At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

658 Fuck, how far is this jumping out? 【Subscription】

The performance of the Kyushu people in such a grand manner immediately made some Japanese people outside watching the game feel uncomfortable.

Because the last Olympic Games was held by the Japanese country, but in that Olympic Games, the Japanese country showed many eye-opening operations, such as black whistle, such as against Kyushu players, such as serious inconsistencies in the referee's penalty. Fair and so on, they are all helping the Japanese players as much as possible, even to the point of blatant

It made all the countries in the world complain.

In contrast, the Kyushu Olympic Games this time perfectly showed the Japanese country what it means to be a big country!

Therefore, even if the thick-skinned Japanese people saw this scene, their faces turned slightly red.

Naturally, I will not say more about these things. After the players from other countries have finished playing, the host's voice suddenly becomes high and enthusiastic:

"Okay, audience friends, the last one to appear is our Kyushu player Lin Zhiwen. This is a young teenager, only 18 years old, and it is the first time to compete in the Olympic Games. Let us welcome him with warm applause!!

When a young boy with a shy smile appeared in the camera, there was a tsunami of violent applause and even bursts of excited shouts in the stadium.

Obviously, for their own players, the people of Kyushu naturally have to show a more warm welcome.

Even many viewers outside the computer and TV couldn't help but clapped and stared intently at the screen.

When all the players entered the venue, they were doing warm-up exercises and waiting for the game to come.

Soon, the official game time will come.

The host's voice sounded again:

"Okay, friends from the audience, now the game officially starts, the first player to play is the German player Cambull, let's see his performance! 99

As the camera turned, the German player Cambull appeared in the camera.

At this time, Campbell had already warmed up, his face was awe-inspiring, and his feet were constantly trotting on the ground, obviously looking for feeling.

The so-called men's triple jump is to start from the jumping line and perform three consecutive jumps. The last third jump is to use the assistance brought by the first two jumps to jump out with full force, and the final result is the long jump distance. allow.


The prep whistle sounded!

Camber immediately bowed slightly and took a starting position.


The command gun goes off!

With a dignified expression, Kambull immediately strode forward, and when he reached the jumping line, he immediately took two steps forward with big strides. These two steps were jumps with legs wide open. He turned into a standing long jump posture, and jumped out towards the soft sand.


Campbell's feet left a huge mark on the sand, and then his body was affected by the force of inertia, and he staggered forward for two steps before stopping.

When Campbell stopped, a referee immediately went to check his score.


The referee will report the score immediately!

Men's triple jump does not need the referee to score, because the results are clear at a glance, only the referee needs to confirm the score!


There was a round of applause from all around!

Obviously, even the audience knows that this result is not considered top notch!

However, each player has two chances to choose the best one, so Campbell can jump again.

However, Cambull's second time was only 17 meters!

After Campbell, players from other countries also appeared, but among so many players, there were no amazing players, and the best score was only 17.86 meters.

Kyushu player Lin Zhiwen was the last to appear, but when he stood outside the starting line, the audience burst into thunderous applause, and there were countless expectations.

Not only the Kyushu audience, but also the audience from other countries immediately raised their spirits and stared at Lin Zhiwen, wanting to see what kind of performance he would bring.

"Okay, audience friends, what everyone sees now is Lin Zhiwen, a player from Kyushu. Although he is competing in the Olympic Games for the first time, he is also a young player, but his age does not mean his achievements. Let's see Lin Zhiwen's performance!!


As soon as the host's voice fell, the preparation whistle sounded.

Lin Zhiwen's body was slightly arched, his feet were bent, his left foot was forward, and his right foot was backward, in a sprinting posture.

"Boom!! 35

The command gun banged!

chi chi chi...  

Under everyone's attention, Lin Zhiwen seemed to have transformed into a flash of lightning. The moment the command gun sounded, he rushed out like a tiger out of the forest. Judging by the naked eye, Lin Zhiwen's speed was at least faster than Cambull and others. doubled.

Moreover, Lin Zhiwen's stride distance is very large. After three steps, his whole person is like flying on the ground, and he can take a big step forward with a single tap of his feet.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the outside of the jumping line, and saw Lin Zhiwen's right foot ruthlessly stepped on the jumping line one centimeter away, and then the whole person jumped forward as if gliding. With this jump, he jumped five or six meters away. , Then he landed on his left foot, exerted force, and jumped out again. This second jump was actually farther than the first jump, reaching more than seven meters.

In the last jump, Lin Zhiwen turned his right foot to the ground, and continued to exert force. With a sudden step of his right foot, his whole body flew into the air, and his feet even made a big stride forward in the air, as if He was able to step in the air, and he flew out more than ten meters while stepping on the air.


All the spectators in the venue couldn't help but roar, and then stood up in shock.

Their faces were so incredible, and their eyes were full of shock.

(The king is good)

In fact, from Lin Zhiwen's first jump, all the audience opened their mouths, but Lin Zhiwen's speed was so fast that they didn't have time to shock his first jump, the next two jumps had already been completed, and then the above scene appeared. .

After a full minute, the audience burst into applause like an earthquake and tsunami, mixed with countless shocked voices.

"My God, is this still human?

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I can only express my mood right now with the word fuck!

"Mom, come out and see Superman!!"

"Fuck, how far did he jump out? How do I feel like he flew a long distance in the air?"

"I'm kneeling, is this the style of our Kyushu athletes? Is this a comparison?"

Countless viewers were shocked by it, and the viewers watching the live broadcast outside were even more like seeing Superman, unable to return to their senses for a long time!

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