At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

659 Let them see what real speed is! 【Subscription】

"Is it true? I didn't have hallucinations, did I?"

"My God, is this the strength of the Kyushu people? Are you sure this is not a superhuman?"

"God, what did I see? Someone jumped more than ten meters?"

"Crazy, is the world crazy or am I crazy? God, it's so unimaginable, it's unbelievable!

"Baga, how could the people of Kyushu have such strength? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!!

People from all over the world who watched the live broadcast from the outside world immediately commanded exclamations, or cursed, feeling that it was hard to believe what they saw.

The foreign audience was really shocked. Although they had expected it in advance, no one could have imagined that the result would be so unexpected, and even directly broke the three views of all foreigners.

Unlike foreign audiences, Kyushu audiences were a little surprised at first, but then their faces immediately showed a proud look of "it's right", full of pride and relief.

"Haha, that's it, that's it!"

"Well done, as expected of our Kyushu athletes!"

"Yes, crush them, crush all foreign players! 35

"Hey, I guess those foreigners seem to have seen Superman right now?"

623 "Haha, I feel refreshed just thinking about the shocked faces of those foreigners!! 35

Not only the live audience in the venue, but also the Kyushu people who watched the live broadcast praised with pride and pride.

In fact, for the performance of the Kyushu players, they had long expected and psychologically prepared.

Because Kyushu has already realized the cultivation of the whole people, regardless of talent or status, every citizen of Kyushu has been taught basic qi training, so the people of Kyushu know very well that after cultivating qi training, it brings them What a change.

And the players who can be selected for the national team and represent the country in the Olympic Games are definitely stronger and better beings.

Therefore, although Lin Zhiwen's performance looks like a superman in the eyes of foreigners, but in the eyes of the Kyushu people, it should be like this, worthy of praise, but not shocking!

However, it was precisely because Lin Zhiwen gave everyone a huge shock that the referees at the scene were stunned for a long time before they came to their senses under the urging of the audience, and then hurried to verify Lin Zhiwen's results.


The referee sucked in the air, wrote Lin Zhiwen's score on the scoreboard, and held it high.

The camera in the stadium was already staring at the figure of the referee. When the score card was displayed, it immediately gave it a super close-up, so that the audience watching the live broadcast around the world could immediately see the score.

When the unprecedented achievement of 31.62 meters was revealed, countless people were shocked again!

"Hmm...that's almost twice the world record, right?

"Oumai Karma, is this the distance that a person can jump? 35

"31 meters? How could someone jump 31 meters in a row?"

"Oh my God, when did the people of Kyushu become so scary?"

"This... won't all Kyushu players have such strength? 35

Countless foreign audiences didn't know how to express their feelings after seeing this result. They were simply shocked and puzzled, and puzzled but a little unbelievable!

However, the reality is in front of everyone like this, and the score card is the best testimony. Anyone who dares to question the score card, after seeing this score card and thinking of Lin Zhiwen's inhuman performance, can only tightly Shut your mouth.

No one can question, no way to question!

At this moment, there was a huge earthquake and tsunami-like applause and cheers in the venue again!

The Kyushu viewers who watched the live broadcast outside the TV also showed happy and proud smiles and applauded softly.

After the men's triple jump, it was kayaking and diving in still water. Without exception, all Kyushu athletes won the championship with a crushing victory.

And after the diving event, there is a sprint competition, a 100-meter sprint!

In track and field, sprinting has always been a popular event, especially the 100-meter sprint!

However, in this event, there is an embarrassing thing for the people of Kyushu, that is, since the sprint event appeared in the Olympic Games, not only the Kyushu people, but also the Asians have never won a good ranking in the sprint event. The champions and runners-up of a session are all in the bag of black people.

Because black people have natural advantages, long hands and feet, and different living environments, they run much faster than Kyushu people.

It is precisely because of this that the 100 sprint project this time has also become the focus of attention.

All countries have sent the best runners, including the top three in the previous session, especially Bogate, known as the "flying man", who is recognized as the world's first sprinter and world record holder. Inside!

However, in the 100-meter sprint this time, Kyushu only sent one runner, a 19-year-old named Yang Wei!

As the sprinters entered the field one by one and appeared in the sight of the audience, bursts of applause broke out on the spot and outside the field, and the audience responded with great enthusiasm.

"Okay, friends from the audience, all the 100-meter sprint runners have entered the field and are warming up, and they will bring us a wonderful competition later!

The voice of the on-site commentary is still so passionate and enthusiastic, and at the same time, he is introducing all the players to the audience one by one.

Among them, when the commentary introduced the Kyushu player Yang Wei and the "flying man" Bojiat, the applause and cheers were the loudest.

The foreign audiences who watched the live broadcast on the sidelines placed great hopes on Bo Jiate at this time, and hoped that he would continue to be a top performer!

"Come on Bogate, if I can win the championship this time, I'll be your most loyal fan!"

"Come on, Bojiat, we must not let the people of Kyushu continue to be arrogant!"

"Yes, Bogart, kill them, kill everyone! 33

"Bogat, let the people of Kyushu know what true speed is!! 35

Countless foreign audiences swiped up the barrage, all of them cheering for Bojiat.

Because the 100-meter sprint has always been the field that black people are best at, especially with Bo Jiat present, those foreign audiences who have been shocked by Kyushu players have long been unable to bear it, so I hope that someone can come out to break the monopoly of Kyushu people.

In this way, it can at least prove that the people of Kyushu do not have the strength to crush the audience, and their Western countries can still outperform the people of Kyushu, even if it is only one project!

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