At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

652 Endless treasure, the right decision! 【Subscription】

White rabbits, white foxes, squirrels, birds, butterflies, pangolins, goats...

All kinds of animals play freely in the medicine garden, and there are so many animals that Ying Zheng and the others are like entering a zoo.

And the forms of these animals are the spirit bodies that have been transformed into spirits and demonized spirit medicines. That is to say, each animal here represents a kind of spirit medicine, and it has its own spirit. The elixir, if they are allowed to grow again, or an expert enlightens them, these elixir can be transformed into a human body for cultivation immediately.

Soar to the sky from now on!

Although Ying Zheng and the others still didn't know what these demonized elixir represented, they were still stunned and stunned when they saw a scene they could never imagine in front of them.

"Hey... these are all transformed by elixir?"

"My God, am I right? 35

"Sir, are these all elixir that can be turned into a spiritual body?

"Haha, I made a profit, I made a lot of money this time, haha..."

The four Ying Zheng couldn't help screaming in surprise!!

However, the huge movement they made resounded in the spirit medicine garden like 11 thunderbolts. Those animal-like spirits were suddenly shocked, and they all scattered like birds and beasts, and instantly disappeared from the eyes of Ying Zheng and others. , All recovered their original appearance, trembling and daring not to move.

Seeing this scene, Ying Zheng and the others were not surprised but delighted, because it proves that those elixir have indeed evolved a lot of intelligence, but because no one has come in here for hundreds of millions of years, so they will be affected. frightened.

"Haha, sir, this is really a great surprise, with these elixir, even if we don't refine the elixir, it will be enough to exchange for unimaginable resources!!

Overjoyed, Ying Zheng laughed and said to Ji Han.

The same goes for Cao Cao, Li Shimin, and others, all of whom appear extremely excited.

Because the harvest in front of them is really beyond their expectations!

Although Ying Zheng and the others had great confidence in Ji Han's plan for heaven and earth elixir, they never thought that after billions of years of growth, they would get such a huge harvest.

Not to mention other things, even if you just take out a spirit medicine that can transform into a spiritual body, it is enough to cause a huge sensation in any of the three thousand worlds, and it may not be necessary to be robbed. .

However, in this spirit medicine garden, it is everywhere!

Ji Han smiled slightly and said, "It's really a great surprise, even I didn't expect that after billions of years of growth, these elixir can reach such a level."

"It seems that after having these elixir, your Four Great Immortal Dynasties will usher in a period of soaring strength!"

Ji Han's words are equivalent to affirming the success of their plan and making a good conclusion about the future development of the four immortal dynasties.

"Haha, what Mr. said is very true!"

"With Mr. here, we didn't worry about anything at all!"

"Hehe, that's right, if it weren't for Mr., how could our four great immortal dynasties have these rare elixir that may not have appeared in rumors!! 35

"Thank you sir!!!"

The four Ying Zheng were overjoyed and immediately thanked Ji Han.

It is indeed as they said, if there is no Ji Han, they would never have heard of these rare elixir in front of them, and it is estimated that they would never have heard of them.

Ji Han smiled and waved his hand, ignoring Ying Zheng's flattery and looking at the elixir who were still shivering.

With a slight movement of his consciousness, an invisible wave rippling through the elixir garden, like an invisible warm hand, stroking the elixir itself, making all the shivering elixir slowly calm down. down, no longer afraid.

In fact, it's just that Ji Han used his spiritual sense to soothe those elixir.

In fact, Ji Han didn't think that there would be demon-infused elixir before he opened the elixir garden, and this is only the first elixir garden. It seems that there will definitely be other elixir gardens in other elixir gardens. Many birthed elixir of wisdom.

Ji Han's original plan has changed for these elixir that have already given birth to spiritual wisdom and can be exchanged for spiritual bodies.

Thinking of this, Ji Han did not forget to remind Ying Zheng and the others: "Remember, these elixirs have already given birth to spiritual wisdom. You don't need to damage the root when using them, you only need to take a small amount of their body. Come, these elixir can recover quickly, and we can refine the required elixir, killing two birds with one stone, understand?"

Originally, Ji Han planned to use whatever elixir he needed, and uprooted the kind, but after seeing that the elixir had given birth to spiritual wisdom, he changed his mind and planned to take only those elixir each time he used it. A small part of the medicine itself is enough, or let them put a little blood, which will not have any effect on those elixir, and they will recover quickly, and Ji Han and the others can get what they need.

After all, for the elixir that has grown for hundreds of millions of years, the effect of the whole medicine is exactly the same as that of the part, and even a small part of the body contains an unimaginably huge medicinal power, so these elixir can be used indefinitely. , the effect is incalculable!

After listening to Ji Han's simple explanation, the four Ying Zheng hurriedly responded, and then immediately looked at the elixir in front of them, as if they had seen countless rare treasures!!

If it is as Ji Han said, maybe he doesn't need to carry out the next heaven and earth elixir plan at all, so these elixir are like creatures raised in captivity, completely inexhaustible. Inexhaustible!

Thinking of this crazy result, Ying Zheng and the others couldn't help but want to laugh up to the sky.

For Ying Zheng and the others, Ji Han knew very well and gave them some time to digest.

After a quarter of an hour, Ji Han ordered, "Let's go, let's go to the next medicine garden!"

With the still excited Ying Zheng and others, Ji Han quickly came to another elixir garden.

This is an elixir garden where countless rare elixir are planted. Just as Ji Han expected, in this elixir garden, there are more rare elixir that can be transformed into spiritual bodies. Like an endless treasure.

Ying Zheng and others began to become cautious, for fear of scaring those little things that they cherish and love in their eyes.

After that, Ji Han and the others didn't stop, they visited every elixir garden!

After inspecting all the elixir gardens, Ji Han and the others found that there were a lot of elixir that gave birth to spiritual wisdom in each elixir garden, just as Ji Han had expected at the beginning.

It was only at this moment that Ying Zheng and the others truly understood how correct the decision Ji Han had just warned them about!

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