At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

640 The horror is so, the spread of despair! 【Subscription】

"The Feather Gate?"

"The name is good, but I don't know how strong it is?"

Wang Ben stroked his beard and muttered a few words.

The lieutenant continued to answer: "General, the Ascension Sect is a sect of the Tianyu clan, but it is only an uneducated sect, not as good as the Purple Phoenix Sect! 35

Obviously, Tiantiancheng is not without any understanding of the opponent that is about to encounter.

You know, sometimes a little bit of key information can determine the direction of a war.

Ying Zheng and others also knew the importance of intelligence. After all, they were in the Tianyu Realm, which was someone else's territory, so it would be much safer to start with a clear understanding.

Of course, in terms of the current strength of the Four Immortal Dynasties, this is just an added layer of insurance!

Before the start of the expansion operation, Tiantiancheng had already sent people to investigate the situation further afield. Although the detailed situation could not be obtained quickly, many simple news~ was still clear.

And Wang Ben heard that the Ascension Sect was not as good as the Purple Phoenix Sect, and his interest was greatly reduced.

You must know that they are leading an army of tens of millions. Although most of the soldiers have only a cultivation level below Jindan, don’t forget the millions of troops and 100,000 immortal soldiers they had before, even if the four immortal dynasties acted separately. , It is estimated that it is also a matter of waving if you want to step on the sect of Ascension Gate.

Li Xin ignored what Wang Ben thought, he waved his hand and ordered the army to speed up.

Soon, they left the green ant plain, and then they saw the feather gate built on a low mountain.

"That's it??"

Seeing the small-scale station of the Ascension Gate, and then using his divine sense to scan it, he sensed that there were only a few thousand people above and below the Ascension Gate, and Wang Ben immediately asked a question with disdain.

However, Li Xin ignored him and did not order the troops to stop. Instead, he waved his right hand and gave the order to attack.

In this campaign, Ying Political Commission appointed Li Xin as the main general and Wang Ben as the deputy general, so the battle was basically led by Li Xin.

Because Li Xin is much calmer than Wang Ben, can't get up, can't be irritable, and is more suitable for the position of the main general than Wang Ben.

Wang Ben naturally had no objection to this, he didn't want to command the battle at all, instead he wanted to be a thug to satisfy his desire to kill.

"Listen to all orders, attack!!"

With a big wave of Li Xin's hand, the battle order instantly spread throughout the entire army.

All the soldiers, except for the soldiers of the Immortal level who did not take action, the rest of the soldiers have made preparations.

Some carried a giant crossbow, some held a large stack of talismans, some chanted spells to prepare spells, some directly sacrificed flying knives and flying swords, and some sacrificed various magic weapons. It is the feather gate below.

For a time, as thousands of soldiers made various preparations, the sky changed, the pressure within a hundred miles around the Ascension Gate plummeted, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was completely stirred, as if a peerless beast was about to descend.

Inside the Feather Gate.

Thousands of Ascension Sect disciples had already noticed something was wrong when the Daqin Xianchao army appeared dozens of kilometers away. everyone.

"My God, what are those things?"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, sound the alarm!!"

"It's an enemy, there are countless enemies, hurry up and inform the sect master and the ancestors, hurry up!! 99

"Everyone is ready for battle, the guardian formation will rise immediately, hurry!!

In the Ascension Sect, thousands of disciples were so frightened that they screamed again and again!

Whoosh whoosh!!

The head of the Ascension Sect, the elders, and their ancestors who noticed the movement also appeared one after another, and then looked solemnly at the approaching Daqin Xianchao army.

At this moment, everyone felt the huge pressure that was blowing towards their faces, and the Tianyu people with weaker cultivation were even more pressed to their knees on the ground.

The ancient ancestor of the Ascension Sect with white hair and beard suddenly roared with a ferocious expression:

"Everyone obeys the order, abandons the sect station, and runs away with all their strength, hurry up!!

This roar instantly spread throughout the entire Ascension Gate!

No one would have imagined that in the past, their ancestors, who were extremely respectful and depended on as their backers, would actually say such a thing.

However, the ancestor of the Ascension Sect was anxious like fire, because he had already felt that the army that was constantly approaching was definitely the enemy, because not only were they all human, but the undisguised malice had already made him stand upside down.

Therefore, in the face of such an incomparable enemy, even if he was unwilling in his heart, the ancestor of the Ascension Sect still issued an order to escape.

··For flowers......

Because he knew that such an enemy was not something they could contend against, and even if they blocked one or two, it would be impossible.

Hearing the order of the ancestors, some disciples who were terrified in their hearts didn't care so much, and fluttered their wings away in an instant, fleeing wildly in the opposite direction.

However, most of the disciples of the Ascension Sect did not have time to react. At this time, the Great Qin Xianchao army was already approaching, and all the soldiers were ready to attack.


In the sky, a loud roar suddenly came from the Daqin Xianchao army.

"Boom boom boom!!


Following Li Xin's order, the tens of millions of soldiers who had been prepared for a long time immediately launched an offensive.

Countless crossbow arrows with talismans, countless spells, and all kinds of magic weapons flying swords, etc., all poured down wildly towards the Ascension Gate station, just like the sky, making anyone in it feel They couldn't raise their hearts of resistance, because they were all completely intimidated, and they were also unable to move due to the pressure of terror.

This time, the people of Ascension Sect would not have any chance if they wanted to run away.


The ancestor of the Ascension Sect looked at the offensive that was so terrifying that he couldn't raise the heart of resistance at all, and instantly roared, and then used all his strength to blast away at the enemy's offensive.

The flying figure was full of sadness, but it was like a moth to a flame, meaningless.

In addition to the ancestors of the Ascension Sect, even the Sect Master of Ascension Sect was crushed and unable to move, and could only watch the endless offensive fall on them with despair and fear on their faces.


The flying ancestor of the Ascension Sect turned into fly ash in an instant, not even leaving a half of the slag.

After the three breaths, the endless terrorist offensive fell into the Ascension Gate Station.


Its terrifying momentum is simply indescribable, it is 10,000 times more violent than modern artillery fire, and in just a moment, thousands of disciples of Ascension Sect were completely melted without even screaming. The sect of the Tianyu clan has also completely vanished, and even the mountain where the mountain gate is located has been cut to the ground, and there is even a ten-mile-sized deep pit left on the ground!

Tens of thousands of troops just tried a small knife, but they were so terrifying that they wiped out a sect in an instant! Beg.

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