At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

635 is full of sincerity and responds positively! 【Subscription】

As soon as Zhao Gongming said these words, it was like a thunderstorm that suddenly exploded in the Lingxiao Palace!!

"What... what??"

Even with the Jade Emperor's palace and cultivation base, after hearing Zhao Gongming's unwarranted request, he couldn't help but froze in place, not knowing why.

He felt as if he had hallucinations.

"Could it be that I have been too concerned about this recently?" The Jade Emperor thought to himself subconsciously when he was stunned.

Even Taibaijinxing on the side was stunned. Although he felt Zhao Gongming's kindness from the beginning, he never imagined that the real purpose of Zhao Gongming's coming to Heaven would be - this.

However, Zhao Gongming was not stunned, he took a deep breath and pleaded again: "Qi Shishu, Gongming wants to find a position in the heaven, and ask Shishu to agree!!

The Heavenly Court is governed by the Jade Emperor, without the approval of the Jade Emperor, Zhao Gongming would not be able to obtain the position of the righteous god!

Zhao Gongming's second request resounded clearly in the Jade Emperor's ears.

This time, the Jade Emperor was very sure that he did not have hallucinations, but that Duke Zhao clearly and truly asked him to seek a position in the heavenly court.

Such a request made Yu Ding shocked and ecstatic!!

Why shocked?

Because Yu Ding didn't understand at all, and couldn't figure it out, Zhao Gongming, as the top disciple of Intercept Sect, with a prominent status and a high level of cultivation, why did he want to go to heaven to seek a position.

You must know that no matter how the Jade Emperor pulled people, even those immortals, no one was willing to go to heaven with the Jade Emperor, let alone a master like Daluo Jinxian.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor was very puzzled. He did not understand why Zhao Gongming made such a choice, nor what Zhao Gongming's purpose was.

It was precisely because of this doubt that the Jade Emperor couldn't help but think a lot.

But after the shock, it was full of surprises!

Because Zhao Gongming is an important figure in the interception, apart from the Tongtian sect master, he can be regarded as a big boss in the interception. A person of this level personally goes to the heaven to seek a position, which means that he wants to serve. In Heavenly Court, serving for his Jade Emperor, this is simply a big happy event for Heavenly Court!

That's why the Jade Emperor is ecstatic, because this is what he wants to see the most, and it is also what he has been thinking hard about when he comes in!

Therefore, no matter what Zhao Gongming's purpose was, or whether Zhao Gongming sincerely wanted to serve in the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor decided to accept Zhao Gongming.

Because no matter what Zhao Gongming's purpose is, it has no effect on Heavenly Court. After all, Heavenly Court is only three or two kittens now, but once the news of Zhao Gongming's personal visit to Heavenly Court spreads, the benefits will be incalculable. .

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor immediately looked at Zhao Gongming with burning eyes.

"Gongming, are you serious? Are you trying to make me happy?" the Jade Emperor asked.

Zhao Gongming's face immediately showed a look of awe, and he said solemnly: "Report to Shishu, Gongming has no intention of joking, Gongming really wants to seek a position in the heavenly court to serve the heavenly court, and please ask the master to agree!! 35

This is Zhao Gongming's third request!

However, in the view of the Jade Emperor, this request is the most sincere and sincere!!

At this moment, the Jade Emperor had countless thoughts in his heart, but at the next moment, he supported Zhao Gongming with both hands and laughed happily:

"Haha, Gongming is so sincere, how could I refuse it, it's too late for my heart to be so happy, haha!!"

For the Jade Emperor, now that the Heavenly Court is so shabby and lacking in people, he can accept a bunch of teaching bosses to serve the Heavenly Court, which is definitely something that does not need to be considered.

Even the Jade Emperor could already imagine that after Zhao Gongming's service in the Heavenly Court spread throughout the Great Desolation, there would definitely be an uproar in the Great Desolation. At that time, many people who were still swaying or were still watching would be influenced by Zhao Gongming, and then invested in it. From the embrace of heaven.

In this way, the embarrassing situation of lack of people in Heaven should be soon improved.

After receiving the Jade Emperor's permission, Zhao Gongming immediately said with joyful gratitude: "Thank you for your accomplishment, Gongming will definitely live up to your uncle's high hopes!! 35

"Haha, don't be so polite!!" The Jade Emperor smiled and patted the back of Zhao Gongming's hand, then asked, "By the way, does your master know about this?

Although the Jade Emperor had already made up his mind, whether the Tongtian Cult Master knew about it or not, or even if the Tongtian Cult Master disagreed, the Jade Emperor would accept Zhao Gongming, but the Jade Emperor still wanted to know the Tongtian Cult Master's attitude.

Zhao Gongming knew what the Jade Emperor meant, and he immediately replied: "Master, please rest assured, Master already knows, and there is no objection! 35

・・For flowers....

No objection?

Is that agreed?

Senior Brother Tongtian would actually agree with Zhao Gongming to serve in the Heavenly Court??

The Jade Emperor was secretly shocked, but he didn't expect Tongtian Sect Master to really know about this, and he agreed.

To this end, the Jade Emperor also made a lot of conjectures, and even doubted whether the Tongtian sect master was instructed by the ancestor Hongjun.

You must know that although several saints did not object to the establishment of the Heavenly Court, but in the face of the Jade Emperor's request to recruit people to the Heavenly Court for supplementary positions, no one responded. Obviously, those saints never took Heavenly Court in their eyes.

But now the Tongtian sect master can agree to Zhao Gongming to serve in the heavenly court, and the meaning behind this can not be tolerated by the Jade Emperor.

But it is useless to think about these now. The Jade Emperor suppressed the thoughts in his heart, thought for a moment, then looked at Zhao Gongming, and said with joy on his face:

"Since it was Gongming who ascended to the heaven in person, then I will never treat you badly. In this way, I will immediately seal Gongming you as the Great Emperor of Huashan Jintianyuan, one of the Five Great Emperors, in charge of the world's treasures and hardware, Tao Zhukengye. , and feathered birds, etc., can Gongming be satisfied?"

The Jade Emperor was overjoyed, not only in order to appease Zhao Gongming, but also in order to allow Zhao Gongming to play a good leading role, but also in order to match Zhao Gongming's identity, he resolutely conferred the throne of the Great Emperor of the Five Mountains, the Great Emperor of Xiyue, to the emperor. Zhao Gongming.

It can be seen that the Jade Emperor really appreciated Zhao Gongming, and also responded positively to the goodwill of the interception and release.

However, in the face of the Jade Emperor's lucrative decree, Zhao Gongming shook his head and decisively refused: "I also asked the uncle to take back the decree, Gongming is ashamed to be worthy of it!!"

Even Zhao Gongming didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would actually enshrine him as the Emperor Huashan Jintian Yuansheng. This is the Emperor Xiyue, even in the heavenly court, he is a very prominent god!

However, Zhao Gongming was not tempted at all, and refused directly.

Because Zhao Gongming thought more, he went to heaven to get through the great catastrophe of the conferred gods, and also wanted to pave the way for the interception, but as a disciple of the interception, he didn't want to devote himself to the heaven. Besides, Zhao Gongming I also got Ji Han's suggestion, I don't want to occupy too high a god position, so as not to be hated by others!

Therefore, Zhao Gongming decisively rejected the Jade Emperor! Beg.

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