At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

660 beats the heroes and easily leads! 【Subscription】

With great anticipation, all the spectators are eagerly awaiting the start of the game!

Because the number of participants in the 100-meter sprint is relatively large, they are divided into four groups for the knockout round. Only the top two players in each group are eligible to participate in the final.

According to the competition system, there are eight contestants in each group, and in the end, eight contestants will be selected to compete for gold, silver and bronze medals.

"Okay, viewers, all the players have warmed up, and now we are going to start the first group of knockout rounds. The players in this group are Green from the United States and Ida Ichiro from Toyo..."

As the game is about to start, the voice of the on-site commentary also sounded again, introducing the first group of contestants to the audience in turn.

Eight contestants took their places one after another, and then made final preparations at the starting position.

The so-called final preparation is nothing more than adapting to the position and distance of the running aid, and adjusting the most suitable posture as much as possible.

Two minutes later, all the players were ready.

"Okay, audience friends, now the game is about to start~ It's about to start! 99

"Beep!! 35

The ready whistle sounded.

The eight contestants in the first group instantly squatted up and made a posture of about to run out. They put their feet on the runners, their hands and five fingers spread out on the ground, and they looked like they were ready to go.


The command gun rang out!

bang bang bang!!

Eight figures, like tigers coming out of the hurdles, scurried out madly in front of them with a swoosh. Everyone used their milk-feeding energy to gallop frantically, with their feet straddling a huge span, they quickly approached the finish line!!

"The game is on!!"

"Everyone rushed out instantly!!

"Wow, the American player Green* Matt has taken the lead, followed by Jamaican player Su Yage, and the rest of the players are not far behind!!"

"Accelerating, all the runners are accelerating like crazy, 50 meters, 30 meters, and the last 20 meters! 99

"Who? Who is the first to emerge, who is about to cross the finish line?

"It's Su Yage, Su Yage won the first place in the first group!!

"Who's second? Oh, not Grimmatt, but Wales of the Eagle Empire!!"

"Let's congratulate Suyago and Wales for qualifying for the final!!99

The passionate voice of the on-site commentator continued to sound as the game progressed, just as exciting as the game.

Results will be announced soon!

The top-ranked Su Yage ran out of 10.03 seconds, and the second-placed Welsh was 10.35 seconds.

The remaining six players lost their qualifications to participate in the finals, all of which were over 10.50 seconds.

After the first group, the audience immediately gave a lot of applause.

Soon, the second group of knockout rounds began.

This group of players is very popular among the audience, because the world's No. 1 trapeze Bogart is among them.

At this time, Bojiat was jumping gently in front of the running aid, with a relaxed and comfortable look on his face, and seemed to enjoy the atmosphere and the feeling of the game.

As the holder of the world record, for Bogate, he can really be called a leader of the pack, so Bogate doesn't feel any pressure at all, even if he knows that the Kyushu players may bring him a different experience this time. Surprisingly, he didn't have any worries, but looked forward to it.

Because he is really hard to find an opponent in the sprint competition. When he broke the record last time and won the championship, he also made a move that impressed the whole world, that is, when he was about to cross the finish line, he looked back with a relaxed face. The opponent, the contempt is unmistakable.

Therefore, with Bogart present, the competition of this group of players naturally attracted much attention!

Soon, the eight players in the second group were already in place and ready.


The prep whistle sounded!

Bojiat and the other seven runners immediately squatted up and got ready for the start.


After two seconds, the command gun rang loudly.

bang bang bang!!

The eight contestants rushed out immediately, their feet madly running on the ground, and their arms swayed violently.

However, among these eight runners, Bogat was still so eye-catching. From the start, he quickly took the lead, and then he was still accelerating frantically.

"The game started, and all the players ran out!"

"Everyone is accelerating, and wow, Bogat really took the lead!"

"Unbelievable, Bogat is still accelerating, at this time he is already two positions ahead of the second place, everyone is desperately chasing, can they catch up?

··For flowers......

"Wow, Bogat started to sprint, everyone started to sprint, but Bogat was already ahead by at least three positions."

"Here, Bogat has crossed the finish line, he is indeed the world's No. 1 flying man, let's see Bogat's result, 9.66 seconds, he almost broke his own record, let's congratulate Bogat!

Compared with the first group of competitions, in the second group of competitions, the voice of the live commentary was more excited and excited.

Obviously, this should not be the full strength of Bojiat, because Bojiat didn't seem to use his full strength, but he almost broke the record he kept. It is conceivable how strong this flying man is.


Under Bogart's dazzling performance and performance, the other players in the second group did not receive any attention at all, even the second-placed player, and many people didn't even pay attention to his name.

Being alone, suppresses the light of everyone in the group!

Bogart, who won the first place, just raised his hands and waved a few times before returning to the rest area.

Because this is not the final, he has not won the championship, so he does not know how to celebrate.

At this time, many foreign spectators outside the stadium became excited after seeing Bogate's performance in the knockout round.

"Haha, see if you don't see it, Bogate is Bogate, and he crushed everyone as soon as he appeared!

"Oumai, as expected of the world's No. 1 flying man, I think it's impossible for the Kyushu people to win the championship this time!

"Oh my God, great job mate, that's it, leaving everyone behind!!

"That's right, it's really my favorite trapeze, but I want to see if the Kyushu people can suppress Bojiat this time!"

Countless foreign audiences began to praise Bogart with high expectations, and they seemed to have seen the exciting scene of Bogate taking the lead and surpassing the Kyushu players to win the championship.

They no longer want to see Kyushu people take all the glory for every project, nor do they want to see Kyushu people continue to dominate the arena and continue to be arrogant. They want to see Bogat break this situation, so they are looking forward to it and excited! begging.

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