At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

634 Hit the nail on the head, Ji Han's high opinion! 【Subscription】

After having a heart-to-heart with Daoist Duobao and the others, Zhao Gongming left Biyou Palace.

At this time, Zhao Gongming did not go to other places, nor did he return to Luofu Cave, but went straight to the Daluotian where the Heavenly Court of the Thirty-sixth Layer was located.

Now that he has received the permission of the Tongtian sect master, Zhao Gongming naturally wants to strike while the iron is hot and does not want to waste more time.

Therefore, he intends to go directly to the Heavenly Court to meet the Jade Emperor, and then take the position of the righteous god.

After all, it should not be too late for this matter, Ji Han also reminded, so Zhao Gongming did not dare to be careless.

The Heavenly Court is located in the Great Luotian of the Thirty-sixth Heaven. Although Zhao Gongming knows the location, he has never been there.

However, this time Zhao Gongming's purpose is extremely clear, and naturally he soon came outside the heavenly court.

Above the Nine Heavens, the place where the star of Ziwei and the star of the Big Dipper are opposite is the entrance to the Nantian Gate of the Heavenly Court. Entering the Nantianmen is the entrance to the Tiangong, and you can directly reach the Lingxiao Palace of the Miluo Palace!

At this time, Zhao Gongming was standing outside Nantianmen, and he was looking at Nantianmen carefully.

Outside the Nantianmen, there were thousands of golden lights, red clouds rolling, auspiciousness, and purple mist filled the air, and the whole body of Nantianmen had long been covered with glazed glaze, radiant and splendid, shining like a precious jade.

It's just that there were no generals guarding Nantianmen at this time, only two boys who were dozing off, barely guarding Nantianmen.

Zhao Gongming saw at a glance that these two boys were definitely temporarily inspired by the Jade Emperor, otherwise it is estimated that there would be no one to guard Nantianmen.

So shabby, it is the truest portrayal of Heavenly Court today.

But it is precisely because of this that Zhao Gongming deeply realizes how precious Ji Han's advice is.

Obviously, this is the time when Heavenly Court is the most lacking. He Zhao Gongming is coming to vote now, it is definitely a help in the snow, not icing on the cake, so Zhao Gongming can't help but secretly sigh Ji Han's high opinion!

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming showed his figure and bowed his hands to the two boys on duty politely: "I intercepted Zhao Gongming's request to see the Jade Emperor, and asked two little friends to pass it on on their behalf!!

The appearance of Zhao Gongming directly startled the two boys, but seeing Zhao Gongming being so polite, the two boys couldn't help but feel relieved, and hurriedly returned the salute, and said:

"Don't dare to be, senior, please wait later, Xiaodao will go to pass the message.

After speaking, one of the boys turned around and left!

On the other hand, Zhao Gongming nodded slightly, standing there and waiting quietly.

In just a moment, the boy who went to pass the message appeared, and behind him, there was an old man with a kind face, a warm smile, and white hair and beard.

The old man looked extremely kind, with a smile on his face all the time, and was holding a smooth and soft whisk in his hand.

This old man is the Taibaijinxing who has been following the Jade Emperor all the time!

After seeing that Zhao Gongming was really outside Nantianmen, Taibaijinxing's eyes lit up instantly, and his steps were much faster.

"Haha, but Zhao Tianjun is polite to Taibaijinxing in person!"

Before entering, Taibaijinxing's kind and hearty laughter sounded first, which made people feel comfortable.

In fact, Zhao Gongming had already noticed it, but he did not expect Taibaijinxing to greet him first.

Zhao Gongming had also heard a little about Taibaijinxing, because there were only two people in the heavenly court, and that was the Jade Emperor and Taibaibaixing.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming knew instantly the status of Taibaijinxing, but he didn't dare to underestimate him because of his kind and polite attitude.

"It turned out to be Daoist Taibai, poor Daoist Zhao Gongming, you are polite!"

Zhao Gongming didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately politely returned a salute.

Seeing Zhao Gongming's attitude, Tai Jinxing's eyes instantly became much warmer.

"Haha, Zhao Tianjun is being polite, Tianjun is a great disciple of the Intercepting Sect and is also a great master of Da Luo. It is really a great fortune for the three lives of platinum stars to be able to see him today!

Taibaijinxing was full of enthusiasm, and all kinds of good words popped out.

And Zhao Gongming also chatted with Taibaijinxing with a smile on his face (bbed).

The two exchanged friendly greetings, and then Taibaijinxing asked: "Dare to ask Tianjun, I came up to the heavenly court today, but I have something important to meet. Long live? 35

Zhao Gongming cupped his hands and said: "Yes, today Pindao has something important to ask to see His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and asks Daoist Taibai to pass it on on his behalf."

"Haha, Long Live has long known that Tianjun is coming, and I am overjoyed. Taibai Laoer came to meet Tianjun on the order of Long Live, Tianjun please!

Taibaijinxing laughed, stretched out his hand to ask, and led the way in front of him.

Naturally, Zhao Gongming was not polite, he followed Tai Jinxing and walked towards Lingxiao Palace.

The two exchanged fervently all the way, without seeing anything.

And Taibaijinxing is getting more and more enthusiastic, because although he has not yet known Zhao Gongming's intention, but with the kindness released by Zhao Gongming, it is already worthy of Taibaijinxing's warm treatment.

Soon, the two came to the outside of Lingxiao Palace.

Taibaijinxing indicated that Zhao Gongming did not need to be polite and could enter the hall with him.

Zhao Gongming's footsteps paused slightly, his expression straightened, and then he followed behind Taibaijinxing and walked into the Lingxiao Palace.

After entering, I saw a person wearing a golden dragon crown and a yellow dragon robe sitting on the throne in the center of the Lingxiao Palace.

This person is the Jade Emperor Haotian.

After seeing the Emperor of Heaven, Zhao Gongming did not hesitate to pay homage directly, and called out:

"Junior Zhao Gongming, see Uncle Shi!!"

Zhao Gongming did not call Haotian the Jade Emperor, but instead called him the uncle, and he paid homage with the etiquette of the younger generation!

Jade Emperor Haotian's eyes flashed with surprise, but on the surface he said with a smile: "Haha, it turns out that Gongming is here, Gongming doesn't need to be too polite, please get up!

Speaking of which, the Jade Emperor Haotian used to be a boy under the throne of Hongjun, and should be of the same generation as Sanqing. Moreover, the Jade Emperor Haotian also called Sanqing a senior brother. Therefore, Zhao Gongming, as the disciple of Tongtian Cult Master, called the Jade Emperor Shishu. It's not wrong at all.

But what the Jade Emperor didn't expect was that a disciple like Zhao Gongming, who was also a master of Daluo Jinxian, could be so reluctant to show his face, so the Jade Emperor was only slightly surprised, but did not correct Zhao Gongming's title.

Seemingly feeling Zhao Gongming's sincerity, the Jade Emperor stepped down from the throne and helped Zhao Gongming up.

"Thank you uncle!

Zhao Gongming stood up with a smile on his face, and his face was always respectful!

After all, Zhao Gongming has already regarded himself as a junior, so naturally he has to be polite to his elders.

At this time, the Jade Emperor asked with a smile: "How is Senior Brother Tongtian doing recently? By the way, I don't know if Gongming is here today, what is the important thing?

"Master, all is well! 99

Zhao Gongming first answered the Jade Emperor's first question, and then suddenly handed over to ask for instructions:

"Uncle Master is above, Gongming is here today, in fact, he wants to find a position in the heaven, and I hope Uncle Master can agree!! 35

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