At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

627 Five suggestions, all benefits and no harm! 【Subscription】

Go to heaven?

Avoid disaster?

Occupy the throne of God?

That's the essence of Ji Han's fifth suggestion!

A flash of lightning flashed across Zhao Gongming's mind instantly, illuminating his mind and making Zhao Gongming's eyes suddenly brighten.

"Daoist Ji Han, is there really so many benefits in going to heaven?"

Although Zhao Gongming already believed most of it in his heart, he still wanted to hear Ji Han's affirmative answer.

Ji Han nodded and affirmed: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Gongming, there will be nothing wrong with this matter, because Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, has also taken the initiative to establish a relationship with Heavenly Court at my suggestion. Intercepting teaching is all beneficial and harmless, so I suggest that you must implement it as soon as possible after you go back, the sooner the better!""

Hearing Ji Han's affirmative answer, the light in Zhao Gongming's eyes couldn't help but brighten.

He had never imagined that going to the Heavenly Court in advance would have so many benefits.

The first is the issue of avoiding calamity. If the catastrophe of the conferred gods can be avoided, so that they no longer have to worry about being on the conferred gods list, and they don’t have to worry about the end that Ji Han said, then to 11 Zhao Gongming and others Said, it is definitely a big happy event.

The second is that they can go to heaven in the flesh, no longer as true spirits. In this way, they can occupy an important position of righteous gods, gain an important right to speak for the interception, better protect themselves, and protect the seeds for the interception.

Under the circumstances, even if Chanjiao joins forces with Western religions again, it is impossible for Intercept to repeat the same mistakes, and there will be a tragic scene where Intercept is defeated!

Zhao Gongming thought all of this very clearly, and knew how much benefit Ji Han's suggestion could bring to them.

These are things he has never considered before. Before that, he simply wanted to counterattack the teachings, but he did not have such a detailed and perfect plan.

Compared with Ji Han's plan, Zhao Gongming's previous thoughts are simply insignificant!

Originally, Zhao Gongming had a lot of doubts about the five suggestions made by Ji Han, but after each suggestion, Ji Han explained one by one and gave specific methods, which was not allowed to be refuted by Zhao Gongming at all.

After Zhao Gongming thought about it, the thoughts in his mind turned sharply, thinking about the feasibility of these suggestions.

In the end, Zhao Gongming found that no matter how he thought about it, the five suggestions Ji Han put forward were of great benefit to Intercepting the Sect, and even the beginning of changing the ending of the Conferred God Tribulation.

As a result, Zhao Gongming couldn't help but not accept it.

It's just that Zhao Gongming had the last hint of hesitation in his heart. He was confused and didn't know how to tell Ji Han.

However, Ji Han only glanced at Zhao Gongming, as if he understood what he was thinking, and asked, "Daoist Gongming, do you feel that you are a little condescending to go to heaven at this time?

Zhao Gongming raised his head and looked at Ji Han in surprise. After being broken by Ji Han, he no longer concealed it, but said bluntly: "Yes, fellow Daoist Ji Han, at the moment the heaven is just established, there is no foundation and no hands, I am the big one. Luo Jinxian, wouldn't it be a bit overkill if he went directly to Heaven? And would the Heavenly Emperor question the intentions of the poor and the sect?

Obviously, this is where Zhao Gongming hesitated.

He understands that going to Heaven will bring huge benefits, but he feels that with his body as a great golden immortal, going to Heaven when Heaven is first established, it seems a little condescending.

Most importantly, he was worried that the Heavenly Emperor Haotian would question him, and would not accept them.

However, Ji Han smiled unconcernedly and comforted: "You can rest assured, Daoist Gongming, it is precisely because the heavenly court is established, the sooner it is, the more righteous God and the right to speak. It's important, otherwise I wouldn't make such a suggestion. Second, the Heavenly Emperor Haotian is thirsty for talent at this time. No matter what your footsteps and status are, as long as you have a heart, Haotian will definitely welcome him. So, you don't have to worry too much!

"If it wasn't like this, Heavenly Emperor Haotian wouldn't have to go to great lengths to consecrate God!!"

Hearing Ji Han's explanation, Zhao Gongming breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, for clarifying the doubts. The poor Daoist is very grateful. You can rest assured, after the poor Daoist returns, he will definitely go to heaven to serve the heavenly court in person!! 35

Zhao Gongming bowed his hands gratefully to Ji Han, made a direct statement, accepted all Ji Han's suggestions, and said that when he returned, he would go to heaven in person and act as a pioneer for the interception of teaching!

After all, he had carefully considered Ji Han's suggestion, and he had no better plan, so he could only accept Ji Han's suggestion.

Ji Han was noncommittal about this, nodded lightly and said, "That's very good, in fact, I just made some suggestions, whether to accept it or not, and what to do after accepting it, it is still up to the Taoist friends and the interceptor to decide on their own, I don't have many. Beak it!"

Hearing this, Zhao Gongming stood up, looked at Ji Han solemnly, and cupped his hands again: "The kindness of Daoist friends, the poor Daoist and Interceptor will definitely keep in mind, and dare not forget, once the Daoist friend has instructed, Pindao and Interceptor will do their best to repay the kindness of Taoist friends!!

Zhao Gong is obviously very solemn. He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. This time, he has received Ji Han's guidance and a big favor, so he naturally has to make a solemn promise!

Ji Han also stood up, stretched out his hand to help Zhao Gongming, and said with a smile: "Daoist Gongming is very polite, I said that you and I have fate, I have talked so much with Taoist friends, and I just want to form a good relationship with Taoist friends. , there is no other purpose, as for those who do not repay, you don't have to take it to heart, I will see you again in the future!"

Ji Han is very indifferent!



Zhao Gongming gave a nod!

However, Zhao Gongming still remembered this matter deeply in his heart, and he couldn't forget it just because Ji Han said he didn't care!

Zhao Gongming made up his mind that if Ji Han needs any help in the future, he must end the cause and effect and repay the kindness this time!

After all, cultivators pay the most attention to cause and effect. If the state of mind is affected by unresolved cause and effect, then the gain will outweigh the loss!

Ji Han didn't care, returned a salute, and then a simple ring appeared out of thin air in his hand, handed it to Zhao Gongming, and said, "Friend Gongming, this is a trading ring, there is infinite space in it, you can store things , You can also trade items with the four Ying Zheng, and you can also contact me with this ring, and you can explore the specific functions slowly!!"

After that, the trading ring was handed to Zhao Gongming.

After hearing about it, Zhao Gongming was surprised, and after receiving it, he praised: "There is such a miraculous ring, the Taoist friends are so powerful, and the poor Taoist admires, haha!!"5

Originally, Zhao Gongming didn't want to pick it up, but when he heard the last sentence that he could contact Ji Han with his ring, Zhao Gongming took it without hesitation!

After all, after going back this time, he doesn't know when he will be able to see Ji Han again. If there is a way to contact Ji Han, it would be great!!.

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