At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

650 good cycle, great deeds! 【Subscription】

"You back away, I'll wake them up!"

Ji Han gave an order, then closed his eyes and began to sense the sleepers underground.

Ying Zheng and the others suppressed the excitement in their hearts and stepped back some distance.

After a while, Ji Han opened his eyes, he had already sensed that the 100,000 sleepers had not suffered any accident, they were still lying in the sarcophagus very well, and the breath of each sleeper still existed.

And this time the sleeping base was not buried too deep, only more than 100 meters underground.

After Ji Han confirmed the position, he moved his right hand to the ground and tapped a little bit toward the ground.

click... click click...

A huge crack more than ten meters wide instantly appeared on the ground, and the crack spread quickly, as if to split the grassland.

And that huge crack is not only extending, but also continues to expand deep into the ground. In just over ten seconds, the huge crack stayed at the top of the sleeping base, completely exposing the underground sleeping base.

After the sleeping base appeared, the huge crack stopped spreading.

Such delicate and subtle control is not worth mentioning at all to the current Ji Han, and even Ying Zheng and others did not show any surprise-looks.

"Come on, let's go down!!

Ji Han waved his hand and took the lead to fly down to the sleeping base on the ground.

The four Ying Zheng naturally followed immediately!

This time, Ji Han didn't make a big noise like he woke up the sleeper last time, and didn't destroy the sleeping base, but chose to enter through the closed gate.

Because the location of the Sleeping Base this time is not in the Feizhou Continent, but within the territory of the Great Qin Xianchao, so Ji Han does not need to destroy the Sleeping Base, nor does he want to cause too much movement.

In addition, this is the Mobei area, which is basically a large area of ​​grassland. The sleeping base is left underground, and the probability of being dug up is very small, so Ji Han did not choose to destroy the sleeping base.

Arriving outside the closed gate, Ying Zheng volunteered. He was also familiar with the magic formation of the sleeping base, so he decisively pinched the magic formula, stopped the defensive formation at the gate, and then opened the base gate with a bang.

The sleepy base that has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years has finally reappeared in the world, and the familiar scenes in the base are also presented again.

After the door was opened, the thick dust seemed to be awakened, flying around in the air like an elves.

With a wave of Ying Zheng's sleeves, a gust of wind blew past, and all the dust was blown away in an instant, making this sleeping base immediately clean.

Then Ji Han stepped into the sleeping base first, followed by Ying Zheng and others.

Entering the rival, looking into the eyes, the neatly arranged sarcophagus is still the same appearance, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and there is no change.

"Get up!!"9

Ji Han stretched out his hand and lifted it up slightly!

bang bang bang!!!

A pair of coffin lids were flipped up neatly and scattered next to the sarcophagus.

Then Ji Han suddenly shouted: "Wake up!!"

Ji Han's voice was like a lotus flower on the tongue, and there was also a shock of divine consciousness in the voice, not resounding in the ears of the sleepers, but directly shaking their sea of ​​consciousness.

After all, these sleepers have been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, and it is impossible for them to be awakened by a little movement. Only by shaking their consciousness can they be completely awakened from their deep sleep.


One after another invisible fluctuations began to wake up continuously, and then swept across the base.

These are the just awakened consciousness of the sleepers, and they are also their subconscious reactions.

After a while, the sleepers opened their eyes one after another.

And just when they opened their eyes and began to release their breath, the sky outside was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning began to flicker intensively.

Obviously, the sleepers who have reached the celestial level have a very terrifying breath, and even this world can't contain them, and they will be punished immediately after sensing the breath.

However, Ji Han didn't move at all, just snorted coldly. The divine punishment that was about to fall instantly dissipated, as did the dark clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky, as if what just appeared was just an illusion.

However, Ying Zheng and the others knew very well that this was not an illusion at all, but because Ji Han was the Heavenly Dao of this world, and the Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Punishment in the control area was naturally not a problem.

bang bang bang!!

After the punishment dissipated, the sleepers flew out of the sarcophagus in an instant, and then lined up neatly in front of Ji Han and the others.

· · Flowers · ·

"See the Immortal Master, see Your Majesty!! 35

Ten thousand sleepers came down to worship in unison!!

"You're welcome, get up!

Ji Han waved his hand and lifted all 10,000 sleeping people up.

"Haha, as expected, they have reached the realm of heaven, not bad!"

"It's really good, but it lives up to our high expectations! 35

"Haha, sir, it will definitely not disappoint us!!

At this time, the four Ying Zheng behind Ji Han couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Because just like the last time, all of these sleepers have reached the realm of heaven, so it can be said that the sleep plan this time has been a perfect success!

As a result, their four great immortal dynasties will add another hundred thousand heavenly immortal top combat power, whether it is to fight the Tianyu Realm or deal with the disasters that may occur in the future, it will play a huge role.

That's why Ying Zheng and the others were so happy, and this was just an appetizer. They didn't forget that the Spirit Medicine Garden and the Treasure Pavilion had not been opened yet, so they didn't know how much surprise it would bring them!

After Ying Zheng and the others encouraged the sleepers in front of them, Ji Han ordered: "Let's go, go to the next base!!"

This is only the first sleeping base, and there are as many as nine more, all of which need Ji Han and the others to open.

As for the base that has already been opened, Ji Han ordered it to be closed again, and the rest will be ignored!

Soon, Ji Han and Ying Zheng and the others quickly opened all the remaining nine sleeping bases within half an hour, awakened all the 90,000 sleepers, and made them reappear in the world.

When Ying Zheng and the others saw the 100,000 Heavenly Immortal soldiers standing in front of them, although it was far less shocking than the first time they came, they were still extremely satisfied.

Because this not only means the rise and power of their four immortal dynasties, but also proves that their sleeping base can be implemented continuously, as long as they have enough cultivation resources.

The newly added 100,000 Heavenly Immortal level combat power can increase their strength in the Tianyu Realm, thereby further speeding up the pace of ruling the Tianyu Realm, and then plundering more resources for their four immortal dynasties.

In this way, a good cycle can be formed, which is naturally a great good thing for the Four Great Immortal Dynasties! Beg.

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