At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

639 Can't wait, the army is dispatched! 【Subscription】

Civil servants are responsible for internal affairs, while generals are responsible for external expansion!

Treading the city is no different!

Ying Zheng and others sent Li Si and other civil officials to manage the internal affairs, but the external expansion had to rely on Wang Ben and Lu Bu and others.

During this period of time, while Tiantian City was enslaving foreign races, it also collected a large number of human troops and filled it into the Tiantian City army.

Moreover, the four immortal dynasties are not stingy with resources, and a lot of resources are continuously poured out, and various exercises are provided one after another, just to quickly improve the combat power of recruits.

You must know that the area of ​​Tianyujie is at least ten thousand times wider than that of Bluestar, and the population base it has is also thousands of times larger. Therefore, with such a huge population base, the most important thing is the talent. people.

When the Heavenly Feather Clan ruled this area before, the Human Race has always been the lowest existence, not to mention cultivation, it is not bad to be able to survive, so no one has discovered these cultivation geniuses.

However, after they joined the Tiantiancheng army and practiced various exercises, many talented and terrifying talents really came to the surface.

Moreover, the army only focuses on military merit, and does not see their own body or experience. Therefore, under such circumstances, the 623 people within a radius of one million miles quickly returned to their hearts, and the recruits in the Tiantiancheng army became completely determined.

Compared with the previous life, it is not an exaggeration to say that the current life is very different. If they are not satisfied or grateful, then they are not worthy of the current life.

Therefore, the army of Tiantiancheng has not only expanded tenfold in a short period of time, but its overall strength is still skyrocketing, almost the same every day.

If you give those recruits some more time, maybe many people's strength can be improved to above Jindan.

But Ying Zheng and the others couldn't wait that long, and cultivation alone was not enough. War was the best experience. Therefore, after Tiantian City had completely stabilized the situation in the surrounding area, they began to expand.

After the unanimous decision of the four Ying Zheng, the four immortal dynasties sent troops together, but they did not attack one force together as before, which would be a waste of the army's combat power in Tiantian City. They are ready to expand separately.

How to expand separately?

It is very simple, that is to take the city of stepping on the sky as the center point, and then take the four walls (bbed) of the city as the direction.

In this way, not only can the combat power of the Shangtiancheng army be used to the greatest extent, but no area in any direction will be missed, and all recruits can be experienced.

After the four Ying Zheng decided, they issued an order decisively.

Wang Ben, Lu Bu, and the others had been patient for a long time. Now that they were ordered, they didn't need to endure any longer. They decisively ordered people to gather a large army, and then started at the same time, killing them in all directions.

This time, Ying Zheng and the others gave a death order. First, those who refuse to obey will be killed without mercy. Second, they must search for all resources, among which elixir and materials containing the power of time are the most important. , After the war, it must be sent back to Tiantian City as soon as possible.

In the face of the Tianyu clan and various demon clans in the Tianyu Realm, Ying Zheng and the others would not have any courtesy.

This time, they are going to spend a few years to completely wipe out all the forces of the Tianyu clan, and then unify the Tianyu world.

This is also what Ji Han meant. After all, given the current strength of the four immortal dynasties, this goal is not difficult, it only takes time.

To the east of Tiancheng City, the Green Ant Plain.

The Green Ant Plain and Stepping Sky City were millions of miles apart, and it was a huge plain.

At this time, in the sky above the Green Ant Plain, the overwhelming dark clouds suddenly pressed down, seeming to block the color of the entire sky.

Such a huge change naturally attracted the attention of some ordinary people on the Green Ant Plain. Those people looked up in astonishment, but saw a scene that they will never forget.

Where is the dark cloud blocking the sky, it is clearly dense figures and countless flying boats.

Countless silhouettes flew directly in the sky, and the swooshing sound of breaking through the sky continued one after another, resounding through the sky.

Behind those silhouettes, a large number of flying boats of forty or fifty meters in size, carrying countless silhouettes, also flew past quickly, leaving traces in the sky.

This kind of scene lasted for a full half a quarter of an hour before it ended, and the reason why the sky darkened was because the people flying by were too dense and blocked the sunlight.

This army of tens of millions of troops was exactly the army of the Great Qin Xianchao, led by Wang Ben and Li Xin and others, and only killed them in the east.

In fact, the Green Ant Plain is the critical part of the area they are in charge of and the outside world. After crossing the Green Ant Plain, all sects and countries will be the targets of the Daqin Xianchao army.

At this time, Wang Ben and Li Xin and other generals were standing on the deck of a huge flying boat in the middle of the army.

They are the chief generals of an army, responsible for commanding the entire army, and this is their due treatment.

There was a cold wind in the sky, but there was a circular protective cover around the flying boat, which did not affect the people on the flying boat at all.

Wang Ben stood with his hands behind his back, watching the distant scenery from blurring to clear, but his expression remained indifferent.

However, Li Xin, who was beside Wang Ben, knew very well that under Wang Ben's indifferent expression, there was an extremely bloodthirsty desire hidden.

"Pharaoh, this time you can have fun!!

Li Xin looked at Wang Ben, laughed and joked.

Wang Ben's indifferent expression immediately disappeared, and he smiled excitedly: "Haha, that is, labor and capital have long been unable to bear it, and this time they have to kill to their fullest! 35

Since the destruction of the sects of Baigumen, Wang Ben has no chance to take action, and the surrounding area of ​​Tiantian City has been ruled by them. Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity for expansion, Wang Ben has long secretly thought of killing him. All over.

Li Xin smiled and shook his head, but he didn't feel anything wrong.

Because they went out this time with the purpose of slaughtering, all the aliens and those who refuse to obey will be killed, so Li Xin doesn't think there is anything wrong with Wang Ben's bloodthirsty hobby.

At this time, Wang Ben asked: "Lao Li, how long will it take to leave this green ant plain? What is the name of the first force in front? When will it arrive?"

Obviously, Wang Ben can't wait!

Li Xin did not speak, but turned to look at a lieutenant behind him.

The lieutenant understood what he knew, stepped forward immediately, and replied respectfully:

"Return to General, you can leave the Green Ant Plain in another quarter of an hour. The closest sect to the Green Ant Plain is called the Feather Gate!"

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