurriedly asked.

Seeing that Zhao Gongming didn't understand what he meant, Ji Han secretly sighed in his heart, and then explained: "It's very simple, because Heavenly Court is the future commander of the Three Realms, and the Emperor of Heaven is the co-owner of the Three Realms, so it will be beneficial to befriend Heavenly Court. And there is no harm, and the other 4.3, to go to the heaven in advance, one is to occupy the position of the righteous god in advance, and the other is to avoid the disaster of conferring gods!

"The so-called conferred gods are actually because there are no righteous gods in the heavenly court, and no one is willing to go to heaven to be a righteous god at this time, so the list of conferred gods was created!"

"Therefore, if you intercept the sect and send someone to the heavenly court to be a righteous god in advance, the benefits will be indescribable. Not only can you occupy a position in advance, you can gain a lot of right to speak, but you can also get into heaven in the flesh, and you don't have to die once and then really The spirit is under the control of the Conferred God List, which directly avoids the disaster that may be brought about by the Conferred God Tribulation.

Ji Han told Zhao Gongming the reasons and benefits in detail, because he was afraid that Zhao Gongming would not understand or even pay attention to it, so he gave these five suggestions with great effort!!!.

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