At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

651 The key is, stunned! 【Subscription】

"Let's go, it's time to see our greatest gain!

Ji Han beckoned with a smile on his face, and took the lead in walking towards the location of the first elixir garden.

Ying Zheng and the others naturally knew what Ji Han was talking about, and immediately followed up with expectations.

This time, not only the Sleeping Base, but also the Spirit Medicine Garden has not been damaged in any way, and it is extremely well preserved.

For the more important elixir garden, Ji Han is naturally even more unlikely to use brute force to open it, so after exposing the elixir garden, he gently opened the door.

At the moment when the door of the Spirit Medicine Garden opened, an aura that was so strong that it almost turned into a liquid rushed out towards Ji Han and the others, and the aura contained an unimaginable medicinal fragrance and energy, Ying Zheng, etc. People can't help showing intoxicated color just by smelling it.

"Huh... The concentration of this spiritual energy is "six two three", such a terrifying medicinal power, just smelling it has actually increased my cultivation a lot, this... 99

"Haha, comfortable, so comfortable!!"

"As expected of a spiritual medicine garden that has grown for hundreds of millions of years, just a little spiritual energy overflowing from it has such a great effect. If it is the body of the spiritual medicine, then it is still great?"

"Haha, sir, I can't wait, go in and have a look!!"

Smelling the aura overflowing with huge medicinal power in the Spirit Medicine Garden, Ying Zheng and the others burst out laughing excitedly while showing intoxicated expressions.

Moreover, Ying Zheng and others were also shocked in their hearts. They did not expect that the spiritual medicine garden that has grown for hundreds of millions of years would become so terrifying. Just the concentration and quality of this spiritual energy, if someone cultivated here, then the cultivation base The rate of growth is absolutely like a rocket.

It's just that Ying Zheng and the others wouldn't do this kind of thing. After all, spiritual medicine needs a lot of spiritual energy to nourish, how could they absorb the spiritual energy from this place in turn.

Not only them, but even Ji Han was a little surprised that the effect was so good.

Seeing Ying Zheng and the others urging them impatiently, Ji Han smiled slightly, opened the door, and walked straight in.

This place is different from the sleeping base, and there are more and more complete arrays, because even after hundreds of millions of years, there is no such thing as dust, so Ji Han and the others can go in directly.

Moreover, Ji Han waved his hand, and an invisible mask covered the door, sealing all the spiritual energy that wanted to spill out.

After all, these spiritual energies contain huge medicinal power. Although they are only the breaths of those hundreds of millions of years of spiritual medicine, they should not be wasted, and they must not be allowed to spill out.

As soon as they entered this spiritual medicine garden, Ji Han and the others felt that they had come to the ocean of spiritual energy. Compared with the spiritual energy inside, the aura that overflowed just now was not worth mentioning at all.

Here, the spiritual energy in the Spirit Medicine Garden has all been atomized, and it is almost condensed into water droplets, which is extremely rich.

Obviously, this is clearly a combination of hundreds of millions of years of gathering spirits, plus the aura that has been continuously escaping from countless elixir, and it has become the current scene.

Looking into the neat medicine fields, all kinds of spiritual medicines have already changed greatly, and they are stretching their bodies to the fullest, showing them in the eyes of Ji Han and others.

"Oh my God, this... are these the elixir we planted?"

"Hey...that one the size of a washbasin is Huang Jing? I don't think I read it right?"

"Uh...what is Huang Jin, do you think that the one that looks like a sea bowl is Zhuguo? But why is the color a little wrong, and it has become black, purple, black and purple? 35

"Look, look, and the golden spirit grass, I remember that Tianyujie records say that only seven flowers can grow at most? This is twelve?

Ying Zheng and the others were stunned and stunned when they looked at the elixir that was familiar, but now has some specious spirit, and couldn't believe it at all.

But the truth is in front of them!

In their sight, Huang Jing, which could only grow to the size of a fist, was as big as a washbasin. The red fruit, which was originally the size of a pear, was not only like a sea bowl, but the vermilion also turned black and purple. The Golden Spirit Grass, which can grow seven flowers, directly grows twelve flowers.

There are also various strange-shaped spirit flowers and spirit grasses, all of which are vastly different from their original appearance. Either the size has become much larger, or the shape has undergone great changes.

In short, these huge amounts of elixir have undergone great changes while retaining a little of their original appearance.

Obviously, after hundreds of millions of years of growth, as well as the irrigation and nourishment of the extremely rich spiritual energy, these ordinary elixir have directly become the super elixir that countless immortal cultivators have longed for.

Not to mention the prehistoric world, in the ordinary world, the elixir that can last more than ten thousand years is considered a rare treasure, and it is usually robbed by countless large sects.

Even in the prehistoric times, the rarest elixir is only millions of years old. It's unimaginable that Ji Han and others are all in front of them, all of which are hundreds of millions of years old.

After growing for such a long time, even the most common elixir will directly become a rare treasure, which not only contains unimaginable terrifying spiritual energy, but also the effect of the medicine will become extremely terrifying.

In a word, these elixir have now become good things that even the powerhouses of the Golden Immortal level will be envious of.

At this time Ji Han said with a little surprise: "You are all right, these are indeed the Huang Jing and Zhu Guo you know, but after billions of years of growth and the nourishment and irrigation of countless spiritual qi, they have all happened to the extreme. The big change, to be precise, is to break through the original growth limit and reach another unimaginable level!

Ji Han's vision is naturally much higher than that of Ying Zheng and others, and he can see the key at a glance.

Even if Ji Han's current cultivation level is 4.3, he is a little jealous of these elixir, not to mention other people!

After listening to Ji Han's explanation, Ying Zheng and the others' eyes lit up even more.

However, Ji Han did not stop, but pointed to the depths and said, "Hehe, what you see is not all, let's go in and have a look. 99

Clearly, Ji Han has discovered something even more remarkable.

Ying Zheng and the others were naturally very interested, and hurriedly followed them to the depths of the Spirit Medicine Garden.

Soon, under the leadership of Ji Han, they came to the depths of the elixir garden.

Then, looking at Ji Han's guidance, they saw a shocking scene that made them stunned.

Because in front of Ying Zheng and others, tens of thousands of spirit medicines were almost magically transformed into spirits, and all of them were able to transform into spirit bodies.

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